Aktualne promocje

Opona Bridgestone 225/40R18 LM005DG 92V XL FR RunFlat

Opona Bridgestone 225/40R18 LM005DG 92V XL FR RunFlat [16707]

producent: Bridgestone

Na stanie:

Dostępny od ręki

Rok Produkcji (DOT):


Nie starsze niż 24 miesiące

2786.92 zł za komplet 4 szt.

Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 677.71 zł/szt.

Dzisiaj produkt oglądało 432 osób



Przez 30 dni produkt kupiło 1170 osób

Producent Bridgestone dostarcza opony na pierwszy montaż do takich marek jak:

DOSTAWA KURIEREM GRATIS! Zobacz szczegóły dostawy »
Producent Bridgestone
Typ pojazdu Osobowe
Sezon Zimowe
Szerokość 225
Profil 40
Średnica 18
Index nośności 92 = 630 kg
Index prędkości V = 240 km/h
Hamowanie na mokrym A
Opór toczenia D (Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: D, E)
Hałas zewnętrzny 72 dB
Kod EPREL 382019
RunFlat Tak
Ochrona rantu (FR) Tak
Opona wzmacniana (XL/RF) Tak
Rok Produkcji (DOT) 2023/2024 - Nie starsze niż 24 miesiące
Kod producenta (SAP)16707
Kod EAN:3286341670714
Gwarancja: 4 lata
Gwarant: Pełna gwarancja producenta
Stan: Fabrycznie nowa
Dystrybucja: Oficjalny dystrybutor w Polsce
producent: Bridgestone
Opona Bridgestone 225/40R18 LM005DG 92V XL FR RunFlat

Pewność w zimowych warunkach.

  • Wersja opony z technologią RunFlat
  • Model BRIDGESTONE LM005DG powstał dzięki analizie opinii 20 tysięcy kierowców, aby w pełni odpowiadać na ich oczekiwania w rzeczywistych warunkach drogowych, a nie tylko w testach laboratoryjnych.
  • Bieżnik BRIGESTONE LM005DG został zaprojektowany tak, aby sprostać różnorodnym zimowym warunkom. Zwiększona liczba rowków w obręczy barkowej poprawia przyczepność na śniegu i lodzie.
  • Dodatkowo, centralna część opony skutecznie odprowadza wodę i błoto pośniegowe, zapewniając bezpieczne prowadzenie w trudnych zimowych warunkach.

Maksymalna przyczepność i doskonała trakcja dzięki zaawansowanemu wzorowi bieżnika.
Opona BRIDGESTONE LM005DG została stworzona, aby zapewnić kierowcom pewność i bezpieczeństwo na zaśnieżonych oraz mokrych nawierzchniach. Dzięki wyraźnym, głębokim rowkom oraz zygzakowatemu wzorowi bieżnika woda, błoto pośniegowe i śnieg są skutecznie odprowadzane z powierzchni opony, co znacząco zmniejsza ryzyko poślizgu.

NanoPro-Tech™ dla maksymalnej przyczepności.
Mieszanka gumowa z dodatkiem krzemionki, zastosowana w BRIDGESTONE LM005DG wykorzystuje technologię NanoPro-Tech™ – umożliwiającą precyzyjną kontrolę struktury opony na poziomie nanocząsteczek. Dzięki temu model zachowuje elastyczność i przyczepność, bez względu na temperaturę, co przekłada się na niezawodność w każdych warunkach.

Podwójna technologia lameli dla pełnej kontroli na drodze.
Zastosowanie kombinacji lameli 2D i 3D zwiększa przyczepność i stabilność podczas jazdy w trudnych warunkach. Lamele 2D poprawiają trakcję na prostej nawierzchni, natomiast 3D zwiększają sztywność bieżnika podczas hamowania i pokonywania zakrętów. Dzięki temu, opona BRIDGESTONE LM005DG zapewnia pełną kontrolę i bezpieczeństwo niezależnie od tego, czy droga jest mokra, czy ośnieżona.

Standardy Unii Europejskiej Bridgestone 225/40R18 92V 382019

Lepsza przyczepność i właściwości trakcyjne dzięki wyraźnym rowkom we wzorze bieżnika

Opona została zaprojektowana z myślą o zaśnieżonej i mokrej nawierzchni, tak aby zachować najlepszy poziom przyczepności. Zygzakowaty wzór lepiej odprowadza wodę, błoto pośniegowe i śnieg z powierzchni opony. Wpływa na to odpowiednia kombinacja lameli 2D oraz 3D.

NanoPro-Tech™ w mieszance

NanoPro-Tech ™ czyli autorska technologia Bridgestone z cząsteczkami „wgryzającymi się” w podłoże oraz powłokę krzemionkową, która poprawia przyczepność na mokrej nawierzchni. Dzięki niej opona zyskała Klasę A - najwyższą z możliwych - na etykiecie UE pod względem parametrów na mokrej nawierzchni.

Skrócona droga hamowania dzięki odpowiednim lamelą

Zimą najważniejsze jest bezpieczeństwo. Na drodze oznacza to opony, które zagwarantują kontrolę, oraz sprawne hamowanie. Bridgestone osiąga to dzięki odpowiednim lamelom – czyli nacięciom bieżnika – które zwiększają kontakt z podłożem i wgryzają się w warstwy śniegu oraz lodu.

Testy opon (4)

Opona w testach Auto Świat 10-2020

Tygodnik motoryzacyjny AutoŚwiat to precyzja testów, w których badamy auta od podszewki - za pomocą specjalistycznej aparatury do pomiarów, w oparciu o dane z jazdy na torach, drogach i w terenie, przy użyciu ciągle weryfikowanej metodologii, testowe porównania opon, hamulców, świateł, widoczności z wnętrza, fotelików samochodowych, itd.

Opinia Wzorowa 2020 Auto Świat. Opona o wszechstronnych talentach, doskonałych właściwościach zimowych, bezpiecznym prowadzeniu na suchej i mokrej drodze, dobrym komforcie i niskich oporach toczenia.

Opona w testach Auto Świat 10-2020

Tygodnik motoryzacyjny AutoŚwiat to precyzja testów, w których badamy auta od podszewki - za pomocą specjalistycznej aparatury do pomiarów, w oparciu o dane z jazdy na torach, drogach i w terenie, przy użyciu ciągle weryfikowanej metodologii, testowe porównania opon, hamulców, świateł, widoczności z wnętrza, fotelików samochodowych, itd.

Ocena wzorowa w teście - Najlepsze zimówki do mocnych aut - Auto Świat, październik 2020

Opona w testach Auto Świat 10-2020

Tygodnik motoryzacyjny AutoŚwiat to precyzja testów, w których badamy auta od podszewki - za pomocą specjalistycznej aparatury do pomiarów, w oparciu o dane z jazdy na torach, drogach i w terenie, przy użyciu ciągle weryfikowanej metodologii, testowe porównania opon, hamulców, świateł, widoczności z wnętrza, fotelików samochodowych, itd.

Ocena wzorowa w teście – Dzięki nim zima przestaje być groźna – Auto Świat, październik 2020

Opona w testach AUTOmoto 12-2020

Auto Moto to magazyn adresowany przede wszystkim do entuzjastów motoryzacji wymagających pogłębionej wiedzy. Charakterystyczną cechą Auto Moto jest temat przewodni każdego wydania (np. rynek SUV, samochody używane, nowości 2011). Tematyka pisma obejmuje przede wszystkim nowości, testy i porównania.

Zwycięzca testu NA SUCHO z wynikiem 94/100

[sFileName3] => bridgestone_lm005dg_zdjecie003.png [sDescription4] => [sFileName4] => [iVisits] => 432 [iOrders] => 1170 [iQuantitySum] => 3787 [aProducer] => Array ( [iProducer] => 105 [sName] => Bridgestone [iPosition] => 1 [sLogoUrl] => opony_bridgestone.jpg [iSubId] => [sMargin] => [sType] => Klasa premium [sGuarantee] => 2 lata od daty sprzedaży [sGuaranteeFile] => gwarancja_dla_opon_z_gr_bridgestone.pdf [iProducersGroup] => [sDescription] =>

Bridgestone na pierwszy montaż dostarcza opony takim koncernom jak: Bmw, Toyota, Audi, Citroen, Honda, Lexus, Mazda, Opel, Porsche, Ferrari, Renault, Audi, Seat, Maserati, Mercedes, Skoda, Suzuki, Volkswagen, Volvo, Lamborghini. 


Bridgestone jest jedną z marek klasy premium. Jest to jeden z największy producentów wyrobów gumowych i opon na świecie. Firma została założona w 1931 roku przez Shojiro Ishibashiego w Japonii w mieście Kurume.


Opony Bridgestone są często zwycięzcą w testach porównawczych, przeprowadzanych przez automobilkluby, czyli organizacje związane z bezpieczeństwem ruchu drogowego. Opony zbierają także bardzo dobre opinie wśród użytkowników.


Firma Bridgestone posiada w swoim portfolio kilka marek ogumienia, co pozwala lepiej dostosować ofertę do różnych potrzeb użytkowników dróg oraz do zasobności ich budżetu. 


Producenci wchodzący w skład Grupy Bridgestone: Bridgestone, Dayton, Firestone, Saetta, Seiberling. 


Koncern Bridgestone co roku przeznacza wiele milionów dolarów na działalność własnych centrów badawczo-rozwojowych. Obecnie priorytetem inżynierów i techników firmy Bridgestone są zaawansowane badania nad recyklingiem ogumienia. Celem jest osiągnięcie maksymalnego poziomu przetwarzania opon, co pomoże w osiągnięciu tzw. gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym – czyli takiej, gdzie wszystkie surowce używane do produkcji są ponownie wykorzystywane po zużyciu opony.


Bridgestone opracowuje także prototypy opon z ekologicznych materiałów. Jest również jednym z pierwszych producentów, który zainwestował w cyfryzację działalności produkcyjnej (poprzez wykorzystanie pełnej automatyki i łączności pomiędzy maszynami), której celem jest stworzenie inteligentnych i przyjaznych środowisku fabryk przyszłości.



[sYoutubeLink1] => [sYoutubeLink2] => [iMarginType] => 1 [sFileSize] => 483328kB [sFileDate] => 2020-02-20 08:15 [aGuarantee] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [iElement] => 158 [iProducer] => 105 [iPage] => 0 [sGuarantee] => 4 lata ) ) [aProducersOem] => Array ( [0] => 312 [1] => 314 [2] => 349 [3] => 355 [4] => 359 [5] => 360 [6] => 365 [7] => 366 [8] => 367 [9] => 322 [10] => 335 [11] => 341 [12] => 344 [13] => 353 ) [aProducersOemDetails] => Array ( [312] => Array ( [iProducer] => 312 [sName] => AUDI [iPosition] => 0 [sLogoUrl] => c_audi.png [iSubId] => [sMargin] => [sType] => AUTO [sGuarantee] => [sGuaranteeFile] => [iProducersGroup] => [sDescription] => [sYoutubeLink1] => [sYoutubeLink2] => [iMarginType] => [sFileSize] => 483328kB [sFileDate] => 2024-12-16 09:52 [aGuarantee] => Array ( ) [aProducersOem] => Array ( ) [aProducersOemDetails] => Array ( ) ) [314] => Array ( [iProducer] => 314 [sName] => BMW [iPosition] => 0 [sLogoUrl] => c_bmw.png [iSubId] => [sMargin] => [sType] => AUTO [sGuarantee] => [sGuaranteeFile] => [iProducersGroup] => [sDescription] => [sYoutubeLink1] => [sYoutubeLink2] => [iMarginType] => [sFileSize] => 483328kB [sFileDate] => 2024-12-16 09:52 [aGuarantee] => Array ( ) [aProducersOem] => Array ( ) [aProducersOemDetails] => Array ( ) ) [349] => Array ( [iProducer] => 349 [sName] => OPEL [iPosition] => 0 [sLogoUrl] => c_opel.png [iSubId] => [sMargin] => [sType] => AUTO [sGuarantee] => [sGuaranteeFile] => [iProducersGroup] => [sDescription] => [sYoutubeLink1] => [sYoutubeLink2] => [iMarginType] => [sFileSize] => 483328kB [sFileDate] => 2024-12-16 09:52 [aGuarantee] => Array ( ) [aProducersOem] => Array ( ) [aProducersOemDetails] => Array ( ) ) [355] => Array ( [iProducer] => 355 [sName] => RENAULT [iPosition] => 0 [sLogoUrl] => c_renault.png [iSubId] => [sMargin] => [sType] => AUTO [sGuarantee] => [sGuaranteeFile] => [iProducersGroup] => [sDescription] => [sYoutubeLink1] => [sYoutubeLink2] => [iMarginType] => [sFileSize] => 483328kB [sFileDate] => 2024-12-16 09:52 [aGuarantee] => Array ( ) [aProducersOem] => Array ( ) [aProducersOemDetails] => Array ( ) ) [359] => Array ( [iProducer] => 359 [sName] => SEAT [iPosition] => 0 [sLogoUrl] => c_seat.png [iSubId] => [sMargin] => [sType] => AUTO [sGuarantee] => [sGuaranteeFile] => [iProducersGroup] => [sDescription] => [sYoutubeLink1] => [sYoutubeLink2] => [iMarginType] => [sFileSize] => 483328kB [sFileDate] => 2024-12-16 09:52 [aGuarantee] => Array ( ) [aProducersOem] => Array ( ) [aProducersOemDetails] => Array ( ) ) [360] => Array ( [iProducer] => 360 [sName] => SKODA [iPosition] => 0 [sLogoUrl] => c_skoda.png [iSubId] => [sMargin] => [sType] => AUTO [sGuarantee] => [sGuaranteeFile] => [iProducersGroup] => [sDescription] => [sYoutubeLink1] => [sYoutubeLink2] => [iMarginType] => [sFileSize] => 483328kB [sFileDate] => 2024-12-16 09:52 [aGuarantee] => Array ( ) [aProducersOem] => Array ( ) [aProducersOemDetails] => Array ( ) ) [365] => Array ( [iProducer] => 365 [sName] => TOYOTA [iPosition] => 0 [sLogoUrl] => c_toyota.png [iSubId] => [sMargin] => [sType] => AUTO [sGuarantee] => [sGuaranteeFile] => [iProducersGroup] => [sDescription] => [sYoutubeLink1] => [sYoutubeLink2] => [iMarginType] => [sFileSize] => 483328kB [sFileDate] => 2024-12-16 09:52 [aGuarantee] => Array ( ) [aProducersOem] => Array ( ) [aProducersOemDetails] => Array ( ) ) [366] => Array ( [iProducer] => 366 [sName] => VOLVO [iPosition] => 0 [sLogoUrl] => c_volvo[1].png [iSubId] => [sMargin] => [sType] => AUTO [sGuarantee] => [sGuaranteeFile] => [iProducersGroup] => [sDescription] => [sYoutubeLink1] => [sYoutubeLink2] => [iMarginType] => [sFileSize] => 483328kB [sFileDate] => 2024-12-16 09:52 [aGuarantee] => Array ( ) [aProducersOem] => Array ( ) [aProducersOemDetails] => Array ( ) ) [367] => Array ( [iProducer] => 367 [sName] => VW [iPosition] => 0 [sLogoUrl] => c_volkswagen.png [iSubId] => [sMargin] => [sType] => AUTO [sGuarantee] => [sGuaranteeFile] => [iProducersGroup] => [sDescription] => [sYoutubeLink1] => [sYoutubeLink2] => [iMarginType] => [sFileSize] => 483328kB [sFileDate] => 2024-12-16 09:52 [aGuarantee] => Array ( ) [aProducersOem] => Array ( ) [aProducersOemDetails] => Array ( ) ) [322] => Array ( [iProducer] => 322 [sName] => FERRARI [iPosition] => 1 [sLogoUrl] => c_ferrari.png [iSubId] => [sMargin] => [sType] => AUTO [sGuarantee] => [sGuaranteeFile] => [iProducersGroup] => [sDescription] => [sYoutubeLink1] => [sYoutubeLink2] => [iMarginType] => [sFileSize] => 483328kB [sFileDate] => 2024-12-16 09:52 [aGuarantee] => Array ( ) [aProducersOem] => Array ( ) [aProducersOemDetails] => Array ( ) ) [335] => Array ( [iProducer] => 335 [sName] => LAMBORGHINI [iPosition] => 1 [sLogoUrl] => c_lamborghini.png [iSubId] => [sMargin] => [sType] => AUTO [sGuarantee] => [sGuaranteeFile] => [iProducersGroup] => [sDescription] => [sYoutubeLink1] => [sYoutubeLink2] => [iMarginType] => [sFileSize] => 483328kB [sFileDate] => 2024-12-16 09:52 [aGuarantee] => Array ( ) [aProducersOem] => Array ( ) [aProducersOemDetails] => Array ( ) ) [341] => Array ( [iProducer] => 341 [sName] => MASERATI [iPosition] => 1 [sLogoUrl] => c_maserati.png [iSubId] => [sMargin] => [sType] => AUTO [sGuarantee] => [sGuaranteeFile] => [iProducersGroup] => [sDescription] => [sYoutubeLink1] => [sYoutubeLink2] => [iMarginType] => [sFileSize] => 483328kB [sFileDate] => 2024-12-16 09:52 [aGuarantee] => Array ( ) [aProducersOem] => Array ( ) [aProducersOemDetails] => Array ( ) ) [344] => Array ( [iProducer] => 344 [sName] => MERCEDES [iPosition] => 1 [sLogoUrl] => c_mercedes-benz.png [iSubId] => [sMargin] => [sType] => AUTO [sGuarantee] => [sGuaranteeFile] => [iProducersGroup] => [sDescription] => [sYoutubeLink1] => [sYoutubeLink2] => [iMarginType] => [sFileSize] => 483328kB [sFileDate] => 2024-12-16 09:52 [aGuarantee] => Array ( ) [aProducersOem] => Array ( ) [aProducersOemDetails] => Array ( ) ) [353] => Array ( [iProducer] => 353 [sName] => PORSCHE [iPosition] => 1 [sLogoUrl] => c_porsche.png [iSubId] => [sMargin] => [sType] => AUTO [sGuarantee] => [sGuaranteeFile] => [iProducersGroup] => [sDescription] => [sYoutubeLink1] => [sYoutubeLink2] => [iMarginType] => [sFileSize] => 483328kB [sFileDate] => 2024-12-16 09:52 [aGuarantee] => Array ( ) [aProducersOem] => Array ( ) [aProducersOemDetails] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [aProducerGroup] => [aTags] => Array ( ) [aPromoted] => Array ( ) [iStock] => 2 [sAvailable] => Dostępny od ręki [aTabs] => Array ( [description] => Array ( [sContent] =>

Pewność w zimowych warunkach.

  • Wersja opony z technologią RunFlat
  • Model BRIDGESTONE LM005DG powstał dzięki analizie opinii 20 tysięcy kierowców, aby w pełni odpowiadać na ich oczekiwania w rzeczywistych warunkach drogowych, a nie tylko w testach laboratoryjnych.
  • Bieżnik BRIGESTONE LM005DG został zaprojektowany tak, aby sprostać różnorodnym zimowym warunkom. Zwiększona liczba rowków w obręczy barkowej poprawia przyczepność na śniegu i lodzie.
  • Dodatkowo, centralna część opony skutecznie odprowadza wodę i błoto pośniegowe, zapewniając bezpieczne prowadzenie w trudnych zimowych warunkach.

Maksymalna przyczepność i doskonała trakcja dzięki zaawansowanemu wzorowi bieżnika.
Opona BRIDGESTONE LM005DG została stworzona, aby zapewnić kierowcom pewność i bezpieczeństwo na zaśnieżonych oraz mokrych nawierzchniach. Dzięki wyraźnym, głębokim rowkom oraz zygzakowatemu wzorowi bieżnika woda, błoto pośniegowe i śnieg są skutecznie odprowadzane z powierzchni opony, co znacząco zmniejsza ryzyko poślizgu.

NanoPro-Tech™ dla maksymalnej przyczepności.
Mieszanka gumowa z dodatkiem krzemionki, zastosowana w BRIDGESTONE LM005DG wykorzystuje technologię NanoPro-Tech™ – umożliwiającą precyzyjną kontrolę struktury opony na poziomie nanocząsteczek. Dzięki temu model zachowuje elastyczność i przyczepność, bez względu na temperaturę, co przekłada się na niezawodność w każdych warunkach.

Podwójna technologia lameli dla pełnej kontroli na drodze.
Zastosowanie kombinacji lameli 2D i 3D zwiększa przyczepność i stabilność podczas jazdy w trudnych warunkach. Lamele 2D poprawiają trakcję na prostej nawierzchni, natomiast 3D zwiększają sztywność bieżnika podczas hamowania i pokonywania zakrętów. Dzięki temu, opona BRIDGESTONE LM005DG zapewnia pełną kontrolę i bezpieczeństwo niezależnie od tego, czy droga jest mokra, czy ośnieżona.

[sTitle] => Opis produktu [sTitleLong] => Opona Bridgestone 225/40R18 LM005DG 92V XL FR RunFlat ) [tests] => Array ( [sTitle] => Testy opon (4) [sContent] =>

Opona w testach Auto Świat 10-2020

Auto Świat

Tygodnik motoryzacyjny AutoŚwiat to precyzja testów, w których badamy auta od podszewki - za pomocą specjalistycznej aparatury do pomiarów, w oparciu o dane z jazdy na torach, drogach i w terenie, przy użyciu ciągle weryfikowanej metodologii, testowe porównania opon, hamulców, świateł, widoczności z wnętrza, fotelików samochodowych, itd.

Opinia Wzorowa 2020 Auto Świat. Opona o wszechstronnych talentach, doskonałych właściwościach zimowych, bezpiecznym prowadzeniu na suchej i mokrej drodze, dobrym komforcie i niskich oporach toczenia.

Opona w testach Auto Świat 10-2020

Auto Świat

Ocena wzorowa w teście - Najlepsze zimówki do mocnych aut - Auto Świat, październik 2020

Opona w testach Auto Świat 10-2020

Auto Świat

Ocena wzorowa w teście – Dzięki nim zima przestaje być groźna – Auto Świat, październik 2020

⇓ Pokaż wszystkie ⇓ ) [producer] => Array ( [sContent] =>

Bridgestone na pierwszy montaż dostarcza opony takim koncernom jak: Bmw, Toyota, Audi, Citroen, Honda, Lexus, Mazda, Opel, Porsche, Ferrari, Renault, Audi, Seat, Maserati, Mercedes, Skoda, Suzuki, Volkswagen, Volvo, Lamborghini. 

Bridgestone jest jedną z marek klasy premium. Jest to jeden z największy producentów wyrobów gumowych i opon na świecie. Firma została założona w 1931 roku przez Shojiro Ishibashiego w Japonii w mieście Kurume.

Opony Bridgestone są często zwycięzcą w testach porównawczych, przeprowadzanych przez automobilkluby, czyli organizacje związane z bezpieczeństwem ruchu drogowego. Opony zbierają także bardzo dobre opinie wśród użytkowników.

Firma Bridgestone posiada w swoim portfolio kilka marek ogumienia, co pozwala lepiej dostosować ofertę do różnych potrzeb użytkowników dróg oraz do zasobności ich budżetu. 

Producenci wchodzący w skład Grupy Bridgestone: Bridgestone, Dayton, Firestone, Saetta, Seiberling. 

Koncern Bridgestone co roku przeznacza wiele milionów dolarów na działalność własnych centrów badawczo-rozwojowych. Obecnie priorytetem inżynierów i techników firmy Bridgestone są zaawansowane badania nad recyklingiem ogumienia. Celem jest osiągnięcie maksymalnego poziomu przetwarzania opon, co pomoże w osiągnięciu tzw. gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym – czyli takiej, gdzie wszystkie surowce używane do produkcji są ponownie wykorzystywane po zużyciu opony.

Bridgestone opracowuje także prototypy opon z ekologicznych materiałów. Jest również jednym z pierwszych producentów, który zainwestował w cyfryzację działalności produkcyjnej (poprzez wykorzystanie pełnej automatyki i łączności pomiędzy maszynami), której celem jest stworzenie inteligentnych i przyjaznych środowisku fabryk przyszłości.


[sTitle] => O producencie Bridgestone [sTitleLong] => O producencie Bridgestone ) [guarantee] => Array ( [sTitle] => Warunki gwarancji [sContent] =>

Gwarancja: 4 lata

Karta gwarancyjna: Bridgestone - gwarancja_dla_opon_z_gr_bridgestone.pdf [2020-02-20 08:15, 483328kB]

) [comments] => Array ( [sContent] => [sTitle] => Opinie ) ) [aCategories] => Array ( [66] => 66 ) [aMainCategory] => Array ( [iPage] => 66 [iPageParent] => 0 [sName] => Opony [sNameTitle] => [sDescriptionShort] => [iStatus] => 1 [iPosition] => 1 [iType] => 4 [iProducts] => 1 [sTags] => [iTime] => 1452841608 [iRss] => 0 [iAdmin] => [iAuthorized] => 0 [iLastModified] => 1548406773 [iSubKat] => [sMargin] => [sDisplayTitle] => Opony samochodowe [sMoreLink] => [sConversionLabel] => [iNewCommentsCount] => [sDate] => 2016-01-15 08:06:48 [sLinkName] => opony,66.html [iProductsCount] => 0 [sDescriptionFull] => [sMetaDescription] => [sMetaKeywords] => [sUrl] => [iComments] => [sMetaTopic] => [sMetaAbstract] => [iColumn] => 0 [iBannerTop] => 1 [iBannerBottom] => 1 [aTags] => Array ( ) ) [bTimePromotionActive] => [sDate] => 2019-11-04 07:20:16 [sLinkName] => 87753,opona-bridgestone-225-40r18-lm005dg-92v-xl-fr-runflat.html [sPrice] => 696.73 [sPriceOld] => 1052.88 [aCarriersPrices] => Array ( ) [aAttributes] => Array ( [8] => Array ( [sName] => Typ pojazdu [iPosition] => -90 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [7] => Osobowe ) ) [7] => Array ( [sName] => Sezon [iPosition] => -89 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [4] => Zimowe ) ) [19] => Array ( [sName] => Rozmiar [iPosition] => -80 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [17174] => 225/40R18 ) ) [18] => Array ( [sName] => Model [iPosition] => -79 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [45719] => LM005DG ) ) [1] => Array ( [sName] => Szerokość [iPosition] => -53 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [23] => 225 ) ) [2] => Array ( [sName] => Profil [iPosition] => -52 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [40] => 40 ) ) [3] => Array ( [sName] => Średnica [iPosition] => -51 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [58] => 18 ) ) [4] => Array ( [sName] => Index nośności [iPosition] => -50 [sDescription] => 630 kg [aValues] => Array ( [95] => 92 ) ) [5] => Array ( [sName] => Index prędkości [iPosition] => -49 [sDescription] => 240 km/h [aValues] => Array ( [229] => V ) ) [16] => Array ( [sName] => Hamowanie na mokrym [iPosition] => -40 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [240] => A ) ) [15] => Array ( [sName] => Opór toczenia [iPosition] => -39 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: D, E [aValues] => Array ( [235] => D ) ) [17] => Array ( [sName] => Hałas zewnętrzny [iPosition] => -38 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [270] => 72 ) ) [6] => Array ( [sName] => Liczba fal [iPosition] => -37 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: 2 fale [aValues] => Array ( [55027] => B ) ) [58] => Array ( [sName] => Kod EPREL [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [86367] => 382019 ) ) [9] => Array ( [sName] => RunFlat [iPosition] => 1 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [1] => Tak ) ) [12] => Array ( [sName] => Ochrona rantu (FR) [iPosition] => 21 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [2] => Tak ) ) [11] => Array ( [sName] => Opona wzmacniana (XL/RF) [iPosition] => 22 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [3] => Tak ) ) [13] => Array ( [sName] => Rok Produkcji (DOT) [iPosition] => 50 [sDescription] => mniej niż 24 miesiące od daty produkcji [aValues] => Array ( [25296] => MIX [43806] => 2016 [25052] => 2017 [33507] => 2018 [43822] => 2019 [43823] => 2020 [45761] => 2021 [69594] => 2022 [83285] => 2023 [93167] => 2024 [93168] => 2025 ) ) ) [aAttributesForTable] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [sName] => Producent [aValues] => Array ( [105] => Bridgestone ) ) [8] => Array ( [sName] => Typ pojazdu [iPosition] => -90 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [7] => Osobowe ) ) [7] => Array ( [sName] => Sezon [iPosition] => -89 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [4] => Zimowe ) ) [19] => Array ( [sName] => Rozmiar [iPosition] => -80 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [17174] => 225/40R18 ) ) [18] => Array ( [sName] => Model [iPosition] => -79 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [45719] => LM005DG ) ) [1] => Array ( [sName] => Szerokość [iPosition] => -53 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [23] => 225 ) ) [2] => Array ( [sName] => Profil [iPosition] => -52 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [40] => 40 ) ) [3] => Array ( [sName] => Średnica [iPosition] => -51 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [58] => 18 ) ) [4] => Array ( [sName] => Index nośności [iPosition] => -50 [sDescription] => 630 kg [aValues] => Array ( [95] => 92 ) ) [5] => Array ( [sName] => Index prędkości [iPosition] => -49 [sDescription] => 240 km/h [aValues] => Array ( [229] => V ) ) [16] => Array ( [sName] => Hamowanie na mokrym [iPosition] => -40 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [240] => A ) ) [15] => Array ( [sName] => Opór toczenia [iPosition] => -39 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: D, E [aValues] => Array ( [235] => D ) ) [17] => Array ( [sName] => Hałas zewnętrzny [iPosition] => -38 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [270] => 72 ) ) [6] => Array ( [sName] => Liczba fal [iPosition] => -37 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: 2 fale [aValues] => Array ( [55027] => B ) ) [58] => Array ( [sName] => Kod EPREL [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [86367] => 382019 ) ) [9] => Array ( [sName] => RunFlat [iPosition] => 1 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [1] => Tak ) ) [12] => Array ( [sName] => Ochrona rantu (FR) [iPosition] => 21 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [2] => Tak ) ) [11] => Array ( [sName] => Opona wzmacniana (XL/RF) [iPosition] => 22 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [3] => Tak ) ) [13] => Array ( [sName] => Rok Produkcji (DOT) [iPosition] => 50 [sDescription] => mniej niż 24 miesiące od daty produkcji [aValues] => Array ( [25296] => MIX ) ) ) [aVariants] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [iProductVariant] => 660212 [fCatalogPrice] => 696.73 [fPrice] => 696.73 [iVat] => [iStock] => 2 [sShortDescription] => [fPriceOld] => 1052.88 [fPriceTimeValue] => [sAvailable] => Dostępny od ręki [iCanBuy] => 1 [sAttribs] => 18:45719;13:25296;19:17174;1:23;2:40;3:58;4:95;5:229;11:3;9:1;12:2;15:235;16:240;17:270;6:55027;7:4;8:7;58:86367 [iFile] => [sFileName] => [sAllegroPromotionInfo] => [fMinPrice30days] => 677.71 [aAttributes] => Array ( [18] => 45719 [13] => 25296 [19] => 17174 [1] => 23 [2] => 40 [3] => 58 [4] => 95 [5] => 229 [11] => 3 [9] => 1 [12] => 2 [15] => 235 [16] => 240 [17] => 270 [6] => 55027 [7] => 4 [8] => 7 [58] => 86367 ) [sPrice] => 696.73 [sPriceOld] => 1052.88 [sCatalogPrice] => ) [1] => Array ( [iProductVariant] => 3160212 [fCatalogPrice] => 714.99 [fPrice] => 714.99 [iVat] => [iStock] => 0 [sShortDescription] => [fPriceOld] => 1052.88 [fPriceTimeValue] => [sAvailable] => Zapytaj o dostępność info@oponki24.com.pl [iCanBuy] => 0 [sAttribs] => 18:45719;13:93167;19:17174;1:23;2:40;3:58;4:95;5:229;11:3;9:1;12:2;15:235;16:240;17:270;6:55027;7:4;8:7;58:86367 [iFile] => [sFileName] => [sAllegroPromotionInfo] => [fMinPrice30days] => [aAttributes] => Array ( [18] => 45719 [13] => 93167 [19] => 17174 [1] => 23 [2] => 40 [3] => 58 [4] => 95 [5] => 229 [11] => 3 [9] => 1 [12] => 2 [15] => 235 [16] => 240 [17] => 270 [6] => 55027 [7] => 4 [8] => 7 [58] => 86367 ) [sPrice] => 714.99 [sPriceOld] => 1052.88 [sCatalogPrice] => ) [2] => Array ( [iProductVariant] => 5660212 [fCatalogPrice] => 714.99 [fPrice] => 714.99 [iVat] => [iStock] => 0 [sShortDescription] => [fPriceOld] => 1052.88 [fPriceTimeValue] => [sAvailable] => Zapytaj o dostępność info@oponki24.com.pl [iCanBuy] => 0 [sAttribs] => 18:45719;13:93168;19:17174;1:23;2:40;3:58;4:95;5:229;11:3;9:1;12:2;15:235;16:240;17:270;6:55027;7:4;8:7;58:86367 [iFile] => [sFileName] => [sAllegroPromotionInfo] => [fMinPrice30days] => [aAttributes] => Array ( [18] => 45719 [13] => 93168 [19] => 17174 [1] => 23 [2] => 40 [3] => 58 [4] => 95 [5] => 229 [11] => 3 [9] => 1 [12] => 2 [15] => 235 [16] => 240 [17] => 270 [6] => 55027 [7] => 4 [8] => 7 [58] => 86367 ) [sPrice] => 714.99 [sPriceOld] => 1052.88 [sCatalogPrice] => ) [3] => Array ( [iProductVariant] => 660217 [fCatalogPrice] => 726.55 [fPrice] => 726.55 [iVat] => [iStock] => 0 [sShortDescription] => [fPriceOld] => 1052.88 [fPriceTimeValue] => [sAvailable] => Zapytaj o dostępność info@oponki24.com.pl [iCanBuy] => 0 [sAttribs] => 18:45719;13:69594;19:17174;1:23;2:40;3:58;4:95;5:229;11:3;9:1;12:2;15:235;16:240;17:270;6:55027;7:4;8:7;58:86367 [iFile] => [sFileName] => [sAllegroPromotionInfo] => [fMinPrice30days] => [aAttributes] => Array ( [18] => 45719 [13] => 69594 [19] => 17174 [1] => 23 [2] => 40 [3] => 58 [4] => 95 [5] => 229 [11] => 3 [9] => 1 [12] => 2 [15] => 235 [16] => 240 [17] => 270 [6] => 55027 [7] => 4 [8] => 7 [58] => 86367 ) [sPrice] => 726.55 [sPriceOld] => 1052.88 [sCatalogPrice] => ) ) [sProducer] => Bridgestone [aPagesTree] => Array ( [aPath] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [iPage] => 66 [sName] => Opony [sLinkName] => opony,66.html ) ) [aCurrent] => Array ( [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/40R18 LM005DG 92V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87753,opona-bridgestone-225-40r18-lm005dg-92v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [sMenu] => Oferta ) [aAdditionalInfo] => Array ( ) [sTableContent] =>
Producent Bridgestone
Typ pojazdu Osobowe
Sezon Zimowe
Szerokość 225
Profil 40
Średnica 18
Index nośności 92 = 630 kg
Index prędkości V = 240 km/h
Hamowanie na mokrym A
Opór toczenia D (Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: D, E)
Hałas zewnętrzny 72 dB
Kod EPREL 382019
RunFlat Tak
Ochrona rantu (FR) Tak
Opona wzmacniana (XL/RF) Tak
Rok Produkcji (DOT) 2023/2024 - Nie starsze niż 24 miesiące
Kod producenta (SAP)16707
Kod EAN:3286341670714
Gwarancja: 4 lata
Gwarant: Pełna gwarancja producenta
Stan: Fabrycznie nowa
Dystrybucja: Oficjalny dystrybutor w Polsce
[aAdvsearcherValues] => Array ( ) [sAdvsearcherValues] => [aTests] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [sName] => Auto Świat [sLogo] => auto_swiat.png [sInstitDesc] =>

Tygodnik motoryzacyjny AutoŚwiat to precyzja testów, w których badamy auta od podszewki - za pomocą specjalistycznej aparatury do pomiarów, w oparciu o dane z jazdy na torach, drogach i w terenie, przy użyciu ciągle weryfikowanej metodologii, testowe porównania opon, hamulców, świateł, widoczności z wnętrza, fotelików samochodowych, itd.

[sDate] => 10-2020 [sTestDesc] => Opinia Wzorowa 2020 Auto Świat. Opona o wszechstronnych talentach, doskonałych właściwościach zimowych, bezpiecznym prowadzeniu na suchej i mokrej drodze, dobrym komforcie i niskich oporach toczenia. ) [1] => Array ( [sName] => Auto Świat [sLogo] => auto_swiat.png [sInstitDesc] =>

Tygodnik motoryzacyjny AutoŚwiat to precyzja testów, w których badamy auta od podszewki - za pomocą specjalistycznej aparatury do pomiarów, w oparciu o dane z jazdy na torach, drogach i w terenie, przy użyciu ciągle weryfikowanej metodologii, testowe porównania opon, hamulców, świateł, widoczności z wnętrza, fotelików samochodowych, itd.

[sDate] => 10-2020 [sTestDesc] => Ocena wzorowa w teście - Najlepsze zimówki do mocnych aut - Auto Świat, październik 2020 ) [2] => Array ( [sName] => Auto Świat [sLogo] => auto_swiat.png [sInstitDesc] =>

Tygodnik motoryzacyjny AutoŚwiat to precyzja testów, w których badamy auta od podszewki - za pomocą specjalistycznej aparatury do pomiarów, w oparciu o dane z jazdy na torach, drogach i w terenie, przy użyciu ciągle weryfikowanej metodologii, testowe porównania opon, hamulców, świateł, widoczności z wnętrza, fotelików samochodowych, itd.

[sDate] => 10-2020 [sTestDesc] => Ocena wzorowa w teście – Dzięki nim zima przestaje być groźna – Auto Świat, październik 2020 ) [3] => Array ( [sName] => AUTOmoto [sLogo] => auto_moto.png [sInstitDesc] =>

Auto Moto to magazyn adresowany przede wszystkim do entuzjastów motoryzacji wymagających pogłębionej wiedzy. Charakterystyczną cechą Auto Moto jest temat przewodni każdego wydania (np. rynek SUV, samochody używane, nowości 2011). Tematyka pisma obejmuje przede wszystkim nowości, testy i porównania.

[sDate] => 12-2020 [sTestDesc] => Zwycięzca testu NA SUCHO z wynikiem 94/100 ) ) [aTestsInstitutions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [sName] => Auto Świat [sLogo] => auto_swiat.png [sInstitDesc] =>

Tygodnik motoryzacyjny AutoŚwiat to precyzja testów, w których badamy auta od podszewki - za pomocą specjalistycznej aparatury do pomiarów, w oparciu o dane z jazdy na torach, drogach i w terenie, przy użyciu ciągle weryfikowanej metodologii, testowe porównania opon, hamulców, świateł, widoczności z wnętrza, fotelików samochodowych, itd.

) [1] => Array ( [sName] => AUTOmoto [sLogo] => auto_moto.png [sInstitDesc] =>

Auto Moto to magazyn adresowany przede wszystkim do entuzjastów motoryzacji wymagających pogłębionej wiedzy. Charakterystyczną cechą Auto Moto jest temat przewodni każdego wydania (np. rynek SUV, samochody używane, nowości 2011). Tematyka pisma obejmuje przede wszystkim nowości, testy i porównania.

) ) [aComments] => Array ( [fRating] => 0 [iComments] => 0 [aList] => Array ( ) ) [sCatalogPrice] => [aImageDefault] => Array ( [iFile] => 489275 [iProduct] => 87753 [sFileName] => bridgestone_lm005dg.jpg [sDescription] => [iPhoto] => 1 [iPosition] => 0 [iType] => 7 [iSize] => [sTextSearch] => ) [sStorageLinkName] => 87753,opona-bridgestone-225-40r18-lm005dg-92v-xl-fr-runflat.html? [bInStorage] => [aRelated] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [sTitle] => Kup do kompletu [sProductsShow] => LIGHTBOXES [iWidthType] => 50 ) [1] => Array ( [sTitle] => Akcesoria do produktu Opona Bridgestone 225/40R18 LM005DG 92V XL FR RunFlat [sProductsShow] => LIGHTBOXES [iWidthType] => 50 ) [2] => Array ( [aPagesCountData] => Array ( [iCount] => 1 [iPageNumber] => 1 ) [sBasketPage] => twoj-koszyk,3.html? [aList] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [iProduct] => 126742 [iStatus] => 1 [iNotForSale] => 0 [iPosition] => 0 [sName] => Opona Uniroyal 225/40R18 WINTEREXPERT 92V XL FR [sNameCompare] => [fPrice] => 494.53 [iActiveDiscount] => 1 [fPriceOld] => 592.86 [iVat] => 1 [iNewUsed] => [sCatalogNumber] => 03631940000 [sProductIndex] => 4024068001768 [sDescriptionShort] => [sSearchWords] => Z2254018 Z2254018V 2254018 2254018V Zima Zimowa [sWeight] => 1 [iStockSendAdminMin] => [iProducer] => 121 [iAdmin] => [iLastVisited] => 1734810094 [iTime] => 1621314838 [fKgo] => [iShowPhone] => [sMeasure] => [iCompare] => 1 [iLastModified] => 1621314838 [fBuyPrice] => 434.64 [fPromoPrice] => [sMargin] => b+5+11+1.5%+10+0.88% [iPriceTimeFrom] => 0 [iPriceTimeTo] => 0 [fPriceTimeValue] => [iPriceTimeMaxCount] => [iPriceTimeCount] => 0 [iCurrencyDependent] => 0 [iFotolia] => 0 [iMinCount] => [iPackageCount] => [i1+50p] => [i2+1] => [iVisibleAll] => 1 [iVisiblePriceAll] => 1 [iCanBuyAll] => 1 [sConversionLabel] => [iMarginIgnore] => 0 [TiStock] => 30 [TiAvailable] => 1 [TiCanBuy] => 1 [TiVariantsCount] => 11 [TiCanBuyOutOfStock] => 0 [sCeneoLink] => [iCeneoTime] => 1635458583 [fCeneoMinMargin] => [iCeneoActive] => [iCeneoBest] => [sAdminInfo] => [fCeneoPrice] => [fCeneoPriceDelivery] => [fAllegroBestPrice] => [fAllegroBestPriceDeliveryCost] => [sAllegroBestUser] => [fAllegroBestPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroBestUserDelivery] => [iAllegroActive] => 0 [iAllegroTime] => [fAllegroOurMin] => [fAllegroOurMinDelivery] => [fAllegroOurPrice] => [fAllegroOurPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroName] => Opona zimowa Uniroyal WINTEREXPERT 225/40R18 92V XL FR [sAllegroNameSzablon] => Opona zimowa Uniroyal WINTEREXPERT 225/40R18 92V XL FR [iMainCategory] => 66 [iDescPhoto] => 10352 [fVolume] => 94096 [fWeightVolume] => 15.68 [iDealavo] => 0 [iProductSatis] => [iPromotedMin] => [prodsName] => Uniroyal [prodsLogoUrl] => opony_uniroyal_logo_only.jpg [prodsGroupName] => Continental [prodsGroupLogoUrl] => opony_continental.jpg [sProducersClass] => Klasa średnia [iAvailable] => 1 [iVal45] => [sVal45] => [iVal31] => [sVal31] => [iVal39] => [sVal39] => [iVal40] => [sVal40] => [iVal14] => [sVal14] => [iVal62] => [sVal62] => [iVal16] => 241 [sVal16] => B [iVal17] => 270 [sVal17] => 72 [iVal10] => [sVal10] => [iVal4] => 95 [sVal4] => 92 [iVal5] => 229 [sVal5] => V [iVal60] => 80246 [sVal60] => Lekka [iVal58] => 65163 [sVal58] => 491033 [iVal26] => [sVal26] => [iVal27] => [sVal27] => [iVal28] => [sVal28] => [iVal29] => [sVal29] => [iVal20] => [sVal20] => [iVal51] => [sVal51] => [iVal30] => 92647 [sVal30] => TAK [iVal6] => 55027 [sVal6] => B [iVal22] => [sVal22] => [iVal34] => [sVal34] => [iVal18] => 55023 [sVal18] => WinterExpert [iVal12] => 2 [sVal12] => Tak [iVal21] => [sVal21] => [iVal11] => 3 [sVal11] => Tak [iVal15] => 235 [sVal15] => D [iVal49] => [sVal49] => [iVal24] => [sVal24] => [iVal48] => 44377 [sVal48] => Tak [iVal47] => 44376 [sVal47] => Tak [iVal41] => [sVal41] => [iVal46] => [sVal46] => [iVal2] => 40 [sVal2] => 40 [iVal50] => [sVal50] => [iVal59] => [sVal59] => [iVal53] => [sVal53] => [iVal13] => [sVal13] => [iVal19] => 17174 [sVal19] => 225/40R18 [iVal23] => [sVal23] => [iVal9] => [sVal9] => [iVal7] => 4 [sVal7] => Zimowe [iVal38] => [sVal38] => [iVal3] => 58 [sVal3] => 18 [iVal37] => [sVal37] => [iVal33] => [sVal33] => [iVal32] => [sVal32] => [iVal1] => 23 [sVal1] => 225 [iVal56] => [sVal56] => [iVal55] => [sVal55] => [iVal42] => [sVal42] => [iVal52] => [sVal52] => [iVal8] => 7 [sVal8] => Osobowe [iVal35] => [sVal35] => [iVal57] => [sVal57] => [iVal36] => [sVal36] => [iVal54] => [sVal54] => [iVal43] => [sVal43] => [iVal61] => [sVal61] => [iVal25] => [sVal25] => [sGuarantee] => 5 lat [iSezon] => 4 [fRatingAvg] => 5.0000 [iCommentsCount] => 6 [fCatalogPrice] => 494.53 [fVatValue] => 0.23 [iCanBuy] => 1 [iVariantCount] => 11 [iVisiblePrice] => 1 [aPromoted] => Array ( ) [iTests] => [sTestLogo] => [sLinkName] => 126742,opona-uniroyal-225-40r18-winterexpert-92v-xl-fr.html [sPrice] => 494.53 [sPriceOld] => 592.86 [aProducer] => Array ( [iProducer] => 121 [sName] => Uniroyal [sLogoUrl] => opony_uniroyal_logo_only.jpg ) [aDataImage] => Array ( [iFile] => 481576 [iProduct] => 126742 [sFileName] => uniroyal_winterexpert.jpg [sDescription] => [iPhoto] => 1 [iPosition] => 0 [iType] => 7 [iSize] => [sTextSearch] => ) [bInStorage] => [bInCompare] => [aAttributes] => Array ( [8] => Array ( [sName] => Typ pojazdu [iPosition] => -90 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [7] => Osobowe ) ) [7] => Array ( [sName] => Sezon [iPosition] => -89 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [4] => Zimowe ) ) [19] => Array ( [sName] => Rozmiar [iPosition] => -80 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [17174] => 225/40R18 ) ) [18] => Array ( [sName] => Model [iPosition] => -79 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [55023] => WinterExpert ) ) [1] => Array ( [sName] => Szerokość [iPosition] => -53 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [23] => 225 ) ) [2] => Array ( [sName] => Profil [iPosition] => -52 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [40] => 40 ) ) [3] => Array ( [sName] => Średnica [iPosition] => -51 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [58] => 18 ) ) [4] => Array ( [sName] => Index nośności [iPosition] => -50 [sDescription] => 630 kg [aValues] => Array ( [95] => 92 ) ) [5] => Array ( [sName] => Index prędkości [iPosition] => -49 [sDescription] => 240 km/h [aValues] => Array ( [229] => V ) ) [16] => Array ( [sName] => Hamowanie na mokrym [iPosition] => -40 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [241] => B ) ) [15] => Array ( [sName] => Opór toczenia [iPosition] => -39 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: D, E [aValues] => Array ( [235] => D ) ) [17] => Array ( [sName] => Hałas zewnętrzny [iPosition] => -38 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [270] => 72 ) ) [6] => Array ( [sName] => Liczba fal [iPosition] => -37 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: 2 fale [aValues] => Array ( [55027] => B ) ) [58] => Array ( [sName] => Kod EPREL [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [65163] => 491033 ) ) [30] => Array ( [sName] => Kraj Produkcji [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [92647] => TAK ) ) [48] => Array ( [sName] => Oznaczenie 3PMSF [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [44377] => Tak ) ) [47] => Array ( [sName] => Oznaczenie M+S [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [44376] => Tak ) ) [12] => Array ( [sName] => Ochrona rantu (FR) [iPosition] => 21 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [2] => Tak ) ) [11] => Array ( [sName] => Opona wzmacniana (XL/RF) [iPosition] => 22 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [3] => Tak ) ) [13] => Array ( [sName] => Rok Produkcji (DOT) [iPosition] => 50 [sDescription] => mniej niż 24 miesiące od daty produkcji [aValues] => Array ( [25296] => MIX [43806] => 2016 [25052] => 2017 [33507] => 2018 [43822] => 2019 [43823] => 2020 [45761] => 2021 [69594] => 2022 [83285] => 2023 [93167] => 2024 [93168] => 2025 ) ) ) [aTests] => Array ( ) [sProducerClass] => uniroyal ) [1] => Array ( [iProduct] => 71568 [iStatus] => 1 [iNotForSale] => 0 [iPosition] => 0 [sName] => Opona Michelin 225/40R18 PILOT ALPIN 5 92V XL FR [sNameCompare] => [fPrice] => 682.61 [iActiveDiscount] => 1 [fPriceOld] => 834.00 [iVat] => 1 [iNewUsed] => [sCatalogNumber] => 455052 [sProductIndex] => 3528704550524 [sDescriptionShort] => [sSearchWords] => Z2254018 Z2254018V 2254018 2254018V Zima Zimowa [sWeight] => 1 [iStockSendAdminMin] => [iProducer] => 126 [iAdmin] => [iLastVisited] => 1734861478 [iTime] => 1535012995 [fKgo] => [iShowPhone] => [sMeasure] => [iCompare] => 1 [iLastModified] => 1535013598 [fBuyPrice] => 611.43 [fPromoPrice] => [sMargin] => b+5+11+1.5%+10+0.88% [iPriceTimeFrom] => 0 [iPriceTimeTo] => 0 [fPriceTimeValue] => [iPriceTimeMaxCount] => [iPriceTimeCount] => 0 [iCurrencyDependent] => 0 [iFotolia] => 0 [iMinCount] => [iPackageCount] => [i1+50p] => [i2+1] => [iVisibleAll] => 1 [iVisiblePriceAll] => 1 [iCanBuyAll] => 1 [sConversionLabel] => [iMarginIgnore] => 0 [TiStock] => 8 [TiAvailable] => 1 [TiCanBuy] => 1 [TiVariantsCount] => 11 [TiCanBuyOutOfStock] => 0 [sCeneoLink] => [iCeneoTime] => 1635378843 [fCeneoMinMargin] => [iCeneoActive] => 1 [iCeneoBest] => 1 [sAdminInfo] => [fCeneoPrice] => 604.00 [fCeneoPriceDelivery] => 618.00 [fAllegroBestPrice] => [fAllegroBestPriceDeliveryCost] => [sAllegroBestUser] => [fAllegroBestPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroBestUserDelivery] => [iAllegroActive] => 1 [iAllegroTime] => 1620474842 [fAllegroOurMin] => [fAllegroOurMinDelivery] => [fAllegroOurPrice] => [fAllegroOurPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroName] => Opona zimowa Michelin PILOT ALPIN 5 225/40R18 92V XL FR [sAllegroNameSzablon] => Opona zimowa Michelin PILOT ALPIN 5 225/40R18 92V XL FR [iMainCategory] => 66 [iDescPhoto] => 13262 [fVolume] => 94096 [fWeightVolume] => 15.68 [iDealavo] => 0 [iProductSatis] => [iPromotedMin] => [prodsName] => Michelin [prodsLogoUrl] => opony_michelin[1].jpg [prodsGroupName] => [prodsGroupLogoUrl] => [sProducersClass] => Klasa premium [iAvailable] => 1 [iVal45] => [sVal45] => [iVal31] => [sVal31] => [iVal39] => [sVal39] => [iVal40] => [sVal40] => [iVal14] => [sVal14] => [iVal62] => [sVal62] => [iVal16] => 241 [sVal16] => B [iVal17] => 268 [sVal17] => 70 [iVal10] => [sVal10] => [iVal4] => 95 [sVal4] => 92 [iVal5] => 229 [sVal5] => V [iVal60] => 80246 [sVal60] => Lekka [iVal58] => 62350 [sVal58] => 410503 [iVal26] => [sVal26] => [iVal27] => [sVal27] => [iVal28] => [sVal28] => [iVal29] => [sVal29] => [iVal20] => [sVal20] => [iVal51] => [sVal51] => [iVal30] => [sVal30] => [iVal6] => 55027 [sVal6] => B [iVal22] => [sVal22] => [iVal34] => [sVal34] => [iVal18] => 91984 [sVal18] => PILOT ALPIN 5 [iVal12] => 2 [sVal12] => Tak [iVal21] => [sVal21] => [iVal11] => 3 [sVal11] => Tak [iVal15] => 235 [sVal15] => D [iVal49] => [sVal49] => [iVal24] => [sVal24] => [iVal48] => 44377 [sVal48] => Tak [iVal47] => 44376 [sVal47] => Tak [iVal41] => [sVal41] => [iVal46] => [sVal46] => [iVal2] => 40 [sVal2] => 40 [iVal50] => [sVal50] => [iVal59] => [sVal59] => [iVal53] => [sVal53] => [iVal13] => [sVal13] => [iVal19] => 17174 [sVal19] => 225/40R18 [iVal23] => [sVal23] => [iVal9] => [sVal9] => [iVal7] => 4 [sVal7] => Zimowe [iVal38] => [sVal38] => [iVal3] => 58 [sVal3] => 18 [iVal37] => [sVal37] => [iVal33] => [sVal33] => [iVal32] => [sVal32] => [iVal1] => 23 [sVal1] => 225 [iVal56] => [sVal56] => [iVal55] => [sVal55] => [iVal42] => [sVal42] => [iVal52] => [sVal52] => [iVal8] => 7 [sVal8] => Osobowe [iVal35] => [sVal35] => [iVal57] => [sVal57] => [iVal36] => [sVal36] => [iVal54] => [sVal54] => [iVal43] => [sVal43] => [iVal61] => [sVal61] => [iVal25] => [sVal25] => [sGuarantee] => 10 lat [iSezon] => 4 [fRatingAvg] => [iCommentsCount] => [fCatalogPrice] => 682.61 [fVatValue] => 0.23 [iCanBuy] => 1 [iVariantCount] => 11 [iVisiblePrice] => 1 [aPromoted] => Array ( ) [iTests] => [sTestLogo] => [sLinkName] => 71568,opona-michelin-225-40r18-pilot-alpin-5-92v-xl-fr.html [sPrice] => 682.61 [sPriceOld] => 834.00 [aProducer] => Array ( [iProducer] => 126 [sName] => Michelin [sLogoUrl] => opony_michelin[1].jpg ) [aDataImage] => Array ( [iFile] => 478184 [iProduct] => 71568 [sFileName] => michelin_pilot_alpin_5.jpg [sDescription] => [iPhoto] => 1 [iPosition] => 0 [iType] => 7 [iSize] => [sTextSearch] => ) [bInStorage] => [bInCompare] => [aAttributes] => Array ( [8] => Array ( [sName] => Typ pojazdu [iPosition] => -90 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [7] => Osobowe ) ) [7] => Array ( [sName] => Sezon [iPosition] => -89 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [4] => Zimowe ) ) [19] => Array ( [sName] => Rozmiar [iPosition] => -80 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [17174] => 225/40R18 ) ) [18] => Array ( [sName] => Model [iPosition] => -79 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [91984] => PILOT ALPIN 5 ) ) [1] => Array ( [sName] => Szerokość [iPosition] => -53 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [23] => 225 ) ) [2] => Array ( [sName] => Profil [iPosition] => -52 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [40] => 40 ) ) [3] => Array ( [sName] => Średnica [iPosition] => -51 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [58] => 18 ) ) [4] => Array ( [sName] => Index nośności [iPosition] => -50 [sDescription] => 630 kg [aValues] => Array ( [95] => 92 ) ) [5] => Array ( [sName] => Index prędkości [iPosition] => -49 [sDescription] => 240 km/h [aValues] => Array ( [229] => V ) ) [16] => Array ( [sName] => Hamowanie na mokrym [iPosition] => -40 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [241] => B ) ) [15] => Array ( [sName] => Opór toczenia [iPosition] => -39 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: D, E [aValues] => Array ( [235] => D ) ) [17] => Array ( [sName] => Hałas zewnętrzny [iPosition] => -38 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [268] => 70 ) ) [6] => Array ( [sName] => Liczba fal [iPosition] => -37 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: 2 fale [aValues] => Array ( [55027] => B ) ) [58] => Array ( [sName] => Kod EPREL [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [62350] => 410503 ) ) [48] => Array ( [sName] => Oznaczenie 3PMSF [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [44377] => Tak ) ) [47] => Array ( [sName] => Oznaczenie M+S [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [44376] => Tak ) ) [12] => Array ( [sName] => Ochrona rantu (FR) [iPosition] => 21 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [2] => Tak ) ) [11] => Array ( [sName] => Opona wzmacniana (XL/RF) [iPosition] => 22 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [3] => Tak ) ) [13] => Array ( [sName] => Rok Produkcji (DOT) [iPosition] => 50 [sDescription] => mniej niż 24 miesiące od daty produkcji [aValues] => Array ( [25296] => MIX [43806] => 2016 [25052] => 2017 [33507] => 2018 [43822] => 2019 [43823] => 2020 [45761] => 2021 [69594] => 2022 [83285] => 2023 [93167] => 2024 [93168] => 2025 ) ) ) [aTests] => Array ( ) [sProducerClass] => michelin ) [2] => Array ( [iProduct] => 107369 [iStatus] => 1 [iNotForSale] => 0 [iPosition] => 0 [sName] => Opona Hankook 225/40R18 W330 92V XL [sNameCompare] => [fPrice] => 505.23 [iActiveDiscount] => 1 [fPriceOld] => 775.49 [iVat] => 1 [iNewUsed] => [sCatalogNumber] => 1026303 [sProductIndex] => 8808563478760 [sDescriptionShort] => [sSearchWords] => Z2254018 Z2254018V 2254018 2254018V Zima Zimowa [sWeight] => 1 [iStockSendAdminMin] => [iProducer] => 112 [iAdmin] => [iLastVisited] => 1734849157 [iTime] => 1602138117 [fKgo] => [iShowPhone] => [sMeasure] => [iCompare] => 1 [iLastModified] => 1602138117 [fBuyPrice] => 444.70 [fPromoPrice] => [sMargin] => b+5+11+1.5%+10+0.88% [iPriceTimeFrom] => 0 [iPriceTimeTo] => 0 [fPriceTimeValue] => [iPriceTimeMaxCount] => [iPriceTimeCount] => 6 [iCurrencyDependent] => 0 [iFotolia] => 0 [iMinCount] => [iPackageCount] => [i1+50p] => [i2+1] => [iVisibleAll] => 1 [iVisiblePriceAll] => 1 [iCanBuyAll] => 1 [sConversionLabel] => [iMarginIgnore] => 0 [TiStock] => 100 [TiAvailable] => 1 [TiCanBuy] => 1 [TiVariantsCount] => 11 [TiCanBuyOutOfStock] => 0 [sCeneoLink] => [iCeneoTime] => 1635385862 [fCeneoMinMargin] => [iCeneoActive] => [iCeneoBest] => [sAdminInfo] => [fCeneoPrice] => 423.98 [fCeneoPriceDelivery] => 433.98 [fAllegroBestPrice] => [fAllegroBestPriceDeliveryCost] => [sAllegroBestUser] => [fAllegroBestPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroBestUserDelivery] => [iAllegroActive] => 0 [iAllegroTime] => 1613476444 [fAllegroOurMin] => [fAllegroOurMinDelivery] => [fAllegroOurPrice] => [fAllegroOurPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroName] => Opona zimowa Hankook W330 225/40R18 92V XL [sAllegroNameSzablon] => Opona zimowa Hankook W330 225/40R18 92V XL [iMainCategory] => 66 [iDescPhoto] => 8153 [fVolume] => 94096 [fWeightVolume] => 15.68 [iDealavo] => 0 [iProductSatis] => [iPromotedMin] => [prodsName] => Hankook [prodsLogoUrl] => opony_hankook.jpg [prodsGroupName] => [prodsGroupLogoUrl] => [sProducersClass] => Klasa średnia [iAvailable] => 1 [iVal45] => [sVal45] => [iVal31] => [sVal31] => [iVal39] => [sVal39] => [iVal40] => [sVal40] => [iVal14] => [sVal14] => [iVal62] => [sVal62] => [iVal16] => 241 [sVal16] => B [iVal17] => 270 [sVal17] => 72 [iVal10] => [sVal10] => [iVal4] => 95 [sVal4] => 92 [iVal5] => 229 [sVal5] => V [iVal60] => 80246 [sVal60] => Lekka [iVal58] => [sVal58] => [iVal26] => [sVal26] => [iVal27] => [sVal27] => [iVal28] => [sVal28] => [iVal29] => [sVal29] => [iVal20] => [sVal20] => [iVal51] => [sVal51] => [iVal30] => [sVal30] => [iVal6] => 55027 [sVal6] => B [iVal22] => [sVal22] => [iVal34] => [sVal34] => [iVal18] => 51073 [sVal18] => W330 [iVal12] => [sVal12] => [iVal21] => [sVal21] => [iVal11] => 3 [sVal11] => Tak [iVal15] => 235 [sVal15] => D [iVal49] => [sVal49] => [iVal24] => [sVal24] => [iVal48] => [sVal48] => [iVal47] => [sVal47] => [iVal41] => [sVal41] => [iVal46] => [sVal46] => [iVal2] => 40 [sVal2] => 40 [iVal50] => [sVal50] => [iVal59] => [sVal59] => [iVal53] => [sVal53] => [iVal13] => [sVal13] => [iVal19] => 17174 [sVal19] => 225/40R18 [iVal23] => [sVal23] => [iVal9] => [sVal9] => [iVal7] => 4 [sVal7] => Zimowe [iVal38] => [sVal38] => [iVal3] => 58 [sVal3] => 18 [iVal37] => [sVal37] => [iVal33] => [sVal33] => [iVal32] => [sVal32] => [iVal1] => 23 [sVal1] => 225 [iVal56] => [sVal56] => [iVal55] => [sVal55] => [iVal42] => [sVal42] => [iVal52] => [sVal52] => [iVal8] => 7 [sVal8] => Osobowe [iVal35] => [sVal35] => [iVal57] => [sVal57] => [iVal36] => [sVal36] => [iVal54] => [sVal54] => [iVal43] => [sVal43] => [iVal61] => [sVal61] => [iVal25] => [sVal25] => [sGuarantee] => do głębokości bieżnika 1,6mm [iSezon] => 4 [fRatingAvg] => 5.0000 [iCommentsCount] => 5 [fCatalogPrice] => 505.23 [fVatValue] => 0.23 [iCanBuy] => 1 [iVariantCount] => 11 [iVisiblePrice] => 1 [aPromoted] => Array ( ) [iTests] => [sTestLogo] => [sLinkName] => 107369,opona-hankook-225-40r18-w330-92v-xl.html [sPrice] => 505.23 [sPriceOld] => 775.49 [aProducer] => Array ( [iProducer] => 112 [sName] => Hankook [sLogoUrl] => opony_hankook.jpg ) [aDataImage] => Array ( [iFile] => 487327 [iProduct] => 107369 [sFileName] => hankook_w330.jpg [sDescription] => [iPhoto] => 1 [iPosition] => 0 [iType] => 7 [iSize] => [sTextSearch] => ) [bInStorage] => [bInCompare] => [aAttributes] => Array ( [8] => Array ( [sName] => Typ pojazdu [iPosition] => -90 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [7] => Osobowe ) ) [7] => Array ( [sName] => Sezon [iPosition] => -89 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [4] => Zimowe ) ) [19] => Array ( [sName] => Rozmiar [iPosition] => -80 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [17174] => 225/40R18 ) ) [18] => Array ( [sName] => Model [iPosition] => -79 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [51073] => Winter i*cept evo3 W330 ) ) [1] => Array ( [sName] => Szerokość [iPosition] => -53 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [23] => 225 ) ) [2] => Array ( [sName] => Profil [iPosition] => -52 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [40] => 40 ) ) [3] => Array ( [sName] => Średnica [iPosition] => -51 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [58] => 18 ) ) [4] => Array ( [sName] => Index nośności [iPosition] => -50 [sDescription] => 630 kg [aValues] => Array ( [95] => 92 ) ) [5] => Array ( [sName] => Index prędkości [iPosition] => -49 [sDescription] => 240 km/h [aValues] => Array ( [229] => V ) ) [16] => Array ( [sName] => Hamowanie na mokrym [iPosition] => -40 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [241] => B ) ) [15] => Array ( [sName] => Opór toczenia [iPosition] => -39 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: D, E [aValues] => Array ( [235] => D ) ) [17] => Array ( [sName] => Hałas zewnętrzny [iPosition] => -38 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [270] => 72 ) ) [6] => Array ( [sName] => Liczba fal [iPosition] => -37 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: 2 fale [aValues] => Array ( [55027] => B ) ) [11] => Array ( [sName] => Opona wzmacniana (XL/RF) [iPosition] => 22 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [3] => Tak ) ) [13] => Array ( [sName] => Rok Produkcji (DOT) [iPosition] => 50 [sDescription] => mniej niż 24 miesiące od daty produkcji [aValues] => Array ( [25296] => MIX [43806] => 2016 [25052] => 2017 [33507] => 2018 [43822] => 2019 [43823] => 2020 [45761] => 2021 [69594] => 2022 [83285] => 2023 [93167] => 2024 [93168] => 2025 ) ) ) [aTests] => Array ( ) [sProducerClass] => hankook ) [3] => Array ( [iProduct] => 107823 [iStatus] => 1 [iNotForSale] => 0 [iPosition] => 0 [sName] => Opona Nokian 225/40R18 WR SNOWPROOF 92V XL FR [sNameCompare] => [fPrice] => 518.38 [iActiveDiscount] => 1 [fPriceOld] => 748.00 [iVat] => 1 [iNewUsed] => [sCatalogNumber] => T431235 [sProductIndex] => 6419440408798 [sDescriptionShort] => [sSearchWords] => Z2254018 Z2254018V 2254018 2254018V Zima Zimowa [sWeight] => 1 [iStockSendAdminMin] => [iProducer] => 117 [iAdmin] => [iLastVisited] => 1734863386 [iTime] => 1602138229 [fKgo] => [iShowPhone] => [sMeasure] => [iCompare] => 1 [iLastModified] => 1602138229 [fBuyPrice] => 457.06 [fPromoPrice] => [sMargin] => b+5+11+1.5%+10+0.88% [iPriceTimeFrom] => 0 [iPriceTimeTo] => 0 [fPriceTimeValue] => [iPriceTimeMaxCount] => [iPriceTimeCount] => 2 [iCurrencyDependent] => 0 [iFotolia] => 0 [iMinCount] => [iPackageCount] => [i1+50p] => [i2+1] => [iVisibleAll] => 1 [iVisiblePriceAll] => 1 [iCanBuyAll] => 1 [sConversionLabel] => [iMarginIgnore] => 0 [TiStock] => 85 [TiAvailable] => 1 [TiCanBuy] => 1 [TiVariantsCount] => 11 [TiCanBuyOutOfStock] => 0 [sCeneoLink] => [iCeneoTime] => 1635437162 [fCeneoMinMargin] => [iCeneoActive] => [iCeneoBest] => [sAdminInfo] => [fCeneoPrice] => 457.00 [fCeneoPriceDelivery] => 460.00 [fAllegroBestPrice] => [fAllegroBestPriceDeliveryCost] => [sAllegroBestUser] => [fAllegroBestPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroBestUserDelivery] => [iAllegroActive] => 0 [iAllegroTime] => 1614039815 [fAllegroOurMin] => [fAllegroOurMinDelivery] => [fAllegroOurPrice] => [fAllegroOurPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroName] => Opona zimowa Nokian WR SNOWPROOF 225/40R18 92V XL FR [sAllegroNameSzablon] => Opona zimowa Nokian WR SNOWPROOF 225/40R18 92V XL FR [iMainCategory] => 66 [iDescPhoto] => 7231 [fVolume] => 94096 [fWeightVolume] => 15.68 [iDealavo] => 0 [iProductSatis] => [iPromotedMin] => [prodsName] => Nokian [prodsLogoUrl] => opony_nokian.jpg [prodsGroupName] => [prodsGroupLogoUrl] => [sProducersClass] => Klasa premium [iAvailable] => 1 [iVal45] => [sVal45] => [iVal31] => [sVal31] => [iVal39] => [sVal39] => [iVal40] => [sVal40] => [iVal14] => [sVal14] => [iVal62] => [sVal62] => [iVal16] => 241 [sVal16] => B [iVal17] => 268 [sVal17] => 70 [iVal10] => [sVal10] => [iVal4] => 95 [sVal4] => 92 [iVal5] => 229 [sVal5] => V [iVal60] => 80246 [sVal60] => Lekka [iVal58] => 73180 [sVal58] => 511249 [iVal26] => [sVal26] => [iVal27] => [sVal27] => [iVal28] => [sVal28] => [iVal29] => [sVal29] => [iVal20] => [sVal20] => [iVal51] => [sVal51] => [iVal30] => 90760 [sVal30] => FINLANDIA [iVal6] => 55027 [sVal6] => B [iVal22] => [sVal22] => [iVal34] => [sVal34] => [iVal18] => 45142 [sVal18] => WR Snowproof [iVal12] => 2 [sVal12] => Tak [iVal21] => [sVal21] => [iVal11] => 3 [sVal11] => Tak [iVal15] => 234 [sVal15] => C [iVal49] => [sVal49] => [iVal24] => [sVal24] => [iVal48] => 44377 [sVal48] => Tak [iVal47] => 44376 [sVal47] => Tak [iVal41] => [sVal41] => [iVal46] => [sVal46] => [iVal2] => 40 [sVal2] => 40 [iVal50] => [sVal50] => [iVal59] => [sVal59] => [iVal53] => [sVal53] => [iVal13] => [sVal13] => [iVal19] => 17174 [sVal19] => 225/40R18 [iVal23] => [sVal23] => [iVal9] => [sVal9] => [iVal7] => 4 [sVal7] => Zimowe [iVal38] => [sVal38] => [iVal3] => 58 [sVal3] => 18 [iVal37] => [sVal37] => [iVal33] => [sVal33] => [iVal32] => [sVal32] => [iVal1] => 23 [sVal1] => 225 [iVal56] => [sVal56] => [iVal55] => [sVal55] => [iVal42] => [sVal42] => [iVal52] => [sVal52] => [iVal8] => 7 [sVal8] => Osobowe [iVal35] => [sVal35] => [iVal57] => [sVal57] => [iVal36] => [sVal36] => [iVal54] => [sVal54] => [iVal43] => [sVal43] => [iVal61] => [sVal61] => [iVal25] => [sVal25] => [sGuarantee] => 5 lat [iSezon] => 4 [fRatingAvg] => 4.5000 [iCommentsCount] => 5 [fCatalogPrice] => 518.38 [fVatValue] => 0.23 [iCanBuy] => 1 [iVariantCount] => 11 [iVisiblePrice] => 1 [aPromoted] => Array ( ) [iTests] => 1 [sTestLogo] => auto_motor_i_sport.png [sLinkName] => 107823,opona-nokian-225-40r18-wr-snowproof-92v-xl-fr.html [sPrice] => 518.38 [sPriceOld] => 748.00 [aProducer] => Array ( [iProducer] => 117 [sName] => Nokian [sLogoUrl] => opony_nokian.jpg ) [aDataImage] => Array ( [iFile] => 487475 [iProduct] => 107823 [sFileName] => nokian_wr_snowproof[2].jpg [sDescription] => [iPhoto] => 1 [iPosition] => 0 [iType] => 7 [iSize] => [sTextSearch] => ) [bInStorage] => [bInCompare] => [aAttributes] => Array ( [8] => Array ( [sName] => Typ pojazdu [iPosition] => -90 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [7] => Osobowe ) ) [7] => Array ( [sName] => Sezon [iPosition] => -89 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [4] => Zimowe ) ) [19] => Array ( [sName] => Rozmiar [iPosition] => -80 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [17174] => 225/40R18 ) ) [18] => Array ( [sName] => Model [iPosition] => -79 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [45142] => WR Snowproof ) ) [1] => Array ( [sName] => Szerokość [iPosition] => -53 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [23] => 225 ) ) [2] => Array ( [sName] => Profil [iPosition] => -52 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [40] => 40 ) ) [3] => Array ( [sName] => Średnica [iPosition] => -51 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [58] => 18 ) ) [4] => Array ( [sName] => Index nośności [iPosition] => -50 [sDescription] => 630 kg [aValues] => Array ( [95] => 92 ) ) [5] => Array ( [sName] => Index prędkości [iPosition] => -49 [sDescription] => 240 km/h [aValues] => Array ( [229] => V ) ) [16] => Array ( [sName] => Hamowanie na mokrym [iPosition] => -40 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [241] => B ) ) [15] => Array ( [sName] => Opór toczenia [iPosition] => -39 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [234] => C ) ) [17] => Array ( [sName] => Hałas zewnętrzny [iPosition] => -38 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [268] => 70 ) ) [6] => Array ( [sName] => Liczba fal [iPosition] => -37 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: 2 fale [aValues] => Array ( [55027] => B ) ) [58] => Array ( [sName] => Kod EPREL [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [73180] => 511249 ) ) [30] => Array ( [sName] => Kraj Produkcji [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [90760] => FINLANDIA ) ) [48] => Array ( [sName] => Oznaczenie 3PMSF [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [44377] => Tak ) ) [47] => Array ( [sName] => Oznaczenie M+S [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [44376] => Tak ) ) [12] => Array ( [sName] => Ochrona rantu (FR) [iPosition] => 21 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [2] => Tak ) ) [11] => Array ( [sName] => Opona wzmacniana (XL/RF) [iPosition] => 22 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [3] => Tak ) ) [13] => Array ( [sName] => Rok Produkcji (DOT) [iPosition] => 50 [sDescription] => mniej niż 24 miesiące od daty produkcji [aValues] => Array ( [25296] => MIX [43806] => 2016 [25052] => 2017 [33507] => 2018 [43822] => 2019 [43823] => 2020 [45761] => 2021 [69594] => 2022 [83285] => 2023 [93167] => 2024 [93168] => 2025 ) ) ) [aTests] => Array ( [0] => auto_motor_i_sport.png [1] => motor.png ) [sProducerClass] => nokian ) [4] => Array ( [iProduct] => 126813 [iStatus] => 1 [iNotForSale] => 0 [iPosition] => 0 [sName] => Opona Continental 225/40R18 WINTERCONTACT TS 870 P 92V XL FR [sNameCompare] => [fPrice] => 642.99 [iActiveDiscount] => 1 [fPriceOld] => 833.94 [iVat] => 1 [iNewUsed] => [sCatalogNumber] => 03556720000 [sProductIndex] => 4019238054354 [sDescriptionShort] => [sSearchWords] => Z2254018 Z2254018V 2254018 2254018V Zima Zimowa [sWeight] => 1 [iStockSendAdminMin] => [iProducer] => 106 [iAdmin] => [iLastVisited] => 1734865511 [iTime] => 1621314866 [fKgo] => [iShowPhone] => [sMeasure] => [iCompare] => 1 [iLastModified] => 1621314866 [fBuyPrice] => 571.02 [fPromoPrice] => [sMargin] => b+5+11+1.5%+10+0.88% [iPriceTimeFrom] => 0 [iPriceTimeTo] => 0 [fPriceTimeValue] => [iPriceTimeMaxCount] => [iPriceTimeCount] => 0 [iCurrencyDependent] => 0 [iFotolia] => 0 [iMinCount] => [iPackageCount] => [i1+50p] => [i2+1] => [iVisibleAll] => 1 [iVisiblePriceAll] => 1 [iCanBuyAll] => 1 [sConversionLabel] => [iMarginIgnore] => 0 [TiStock] => 20 [TiAvailable] => 1 [TiCanBuy] => 1 [TiVariantsCount] => 11 [TiCanBuyOutOfStock] => 0 [sCeneoLink] => [iCeneoTime] => 1635467224 [fCeneoMinMargin] => [iCeneoActive] => [iCeneoBest] => [sAdminInfo] => [fCeneoPrice] => [fCeneoPriceDelivery] => [fAllegroBestPrice] => [fAllegroBestPriceDeliveryCost] => [sAllegroBestUser] => [fAllegroBestPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroBestUserDelivery] => [iAllegroActive] => 0 [iAllegroTime] => [fAllegroOurMin] => [fAllegroOurMinDelivery] => [fAllegroOurPrice] => [fAllegroOurPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroName] => Opona zimowa Continental WINTERCONTACT TS 870 P 225/40R18 92V XL FR [sAllegroNameSzablon] => Opona zimowa Continental WINTERCONTACT TS 870 P 225/40R18 92V XL FR [iMainCategory] => 66 [iDescPhoto] => 10354 [fVolume] => 94096 [fWeightVolume] => 15.68 [iDealavo] => 0 [iProductSatis] => [iPromotedMin] => [prodsName] => Continental [prodsLogoUrl] => opony_continental.jpg [prodsGroupName] => [prodsGroupLogoUrl] => [sProducersClass] => Klasa premium [iAvailable] => 1 [iVal45] => [sVal45] => [iVal31] => [sVal31] => [iVal39] => [sVal39] => [iVal40] => [sVal40] => [iVal14] => [sVal14] => [iVal62] => [sVal62] => [iVal16] => 241 [sVal16] => B [iVal17] => 269 [sVal17] => 71 [iVal10] => [sVal10] => [iVal4] => 95 [sVal4] => 92 [iVal5] => 229 [sVal5] => V [iVal60] => 80246 [sVal60] => Lekka [iVal58] => 65268 [sVal58] => 617839 [iVal26] => [sVal26] => [iVal27] => [sVal27] => [iVal28] => [sVal28] => [iVal29] => [sVal29] => [iVal20] => [sVal20] => [iVal51] => [sVal51] => [iVal30] => 92647 [sVal30] => TAK [iVal6] => 55027 [sVal6] => B [iVal22] => [sVal22] => [iVal34] => [sVal34] => [iVal18] => 55025 [sVal18] => WinterContact TS 870 P [iVal12] => 2 [sVal12] => Tak [iVal21] => [sVal21] => [iVal11] => 3 [sVal11] => Tak [iVal15] => 234 [sVal15] => C [iVal49] => [sVal49] => [iVal24] => [sVal24] => [iVal48] => 44377 [sVal48] => Tak [iVal47] => 44376 [sVal47] => Tak [iVal41] => [sVal41] => [iVal46] => [sVal46] => [iVal2] => 40 [sVal2] => 40 [iVal50] => [sVal50] => [iVal59] => [sVal59] => [iVal53] => [sVal53] => [iVal13] => [sVal13] => [iVal19] => 17174 [sVal19] => 225/40R18 [iVal23] => [sVal23] => [iVal9] => [sVal9] => [iVal7] => 4 [sVal7] => Zimowe [iVal38] => [sVal38] => [iVal3] => 58 [sVal3] => 18 [iVal37] => [sVal37] => [iVal33] => [sVal33] => [iVal32] => [sVal32] => [iVal1] => 23 [sVal1] => 225 [iVal56] => [sVal56] => [iVal55] => [sVal55] => [iVal42] => [sVal42] => [iVal52] => [sVal52] => [iVal8] => 7 [sVal8] => Osobowe [iVal35] => [sVal35] => [iVal57] => [sVal57] => [iVal36] => [sVal36] => [iVal54] => [sVal54] => [iVal43] => [sVal43] => [iVal61] => [sVal61] => [iVal25] => [sVal25] => [sGuarantee] => 5 lat od daty sprzedaży lub do momentu osiągnięcia granicznego zużycia czoła bieżnika, w zależności co wystąpi wcześniej [iSezon] => 4 [fRatingAvg] => 5.0000 [iCommentsCount] => 1 [fCatalogPrice] => 642.99 [fVatValue] => 0.23 [iCanBuy] => 1 [iVariantCount] => 11 [iVisiblePrice] => 1 [aPromoted] => Array ( ) [iTests] => 1 [sTestLogo] => auto_swiat.png [sLinkName] => 126813,opona-continental-225-40r18-wintercontact-ts-870-p-92v-xl-fr.html [sPrice] => 642.99 [sPriceOld] => 833.94 [aProducer] => Array ( [iProducer] => 106 [sName] => Continental [sLogoUrl] => opony_continental.jpg ) [aDataImage] => Array ( [iFile] => 478818 [iProduct] => 126813 [sFileName] => continental_wintercontact_ts_870_p.jpg [sDescription] => [iPhoto] => 1 [iPosition] => 0 [iType] => 7 [iSize] => [sTextSearch] => ) [bInStorage] => [bInCompare] => [aAttributes] => Array ( [8] => Array ( [sName] => Typ pojazdu [iPosition] => -90 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [7] => Osobowe ) ) [7] => Array ( [sName] => Sezon [iPosition] => -89 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [4] => Zimowe ) ) [19] => Array ( [sName] => Rozmiar [iPosition] => -80 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [17174] => 225/40R18 ) ) [18] => Array ( [sName] => Model [iPosition] => -79 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [55025] => WinterContact TS 870 P ) ) [1] => Array ( [sName] => Szerokość [iPosition] => -53 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [23] => 225 ) ) [2] => Array ( [sName] => Profil [iPosition] => -52 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [40] => 40 ) ) [3] => Array ( [sName] => Średnica [iPosition] => -51 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [58] => 18 ) ) [4] => Array ( [sName] => Index nośności [iPosition] => -50 [sDescription] => 630 kg [aValues] => Array ( [95] => 92 ) ) [5] => Array ( [sName] => Index prędkości [iPosition] => -49 [sDescription] => 240 km/h [aValues] => Array ( [229] => V ) ) [16] => Array ( [sName] => Hamowanie na mokrym [iPosition] => -40 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [241] => B ) ) [15] => Array ( [sName] => Opór toczenia [iPosition] => -39 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [234] => C ) ) [17] => Array ( [sName] => Hałas zewnętrzny [iPosition] => -38 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [269] => 71 ) ) [6] => Array ( [sName] => Liczba fal [iPosition] => -37 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: 2 fale [aValues] => Array ( [55027] => B ) ) [58] => Array ( [sName] => Kod EPREL [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [65268] => 617839 ) ) [30] => Array ( [sName] => Kraj Produkcji [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [92647] => TAK ) ) [48] => Array ( [sName] => Oznaczenie 3PMSF [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [44377] => Tak ) ) [47] => Array ( [sName] => Oznaczenie M+S [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [44376] => Tak ) ) [12] => Array ( [sName] => Ochrona rantu (FR) [iPosition] => 21 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [2] => Tak ) ) [11] => Array ( [sName] => Opona wzmacniana (XL/RF) [iPosition] => 22 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [3] => Tak ) ) [13] => Array ( [sName] => Rok Produkcji (DOT) [iPosition] => 50 [sDescription] => mniej niż 24 miesiące od daty produkcji [aValues] => Array ( [25296] => MIX [43806] => 2016 [25052] => 2017 [33507] => 2018 [43822] => 2019 [43823] => 2020 [45761] => 2021 [69594] => 2022 [83285] => 2023 [93167] => 2024 [93168] => 2025 ) ) ) [aTests] => Array ( [0] => auto_swiat.png ) [sProducerClass] => continental ) [5] => Array ( [iProduct] => 130879 [iStatus] => 1 [iNotForSale] => 0 [iPosition] => 0 [sName] => Opona Toyo 225/40R18 OBSERVE S944 92W XL [sNameCompare] => [fPrice] => 468.48 [iActiveDiscount] => 1 [fPriceOld] => [iVat] => 1 [iNewUsed] => [sCatalogNumber] => 3863900 [sProductIndex] => 4981910545514 [sDescriptionShort] => [sSearchWords] => Z2254018 Z2254018W 2254018 2254018W Zima Zimowa [sWeight] => 1 [iStockSendAdminMin] => [iProducer] => 120 [iAdmin] => [iLastVisited] => 1734828882 [iTime] => 1634102434 [fKgo] => [iShowPhone] => [sMeasure] => [iCompare] => 1 [iLastModified] => 1634102434 [fBuyPrice] => 410.15 [fPromoPrice] => [sMargin] => [iPriceTimeFrom] => 0 [iPriceTimeTo] => 0 [fPriceTimeValue] => [iPriceTimeMaxCount] => [iPriceTimeCount] => 0 [iCurrencyDependent] => 0 [iFotolia] => 0 [iMinCount] => [iPackageCount] => [i1+50p] => [i2+1] => [iVisibleAll] => 1 [iVisiblePriceAll] => 1 [iCanBuyAll] => 1 [sConversionLabel] => [iMarginIgnore] => 0 [TiStock] => 42 [TiAvailable] => 1 [TiCanBuy] => 1 [TiVariantsCount] => 11 [TiCanBuyOutOfStock] => 0 [sCeneoLink] => [iCeneoTime] => [fCeneoMinMargin] => [iCeneoActive] => [iCeneoBest] => [sAdminInfo] => [fCeneoPrice] => [fCeneoPriceDelivery] => [fAllegroBestPrice] => [fAllegroBestPriceDeliveryCost] => [sAllegroBestUser] => [fAllegroBestPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroBestUserDelivery] => [iAllegroActive] => 0 [iAllegroTime] => [fAllegroOurMin] => [fAllegroOurMinDelivery] => [fAllegroOurPrice] => [fAllegroOurPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroName] => Opona zimowa Toyo OBSERVE S944 225/40R18 92W XL [sAllegroNameSzablon] => Opona zimowa Toyo OBSERVE S944 225/40R18 92W XL [iMainCategory] => 66 [iDescPhoto] => 7232 [fVolume] => 94096 [fWeightVolume] => 15.68 [iDealavo] => 0 [iProductSatis] => [iPromotedMin] => [prodsName] => Toyo [prodsLogoUrl] => toyo_2020.jpg [prodsGroupName] => [prodsGroupLogoUrl] => [sProducersClass] => Klasa średnia [iAvailable] => 1 [iVal45] => [sVal45] => [iVal31] => [sVal31] => [iVal39] => [sVal39] => [iVal40] => [sVal40] => [iVal14] => [sVal14] => [iVal62] => [sVal62] => [iVal16] => 241 [sVal16] => B [iVal17] => 269 [sVal17] => 71 [iVal10] => [sVal10] => [iVal4] => 95 [sVal4] => 92 [iVal5] => 230 [sVal5] => W [iVal60] => 80246 [sVal60] => Lekka [iVal58] => 92323 [sVal58] => 1270959 [iVal26] => [sVal26] => [iVal27] => [sVal27] => [iVal28] => [sVal28] => [iVal29] => [sVal29] => [iVal20] => [sVal20] => [iVal51] => [sVal51] => [iVal30] => 90769 [sVal30] => JAPONIA [iVal6] => 55027 [sVal6] => B [iVal22] => [sVal22] => [iVal34] => [sVal34] => [iVal18] => 50675 [sVal18] => OBSERVE S944 [iVal12] => [sVal12] => [iVal21] => [sVal21] => [iVal11] => 3 [sVal11] => Tak [iVal15] => 235 [sVal15] => D [iVal49] => [sVal49] => [iVal24] => [sVal24] => [iVal48] => 44377 [sVal48] => Tak [iVal47] => 44376 [sVal47] => Tak [iVal41] => [sVal41] => [iVal46] => [sVal46] => [iVal2] => 40 [sVal2] => 40 [iVal50] => [sVal50] => [iVal59] => [sVal59] => [iVal53] => [sVal53] => [iVal13] => [sVal13] => [iVal19] => 17174 [sVal19] => 225/40R18 [iVal23] => [sVal23] => [iVal9] => [sVal9] => [iVal7] => 4 [sVal7] => Zimowe [iVal38] => [sVal38] => [iVal3] => 58 [sVal3] => 18 [iVal37] => [sVal37] => [iVal33] => [sVal33] => [iVal32] => [sVal32] => [iVal1] => 23 [sVal1] => 225 [iVal56] => [sVal56] => [iVal55] => [sVal55] => [iVal42] => [sVal42] => [iVal52] => [sVal52] => [iVal8] => 7 [sVal8] => Osobowe [iVal35] => [sVal35] => [iVal57] => [sVal57] => [iVal36] => [sVal36] => [iVal54] => [sVal54] => [iVal43] => [sVal43] => [iVal61] => [sVal61] => [iVal25] => [sVal25] => [sGuarantee] => [iSezon] => 4 [fRatingAvg] => 5.0000 [iCommentsCount] => 8 [fCatalogPrice] => 468.48 [fVatValue] => 0.23 [iCanBuy] => 1 [iVariantCount] => 11 [iVisiblePrice] => 1 [aPromoted] => Array ( ) [iTests] => [sTestLogo] => [sLinkName] => 130879,opona-toyo-225-40r18-observe-s944-92w-xl.html [sPrice] => 468.48 [sPriceOld] => [aProducer] => Array ( [iProducer] => 120 [sName] => Toyo [sLogoUrl] => toyo_2020.jpg ) [aDataImage] => Array ( [iFile] => 470705 [iProduct] => 130879 [sFileName] => toyo_observe_s944.jpg [sDescription] => [iPhoto] => 1 [iPosition] => 0 [iType] => 7 [iSize] => [sTextSearch] => ) [bInStorage] => [bInCompare] => [aAttributes] => Array ( [8] => Array ( [sName] => Typ pojazdu [iPosition] => -90 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [7] => Osobowe ) ) [7] => Array ( [sName] => Sezon [iPosition] => -89 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [4] => Zimowe ) ) [19] => Array ( [sName] => Rozmiar [iPosition] => -80 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [17174] => 225/40R18 ) ) [18] => Array ( [sName] => Model [iPosition] => -79 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [50675] => OBSERVE S944 ) ) [1] => Array ( [sName] => Szerokość [iPosition] => -53 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [23] => 225 ) ) [2] => Array ( [sName] => Profil [iPosition] => -52 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [40] => 40 ) ) [3] => Array ( [sName] => Średnica [iPosition] => -51 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [58] => 18 ) ) [4] => Array ( [sName] => Index nośności [iPosition] => -50 [sDescription] => 630 kg [aValues] => Array ( [95] => 92 ) ) [5] => Array ( [sName] => Index prędkości [iPosition] => -49 [sDescription] => 270 km/h [aValues] => Array ( [230] => W ) ) [16] => Array ( [sName] => Hamowanie na mokrym [iPosition] => -40 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [241] => B ) ) [15] => Array ( [sName] => Opór toczenia [iPosition] => -39 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: D, E [aValues] => Array ( [235] => D ) ) [17] => Array ( [sName] => Hałas zewnętrzny [iPosition] => -38 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [269] => 71 ) ) [6] => Array ( [sName] => Liczba fal [iPosition] => -37 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: 2 fale [aValues] => Array ( [55027] => B ) ) [58] => Array ( [sName] => Kod EPREL [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [92323] => 1270959 ) ) [30] => Array ( [sName] => Kraj Produkcji [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [90769] => JAPONIA ) ) [48] => Array ( [sName] => Oznaczenie 3PMSF [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [44377] => Tak ) ) [47] => Array ( [sName] => Oznaczenie M+S [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [44376] => Tak ) ) [11] => Array ( [sName] => Opona wzmacniana (XL/RF) [iPosition] => 22 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [3] => Tak ) ) [13] => Array ( [sName] => Rok Produkcji (DOT) [iPosition] => 50 [sDescription] => mniej niż 24 miesiące od daty produkcji [aValues] => Array ( [25296] => MIX [43806] => 2016 [25052] => 2017 [33507] => 2018 [43822] => 2019 [43823] => 2020 [45761] => 2021 [69594] => 2022 [83285] => 2023 [93167] => 2024 [93168] => 2025 ) ) ) [aTests] => Array ( ) [sProducerClass] => toyo ) [6] => Array ( [iProduct] => 107627 [iStatus] => 1 [iNotForSale] => 0 [iPosition] => 0 [sName] => Opona Pirelli 225/40R18 SOTTO ZERO 3 92V XL FR AO [sNameCompare] => [fPrice] => 625.19 [iActiveDiscount] => 1 [fPriceOld] => 1062.72 [iVat] => 1 [iNewUsed] => [sCatalogNumber] => 3221000 [sProductIndex] => 8019227322101 [sDescriptionShort] => [sSearchWords] => Z2254018 Z2254018V 2254018 2254018V Zima Zimowa [sWeight] => 1 [iStockSendAdminMin] => [iProducer] => 118 [iAdmin] => [iLastVisited] => 1734818882 [iTime] => 1602138180 [fKgo] => [iShowPhone] => [sMeasure] => [iCompare] => 1 [iLastModified] => 1602138180 [fBuyPrice] => 557.46 [fPromoPrice] => [sMargin] => b+5+11+1.5%+10+0.88% [iPriceTimeFrom] => 0 [iPriceTimeTo] => 0 [fPriceTimeValue] => [iPriceTimeMaxCount] => [iPriceTimeCount] => 0 [iCurrencyDependent] => 0 [iFotolia] => 0 [iMinCount] => [iPackageCount] => [i1+50p] => [i2+1] => [iVisibleAll] => 1 [iVisiblePriceAll] => 1 [iCanBuyAll] => 1 [sConversionLabel] => [iMarginIgnore] => 0 [TiStock] => 9 [TiAvailable] => 1 [TiCanBuy] => 1 [TiVariantsCount] => 11 [TiCanBuyOutOfStock] => 0 [sCeneoLink] => [iCeneoTime] => 1635482344 [fCeneoMinMargin] => [iCeneoActive] => [iCeneoBest] => [sAdminInfo] => [fCeneoPrice] => 542.00 [fCeneoPriceDelivery] => 552.00 [fAllegroBestPrice] => [fAllegroBestPriceDeliveryCost] => [sAllegroBestUser] => [fAllegroBestPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroBestUserDelivery] => [iAllegroActive] => 0 [iAllegroTime] => [fAllegroOurMin] => [fAllegroOurMinDelivery] => [fAllegroOurPrice] => [fAllegroOurPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroName] => Opona zimowa Pirelli SOTTO ZERO 3 225/40R18 92V XL FR [sAllegroNameSzablon] => Opona zimowa Pirelli SOTTO ZERO 3 225/40R18 92V XL FR AO [iMainCategory] => 66 [iDescPhoto] => 7072 [fVolume] => 94096 [fWeightVolume] => 15.68 [iDealavo] => 0 [iProductSatis] => [iPromotedMin] => [prodsName] => Pirelli [prodsLogoUrl] => opony_pirelli.jpg [prodsGroupName] => [prodsGroupLogoUrl] => [sProducersClass] => Klasa premium [iAvailable] => 1 [iVal45] => [sVal45] => [iVal31] => [sVal31] => [iVal39] => [sVal39] => [iVal40] => [sVal40] => [iVal14] => [sVal14] => [iVal62] => [sVal62] => [iVal16] => 241 [sVal16] => B [iVal17] => 268 [sVal17] => 70 [iVal10] => 16928 [sVal10] => AO [iVal4] => 95 [sVal4] => 92 [iVal5] => 229 [sVal5] => V [iVal60] => 80246 [sVal60] => Lekka [iVal58] => 89934 [sVal58] => 595945 [iVal26] => [sVal26] => [iVal27] => [sVal27] => [iVal28] => [sVal28] => [iVal29] => [sVal29] => [iVal20] => [sVal20] => [iVal51] => [sVal51] => [iVal30] => [sVal30] => [iVal6] => 55027 [sVal6] => B [iVal22] => [sVal22] => [iVal34] => [sVal34] => [iVal18] => 47154 [sVal18] => SOTTO ZERO 3 [iVal12] => 2 [sVal12] => Tak [iVal21] => [sVal21] => [iVal11] => 3 [sVal11] => Tak [iVal15] => 234 [sVal15] => C [iVal49] => [sVal49] => [iVal24] => [sVal24] => [iVal48] => [sVal48] => [iVal47] => [sVal47] => [iVal41] => [sVal41] => [iVal46] => [sVal46] => [iVal2] => 40 [sVal2] => 40 [iVal50] => [sVal50] => [iVal59] => [sVal59] => [iVal53] => [sVal53] => [iVal13] => [sVal13] => [iVal19] => 17174 [sVal19] => 225/40R18 [iVal23] => [sVal23] => [iVal9] => [sVal9] => [iVal7] => 4 [sVal7] => Zimowe [iVal38] => [sVal38] => [iVal3] => 58 [sVal3] => 18 [iVal37] => [sVal37] => [iVal33] => [sVal33] => [iVal32] => [sVal32] => [iVal1] => 23 [sVal1] => 225 [iVal56] => [sVal56] => [iVal55] => [sVal55] => [iVal42] => [sVal42] => [iVal52] => [sVal52] => [iVal8] => 7 [sVal8] => Osobowe [iVal35] => [sVal35] => [iVal57] => [sVal57] => [iVal36] => [sVal36] => [iVal54] => [sVal54] => [iVal43] => [sVal43] => [iVal61] => [sVal61] => [iVal25] => [sVal25] => [sGuarantee] => 5 lat [iSezon] => 4 [fRatingAvg] => [iCommentsCount] => [fCatalogPrice] => 625.19 [fVatValue] => 0.23 [iCanBuy] => 1 [iVariantCount] => 11 [iVisiblePrice] => 1 [aPromoted] => Array ( ) [iTests] => [sTestLogo] => [sLinkName] => 107627,opona-pirelli-225-40r18-sotto-zero-3-92v-xl-fr-ao.html [sPrice] => 625.19 [sPriceOld] => 1062.72 [aProducer] => Array ( [iProducer] => 118 [sName] => Pirelli [sLogoUrl] => opony_pirelli.jpg ) [aDataImage] => Array ( [iFile] => 486483 [iProduct] => 107627 [sFileName] => pirelli_sotto_zero_3.jpg [sDescription] => [iPhoto] => 1 [iPosition] => 0 [iType] => 7 [iSize] => [sTextSearch] => ) [bInStorage] => [bInCompare] => [aAttributes] => Array ( [8] => Array ( [sName] => Typ pojazdu [iPosition] => -90 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [7] => Osobowe ) ) [7] => Array ( [sName] => Sezon [iPosition] => -89 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [4] => Zimowe ) ) [19] => Array ( [sName] => Rozmiar [iPosition] => -80 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [17174] => 225/40R18 ) ) [18] => Array ( [sName] => Model [iPosition] => -79 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [47154] => SOTTO ZERO 3 ) ) [1] => Array ( [sName] => Szerokość [iPosition] => -53 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [23] => 225 ) ) [2] => Array ( [sName] => Profil [iPosition] => -52 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [40] => 40 ) ) [3] => Array ( [sName] => Średnica [iPosition] => -51 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [58] => 18 ) ) [4] => Array ( [sName] => Index nośności [iPosition] => -50 [sDescription] => 630 kg [aValues] => Array ( [95] => 92 ) ) [5] => Array ( [sName] => Index prędkości [iPosition] => -49 [sDescription] => 240 km/h [aValues] => Array ( [229] => V ) ) [16] => Array ( [sName] => Hamowanie na mokrym [iPosition] => -40 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [241] => B ) ) [15] => Array ( [sName] => Opór toczenia [iPosition] => -39 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [234] => C ) ) [17] => Array ( [sName] => Hałas zewnętrzny [iPosition] => -38 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [268] => 70 ) ) [6] => Array ( [sName] => Liczba fal [iPosition] => -37 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: 2 fale [aValues] => Array ( [55027] => B ) ) [58] => Array ( [sName] => Kod EPREL [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [89934] => 595945 ) ) [10] => Array ( [sName] => Homologacja [iPosition] => 13 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [16928] => AO ) ) [12] => Array ( [sName] => Ochrona rantu (FR) [iPosition] => 21 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [2] => Tak ) ) [11] => Array ( [sName] => Opona wzmacniana (XL/RF) [iPosition] => 22 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [3] => Tak ) ) [13] => Array ( [sName] => Rok Produkcji (DOT) [iPosition] => 50 [sDescription] => mniej niż 24 miesiące od daty produkcji [aValues] => Array ( [25296] => MIX [43806] => 2016 [25052] => 2017 [33507] => 2018 [43822] => 2019 [43823] => 2020 [45761] => 2021 [69594] => 2022 [83285] => 2023 [93167] => 2024 [93168] => 2025 ) ) ) [aTests] => Array ( ) [sProducerClass] => pirelli ) [7] => Array ( [iProduct] => 162310 [iStatus] => 1 [iNotForSale] => 0 [iPosition] => 0 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/40R18 BLIZZAK 6 92V XL FR Enliten [sNameCompare] => [fPrice] => 582.69 [iActiveDiscount] => 1 [fPriceOld] => [iVat] => 1 [iNewUsed] => [sCatalogNumber] => 21216 [sProductIndex] => 3286342121611 [sDescriptionShort] => [sSearchWords] => Z2254018 Z2254018V 2254018 2254018V Zima Zimowa [sWeight] => 1 [iStockSendAdminMin] => [iProducer] => 105 [iAdmin] => [iLastVisited] => 1734882000 [iTime] => 1727156348 [fKgo] => [iShowPhone] => [sMeasure] => [iCompare] => 1 [iLastModified] => 1727156348 [fBuyPrice] => 515.79 [fPromoPrice] => [sMargin] => [iPriceTimeFrom] => 0 [iPriceTimeTo] => 0 [fPriceTimeValue] => [iPriceTimeMaxCount] => [iPriceTimeCount] => 0 [iCurrencyDependent] => 0 [iFotolia] => 0 [iMinCount] => [iPackageCount] => [i1+50p] => [i2+1] => [iVisibleAll] => 1 [iVisiblePriceAll] => 1 [iCanBuyAll] => 1 [sConversionLabel] => [iMarginIgnore] => 0 [TiStock] => 10 [TiAvailable] => 1 [TiCanBuy] => 1 [TiVariantsCount] => 8 [TiCanBuyOutOfStock] => 0 [sCeneoLink] => [iCeneoTime] => [fCeneoMinMargin] => [iCeneoActive] => [iCeneoBest] => [sAdminInfo] => [fCeneoPrice] => [fCeneoPriceDelivery] => [fAllegroBestPrice] => [fAllegroBestPriceDeliveryCost] => [sAllegroBestUser] => [fAllegroBestPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroBestUserDelivery] => [iAllegroActive] => 0 [iAllegroTime] => [fAllegroOurMin] => [fAllegroOurMinDelivery] => [fAllegroOurPrice] => [fAllegroOurPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroName] => Opona zimowa Bridgestone BLIZZAK 6 225/40R18 92V XL FR [sAllegroNameSzablon] => Opona zimowa Bridgestone BLIZZAK 6 225/40R18 92V XL FR Enliten [iMainCategory] => 66 [iDescPhoto] => 13224 [fVolume] => 94096 [fWeightVolume] => 15.68 [iDealavo] => 0 [iProductSatis] => [iPromotedMin] => [prodsName] => Bridgestone [prodsLogoUrl] => opony_bridgestone.jpg [prodsGroupName] => [prodsGroupLogoUrl] => [sProducersClass] => Klasa premium [iAvailable] => 1 [iVal45] => [sVal45] => [iVal31] => 83515 [sVal31] => Enliten [iVal39] => [sVal39] => [iVal40] => [sVal40] => [iVal14] => [sVal14] => [iVal62] => [sVal62] => [iVal16] => 241 [sVal16] => B [iVal17] => 268 [sVal17] => 70 [iVal10] => [sVal10] => [iVal4] => 95 [sVal4] => 92 [iVal5] => 229 [sVal5] => V [iVal60] => 80246 [sVal60] => Lekka [iVal58] => 89844 [sVal58] => 501443 [iVal26] => [sVal26] => [iVal27] => [sVal27] => [iVal28] => [sVal28] => [iVal29] => [sVal29] => [iVal20] => [sVal20] => [iVal51] => [sVal51] => [iVal30] => [sVal30] => [iVal6] => 55027 [sVal6] => B [iVal22] => [sVal22] => [iVal34] => [sVal34] => [iVal18] => 89823 [sVal18] => BLIZZAK 6 [iVal12] => 2 [sVal12] => Tak [iVal21] => [sVal21] => [iVal11] => 3 [sVal11] => Tak [iVal15] => 234 [sVal15] => C [iVal49] => [sVal49] => [iVal24] => [sVal24] => [iVal48] => [sVal48] => [iVal47] => [sVal47] => [iVal41] => [sVal41] => [iVal46] => [sVal46] => [iVal2] => 40 [sVal2] => 40 [iVal50] => [sVal50] => [iVal59] => [sVal59] => [iVal53] => [sVal53] => [iVal13] => [sVal13] => [iVal19] => 17174 [sVal19] => 225/40R18 [iVal23] => [sVal23] => [iVal9] => [sVal9] => [iVal7] => 4 [sVal7] => Zimowe [iVal38] => [sVal38] => [iVal3] => 58 [sVal3] => 18 [iVal37] => [sVal37] => [iVal33] => [sVal33] => [iVal32] => [sVal32] => [iVal1] => 23 [sVal1] => 225 [iVal56] => [sVal56] => [iVal55] => [sVal55] => [iVal42] => [sVal42] => [iVal52] => [sVal52] => [iVal8] => 7 [sVal8] => Osobowe [iVal35] => [sVal35] => [iVal57] => [sVal57] => [iVal36] => [sVal36] => [iVal54] => [sVal54] => [iVal43] => [sVal43] => [iVal61] => [sVal61] => [iVal25] => [sVal25] => [sGuarantee] => 4 lata [iSezon] => 4 [fRatingAvg] => [iCommentsCount] => [fCatalogPrice] => 582.69 [fVatValue] => 0.23 [iCanBuy] => 1 [iVariantCount] => 8 [iVisiblePrice] => 1 [aPromoted] => Array ( ) [iTests] => [sTestLogo] => [sLinkName] => 162310,opona-bridgestone-225-40r18-blizzak-6-92v-xl-fr-enliten.html [sPrice] => 582.69 [sPriceOld] => [aProducer] => Array ( [iProducer] => 105 [sName] => Bridgestone [sLogoUrl] => opony_bridgestone.jpg ) [aDataImage] => Array ( [iFile] => 476354 [iProduct] => 162310 [sFileName] => bridgestone_blizz6[1].jpg [sDescription] => [iPhoto] => 1 [iPosition] => 0 [iType] => 7 [iSize] => [sTextSearch] => ) [bInStorage] => [bInCompare] => [aAttributes] => Array ( [8] => Array ( [sName] => Typ pojazdu [iPosition] => -90 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [7] => Osobowe ) ) [7] => Array ( [sName] => Sezon [iPosition] => -89 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [4] => Zimowe ) ) [19] => Array ( [sName] => Rozmiar [iPosition] => -80 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [17174] => 225/40R18 ) ) [18] => Array ( [sName] => Model [iPosition] => -79 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [89823] => BLIZZAK 6 ) ) [1] => Array ( [sName] => Szerokość [iPosition] => -53 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [23] => 225 ) ) [2] => Array ( [sName] => Profil [iPosition] => -52 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [40] => 40 ) ) [3] => Array ( [sName] => Średnica [iPosition] => -51 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [58] => 18 ) ) [4] => Array ( [sName] => Index nośności [iPosition] => -50 [sDescription] => 630 kg [aValues] => Array ( [95] => 92 ) ) [5] => Array ( [sName] => Index prędkości [iPosition] => -49 [sDescription] => 240 km/h [aValues] => Array ( [229] => V ) ) [16] => Array ( [sName] => Hamowanie na mokrym [iPosition] => -40 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [241] => B ) ) [15] => Array ( [sName] => Opór toczenia [iPosition] => -39 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [234] => C ) ) [17] => Array ( [sName] => Hałas zewnętrzny [iPosition] => -38 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [268] => 70 ) ) [6] => Array ( [sName] => Liczba fal [iPosition] => -37 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: 2 fale [aValues] => Array ( [55027] => B ) ) [31] => Array ( [sName] => Dodatkowe oznaczenie [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [83515] => Enliten ) ) [58] => Array ( [sName] => Kod EPREL [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [89844] => 501443 ) ) [12] => Array ( [sName] => Ochrona rantu (FR) [iPosition] => 21 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [2] => Tak ) ) [11] => Array ( [sName] => Opona wzmacniana (XL/RF) [iPosition] => 22 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [3] => Tak ) ) [13] => Array ( [sName] => Rok Produkcji (DOT) [iPosition] => 50 [sDescription] => mniej niż 24 miesiące od daty produkcji [aValues] => Array ( [25296] => MIX [43822] => 2019 [43823] => 2020 [45761] => 2021 [69594] => 2022 [83285] => 2023 [93167] => 2024 [93168] => 2025 ) ) ) [aTests] => Array ( ) [sProducerClass] => bridgestone ) ) [sLinkNamePages] => [sLinkName] => ? [iList] => 8 [sTitle] => Produkty podobne do Opona Bridgestone 225/40R18 LM005DG 92V XL FR RunFlat [sProductsShow] => BOXES [iWidthType] => 100 ) ) [aTheSameProducts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87817 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 195/55R16 LM005DG 91H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87817,opona-bridgestone-195-55r16-lm005dg-91h-xl-runflat.html ) [1] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87817 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 195/55R16 LM005DG 91H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87817,opona-bridgestone-195-55r16-lm005dg-91h-xl-runflat.html ) [2] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87817 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 195/55R16 LM005DG 91H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87817,opona-bridgestone-195-55r16-lm005dg-91h-xl-runflat.html ) [3] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87817 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 195/55R16 LM005DG 91H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87817,opona-bridgestone-195-55r16-lm005dg-91h-xl-runflat.html ) [4] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87817 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 195/55R16 LM005DG 91H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87817,opona-bridgestone-195-55r16-lm005dg-91h-xl-runflat.html ) [5] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87817 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 195/55R16 LM005DG 91H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87817,opona-bridgestone-195-55r16-lm005dg-91h-xl-runflat.html ) [6] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87817 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 195/55R16 LM005DG 91H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87817,opona-bridgestone-195-55r16-lm005dg-91h-xl-runflat.html ) [7] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87817 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 195/55R16 LM005DG 91H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87817,opona-bridgestone-195-55r16-lm005dg-91h-xl-runflat.html ) [8] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87817 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 195/55R16 LM005DG 91H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87817,opona-bridgestone-195-55r16-lm005dg-91h-xl-runflat.html ) [9] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87817 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 195/55R16 LM005DG 91H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87817,opona-bridgestone-195-55r16-lm005dg-91h-xl-runflat.html ) [10] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87817 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 195/55R16 LM005DG 91H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87817,opona-bridgestone-195-55r16-lm005dg-91h-xl-runflat.html ) [11] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109772 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/45R17 LM005DG 88V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109772,opona-bridgestone-205-45r17-lm005dg-88v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [12] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109772 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/45R17 LM005DG 88V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109772,opona-bridgestone-205-45r17-lm005dg-88v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [13] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109772 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/45R17 LM005DG 88V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109772,opona-bridgestone-205-45r17-lm005dg-88v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [14] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109772 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/45R17 LM005DG 88V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109772,opona-bridgestone-205-45r17-lm005dg-88v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [15] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109772 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/45R17 LM005DG 88V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109772,opona-bridgestone-205-45r17-lm005dg-88v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [16] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109772 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/45R17 LM005DG 88V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109772,opona-bridgestone-205-45r17-lm005dg-88v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [17] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109772 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/45R17 LM005DG 88V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109772,opona-bridgestone-205-45r17-lm005dg-88v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [18] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109772 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/45R17 LM005DG 88V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109772,opona-bridgestone-205-45r17-lm005dg-88v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [19] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109772 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/45R17 LM005DG 88V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109772,opona-bridgestone-205-45r17-lm005dg-88v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [20] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109772 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/45R17 LM005DG 88V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109772,opona-bridgestone-205-45r17-lm005dg-88v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [21] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109772 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/45R17 LM005DG 88V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109772,opona-bridgestone-205-45r17-lm005dg-88v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [22] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109775 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/50R17 LM005DG 93V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109775,opona-bridgestone-205-50r17-lm005dg-93v-xl-runflat.html ) [23] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109775 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/50R17 LM005DG 93V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109775,opona-bridgestone-205-50r17-lm005dg-93v-xl-runflat.html ) [24] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109775 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/50R17 LM005DG 93V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109775,opona-bridgestone-205-50r17-lm005dg-93v-xl-runflat.html ) [25] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109775 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/50R17 LM005DG 93V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109775,opona-bridgestone-205-50r17-lm005dg-93v-xl-runflat.html ) [26] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109775 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/50R17 LM005DG 93V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109775,opona-bridgestone-205-50r17-lm005dg-93v-xl-runflat.html ) [27] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109775 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/50R17 LM005DG 93V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109775,opona-bridgestone-205-50r17-lm005dg-93v-xl-runflat.html ) [28] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109775 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/50R17 LM005DG 93V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109775,opona-bridgestone-205-50r17-lm005dg-93v-xl-runflat.html ) [29] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109775 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/50R17 LM005DG 93V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109775,opona-bridgestone-205-50r17-lm005dg-93v-xl-runflat.html ) [30] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109775 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/50R17 LM005DG 93V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109775,opona-bridgestone-205-50r17-lm005dg-93v-xl-runflat.html ) [31] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109775 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/50R17 LM005DG 93V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109775,opona-bridgestone-205-50r17-lm005dg-93v-xl-runflat.html ) [32] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109775 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/50R17 LM005DG 93V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109775,opona-bridgestone-205-50r17-lm005dg-93v-xl-runflat.html ) [33] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87827 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/55R16 LM005DG 94V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87827,opona-bridgestone-205-55r16-lm005dg-94v-xl-runflat.html ) [34] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87827 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/55R16 LM005DG 94V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87827,opona-bridgestone-205-55r16-lm005dg-94v-xl-runflat.html ) [35] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87827 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/55R16 LM005DG 94V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87827,opona-bridgestone-205-55r16-lm005dg-94v-xl-runflat.html ) [36] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87827 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/55R16 LM005DG 94V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87827,opona-bridgestone-205-55r16-lm005dg-94v-xl-runflat.html ) [37] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87827 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/55R16 LM005DG 94V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87827,opona-bridgestone-205-55r16-lm005dg-94v-xl-runflat.html ) [38] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87827 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/55R16 LM005DG 94V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87827,opona-bridgestone-205-55r16-lm005dg-94v-xl-runflat.html ) [39] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87827 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/55R16 LM005DG 94V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87827,opona-bridgestone-205-55r16-lm005dg-94v-xl-runflat.html ) [40] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87827 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/55R16 LM005DG 94V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87827,opona-bridgestone-205-55r16-lm005dg-94v-xl-runflat.html ) [41] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87827 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/55R16 LM005DG 94V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87827,opona-bridgestone-205-55r16-lm005dg-94v-xl-runflat.html ) [42] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87827 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/55R16 LM005DG 94V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87827,opona-bridgestone-205-55r16-lm005dg-94v-xl-runflat.html ) [43] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87827 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/55R16 LM005DG 94V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87827,opona-bridgestone-205-55r16-lm005dg-94v-xl-runflat.html ) [44] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87796 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/55R17 LM005DG 95V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87796,opona-bridgestone-205-55r17-lm005dg-95v-xl-runflat.html ) [45] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87796 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/55R17 LM005DG 95V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87796,opona-bridgestone-205-55r17-lm005dg-95v-xl-runflat.html ) [46] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87796 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/55R17 LM005DG 95V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87796,opona-bridgestone-205-55r17-lm005dg-95v-xl-runflat.html ) [47] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87796 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/55R17 LM005DG 95V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87796,opona-bridgestone-205-55r17-lm005dg-95v-xl-runflat.html ) [48] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87796 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/55R17 LM005DG 95V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87796,opona-bridgestone-205-55r17-lm005dg-95v-xl-runflat.html ) [49] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87796 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/55R17 LM005DG 95V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87796,opona-bridgestone-205-55r17-lm005dg-95v-xl-runflat.html ) [50] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87796 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/55R17 LM005DG 95V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87796,opona-bridgestone-205-55r17-lm005dg-95v-xl-runflat.html ) [51] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87796 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/55R17 LM005DG 95V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87796,opona-bridgestone-205-55r17-lm005dg-95v-xl-runflat.html ) [52] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87796 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/55R17 LM005DG 95V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87796,opona-bridgestone-205-55r17-lm005dg-95v-xl-runflat.html ) [53] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87796 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/55R17 LM005DG 95V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87796,opona-bridgestone-205-55r17-lm005dg-95v-xl-runflat.html ) [54] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87796 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/55R17 LM005DG 95V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87796,opona-bridgestone-205-55r17-lm005dg-95v-xl-runflat.html ) [55] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87842 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/60R16 LM005DG 96H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87842,opona-bridgestone-205-60r16-lm005dg-96h-xl-runflat.html ) [56] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87842 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/60R16 LM005DG 96H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87842,opona-bridgestone-205-60r16-lm005dg-96h-xl-runflat.html ) [57] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87842 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/60R16 LM005DG 96H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87842,opona-bridgestone-205-60r16-lm005dg-96h-xl-runflat.html ) [58] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87842 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/60R16 LM005DG 96H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87842,opona-bridgestone-205-60r16-lm005dg-96h-xl-runflat.html ) [59] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87842 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/60R16 LM005DG 96H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87842,opona-bridgestone-205-60r16-lm005dg-96h-xl-runflat.html ) [60] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87842 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/60R16 LM005DG 96H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87842,opona-bridgestone-205-60r16-lm005dg-96h-xl-runflat.html ) [61] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87842 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/60R16 LM005DG 96H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87842,opona-bridgestone-205-60r16-lm005dg-96h-xl-runflat.html ) [62] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87842 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/60R16 LM005DG 96H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87842,opona-bridgestone-205-60r16-lm005dg-96h-xl-runflat.html ) [63] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87842 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/60R16 LM005DG 96H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87842,opona-bridgestone-205-60r16-lm005dg-96h-xl-runflat.html ) [64] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87842 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/60R16 LM005DG 96H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87842,opona-bridgestone-205-60r16-lm005dg-96h-xl-runflat.html ) [65] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87842 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 205/60R16 LM005DG 96H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87842,opona-bridgestone-205-60r16-lm005dg-96h-xl-runflat.html ) [66] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109776 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/50R17 LM005DG 95V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109776,opona-bridgestone-215-50r17-lm005dg-95v-xl-runflat.html ) [67] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109776 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/50R17 LM005DG 95V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109776,opona-bridgestone-215-50r17-lm005dg-95v-xl-runflat.html ) [68] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109776 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/50R17 LM005DG 95V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109776,opona-bridgestone-215-50r17-lm005dg-95v-xl-runflat.html ) [69] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109776 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/50R17 LM005DG 95V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109776,opona-bridgestone-215-50r17-lm005dg-95v-xl-runflat.html ) [70] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109776 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/50R17 LM005DG 95V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109776,opona-bridgestone-215-50r17-lm005dg-95v-xl-runflat.html ) [71] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109776 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/50R17 LM005DG 95V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109776,opona-bridgestone-215-50r17-lm005dg-95v-xl-runflat.html ) [72] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109776 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/50R17 LM005DG 95V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109776,opona-bridgestone-215-50r17-lm005dg-95v-xl-runflat.html ) [73] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109776 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/50R17 LM005DG 95V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109776,opona-bridgestone-215-50r17-lm005dg-95v-xl-runflat.html ) [74] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109776 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/50R17 LM005DG 95V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109776,opona-bridgestone-215-50r17-lm005dg-95v-xl-runflat.html ) [75] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109776 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/50R17 LM005DG 95V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109776,opona-bridgestone-215-50r17-lm005dg-95v-xl-runflat.html ) [76] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109776 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/50R17 LM005DG 95V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109776,opona-bridgestone-215-50r17-lm005dg-95v-xl-runflat.html ) [77] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87830 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/55R16 LM005DG 97H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87830,opona-bridgestone-215-55r16-lm005dg-97h-xl-runflat.html ) [78] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87830 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/55R16 LM005DG 97H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87830,opona-bridgestone-215-55r16-lm005dg-97h-xl-runflat.html ) [79] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87830 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/55R16 LM005DG 97H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87830,opona-bridgestone-215-55r16-lm005dg-97h-xl-runflat.html ) [80] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87830 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/55R16 LM005DG 97H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87830,opona-bridgestone-215-55r16-lm005dg-97h-xl-runflat.html ) [81] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87830 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/55R16 LM005DG 97H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87830,opona-bridgestone-215-55r16-lm005dg-97h-xl-runflat.html ) [82] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87830 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/55R16 LM005DG 97H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87830,opona-bridgestone-215-55r16-lm005dg-97h-xl-runflat.html ) [83] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87830 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/55R16 LM005DG 97H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87830,opona-bridgestone-215-55r16-lm005dg-97h-xl-runflat.html ) [84] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87830 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/55R16 LM005DG 97H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87830,opona-bridgestone-215-55r16-lm005dg-97h-xl-runflat.html ) [85] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87830 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/55R16 LM005DG 97H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87830,opona-bridgestone-215-55r16-lm005dg-97h-xl-runflat.html ) [86] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87830 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/55R16 LM005DG 97H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87830,opona-bridgestone-215-55r16-lm005dg-97h-xl-runflat.html ) [87] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87830 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/55R16 LM005DG 97H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87830,opona-bridgestone-215-55r16-lm005dg-97h-xl-runflat.html ) [88] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87800 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/55R17 LM005DG 98V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87800,opona-bridgestone-215-55r17-lm005dg-98v-xl-runflat.html ) [89] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87800 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/55R17 LM005DG 98V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87800,opona-bridgestone-215-55r17-lm005dg-98v-xl-runflat.html ) [90] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87800 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/55R17 LM005DG 98V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87800,opona-bridgestone-215-55r17-lm005dg-98v-xl-runflat.html ) [91] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87800 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/55R17 LM005DG 98V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87800,opona-bridgestone-215-55r17-lm005dg-98v-xl-runflat.html ) [92] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87800 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/55R17 LM005DG 98V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87800,opona-bridgestone-215-55r17-lm005dg-98v-xl-runflat.html ) [93] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87800 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/55R17 LM005DG 98V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87800,opona-bridgestone-215-55r17-lm005dg-98v-xl-runflat.html ) [94] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87800 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/55R17 LM005DG 98V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87800,opona-bridgestone-215-55r17-lm005dg-98v-xl-runflat.html ) [95] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87800 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/55R17 LM005DG 98V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87800,opona-bridgestone-215-55r17-lm005dg-98v-xl-runflat.html ) [96] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87800 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/55R17 LM005DG 98V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87800,opona-bridgestone-215-55r17-lm005dg-98v-xl-runflat.html ) [97] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87800 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/55R17 LM005DG 98V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87800,opona-bridgestone-215-55r17-lm005dg-98v-xl-runflat.html ) [98] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87800 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/55R17 LM005DG 98V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87800,opona-bridgestone-215-55r17-lm005dg-98v-xl-runflat.html ) [99] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87846 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/60R16 LM005DG 99H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87846,opona-bridgestone-215-60r16-lm005dg-99h-xl-runflat.html ) [100] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87846 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/60R16 LM005DG 99H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87846,opona-bridgestone-215-60r16-lm005dg-99h-xl-runflat.html ) [101] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87846 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/60R16 LM005DG 99H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87846,opona-bridgestone-215-60r16-lm005dg-99h-xl-runflat.html ) [102] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87846 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/60R16 LM005DG 99H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87846,opona-bridgestone-215-60r16-lm005dg-99h-xl-runflat.html ) [103] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87846 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/60R16 LM005DG 99H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87846,opona-bridgestone-215-60r16-lm005dg-99h-xl-runflat.html ) [104] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87846 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/60R16 LM005DG 99H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87846,opona-bridgestone-215-60r16-lm005dg-99h-xl-runflat.html ) [105] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87846 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/60R16 LM005DG 99H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87846,opona-bridgestone-215-60r16-lm005dg-99h-xl-runflat.html ) [106] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87846 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/60R16 LM005DG 99H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87846,opona-bridgestone-215-60r16-lm005dg-99h-xl-runflat.html ) [107] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87846 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/60R16 LM005DG 99H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87846,opona-bridgestone-215-60r16-lm005dg-99h-xl-runflat.html ) [108] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87846 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/60R16 LM005DG 99H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87846,opona-bridgestone-215-60r16-lm005dg-99h-xl-runflat.html ) [109] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87846 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/60R16 LM005DG 99H XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87846,opona-bridgestone-215-60r16-lm005dg-99h-xl-runflat.html ) [110] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87921 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/60R17 LM005DG 100V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87921,opona-bridgestone-215-60r17-lm005dg-100v-xl-runflat.html ) [111] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87921 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/60R17 LM005DG 100V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87921,opona-bridgestone-215-60r17-lm005dg-100v-xl-runflat.html ) [112] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87921 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/60R17 LM005DG 100V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87921,opona-bridgestone-215-60r17-lm005dg-100v-xl-runflat.html ) [113] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87921 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/60R17 LM005DG 100V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87921,opona-bridgestone-215-60r17-lm005dg-100v-xl-runflat.html ) [114] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87921 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/60R17 LM005DG 100V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87921,opona-bridgestone-215-60r17-lm005dg-100v-xl-runflat.html ) [115] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87921 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/60R17 LM005DG 100V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87921,opona-bridgestone-215-60r17-lm005dg-100v-xl-runflat.html ) [116] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87921 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/60R17 LM005DG 100V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87921,opona-bridgestone-215-60r17-lm005dg-100v-xl-runflat.html ) [117] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87921 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/60R17 LM005DG 100V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87921,opona-bridgestone-215-60r17-lm005dg-100v-xl-runflat.html ) [118] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87921 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/60R17 LM005DG 100V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87921,opona-bridgestone-215-60r17-lm005dg-100v-xl-runflat.html ) [119] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87921 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/60R17 LM005DG 100V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87921,opona-bridgestone-215-60r17-lm005dg-100v-xl-runflat.html ) [120] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87921 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/60R17 LM005DG 100V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87921,opona-bridgestone-215-60r17-lm005dg-100v-xl-runflat.html ) [121] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87948 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/65R16 LM005DG 98H RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87948,opona-bridgestone-215-65r16-lm005dg-98h-runflat.html ) [122] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87948 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/65R16 LM005DG 98H RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87948,opona-bridgestone-215-65r16-lm005dg-98h-runflat.html ) [123] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87948 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/65R16 LM005DG 98H RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87948,opona-bridgestone-215-65r16-lm005dg-98h-runflat.html ) [124] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87948 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/65R16 LM005DG 98H RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87948,opona-bridgestone-215-65r16-lm005dg-98h-runflat.html ) [125] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87948 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/65R16 LM005DG 98H RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87948,opona-bridgestone-215-65r16-lm005dg-98h-runflat.html ) [126] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87948 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/65R16 LM005DG 98H RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87948,opona-bridgestone-215-65r16-lm005dg-98h-runflat.html ) [127] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87948 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/65R16 LM005DG 98H RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87948,opona-bridgestone-215-65r16-lm005dg-98h-runflat.html ) [128] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87948 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/65R16 LM005DG 98H RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87948,opona-bridgestone-215-65r16-lm005dg-98h-runflat.html ) [129] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87948 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/65R16 LM005DG 98H RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87948,opona-bridgestone-215-65r16-lm005dg-98h-runflat.html ) [130] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87948 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/65R16 LM005DG 98H RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87948,opona-bridgestone-215-65r16-lm005dg-98h-runflat.html ) [131] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87948 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 215/65R16 LM005DG 98H RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87948,opona-bridgestone-215-65r16-lm005dg-98h-runflat.html ) [132] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87781 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/45R17 LM005DG 94V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87781,opona-bridgestone-225-45r17-lm005dg-94v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [133] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87781 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/45R17 LM005DG 94V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87781,opona-bridgestone-225-45r17-lm005dg-94v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [134] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87781 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/45R17 LM005DG 94V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87781,opona-bridgestone-225-45r17-lm005dg-94v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [135] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87781 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/45R17 LM005DG 94V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87781,opona-bridgestone-225-45r17-lm005dg-94v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [136] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87781 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/45R17 LM005DG 94V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87781,opona-bridgestone-225-45r17-lm005dg-94v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [137] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87781 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/45R17 LM005DG 94V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87781,opona-bridgestone-225-45r17-lm005dg-94v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [138] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87781 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/45R17 LM005DG 94V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87781,opona-bridgestone-225-45r17-lm005dg-94v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [139] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87781 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/45R17 LM005DG 94V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87781,opona-bridgestone-225-45r17-lm005dg-94v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [140] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87781 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/45R17 LM005DG 94V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87781,opona-bridgestone-225-45r17-lm005dg-94v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [141] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87781 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/45R17 LM005DG 94V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87781,opona-bridgestone-225-45r17-lm005dg-94v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [142] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87781 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/45R17 LM005DG 94V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87781,opona-bridgestone-225-45r17-lm005dg-94v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [143] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109767 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/45R18 LM005DG 95V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109767,opona-bridgestone-225-45r18-lm005dg-95v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [144] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109767 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/45R18 LM005DG 95V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109767,opona-bridgestone-225-45r18-lm005dg-95v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [145] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109767 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/45R18 LM005DG 95V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109767,opona-bridgestone-225-45r18-lm005dg-95v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [146] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109767 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/45R18 LM005DG 95V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109767,opona-bridgestone-225-45r18-lm005dg-95v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [147] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109767 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/45R18 LM005DG 95V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109767,opona-bridgestone-225-45r18-lm005dg-95v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [148] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109767 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/45R18 LM005DG 95V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109767,opona-bridgestone-225-45r18-lm005dg-95v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [149] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109767 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/45R18 LM005DG 95V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109767,opona-bridgestone-225-45r18-lm005dg-95v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [150] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109767 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/45R18 LM005DG 95V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109767,opona-bridgestone-225-45r18-lm005dg-95v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [151] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109767 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/45R18 LM005DG 95V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109767,opona-bridgestone-225-45r18-lm005dg-95v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [152] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109767 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/45R18 LM005DG 95V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109767,opona-bridgestone-225-45r18-lm005dg-95v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [153] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109767 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/45R18 LM005DG 95V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109767,opona-bridgestone-225-45r18-lm005dg-95v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [154] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87793 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/50R17 LM005DG 98V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87793,opona-bridgestone-225-50r17-lm005dg-98v-xl-runflat.html ) [155] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87793 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/50R17 LM005DG 98V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87793,opona-bridgestone-225-50r17-lm005dg-98v-xl-runflat.html ) [156] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87793 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/50R17 LM005DG 98V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87793,opona-bridgestone-225-50r17-lm005dg-98v-xl-runflat.html ) [157] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87793 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/50R17 LM005DG 98V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87793,opona-bridgestone-225-50r17-lm005dg-98v-xl-runflat.html ) [158] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87793 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/50R17 LM005DG 98V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87793,opona-bridgestone-225-50r17-lm005dg-98v-xl-runflat.html ) [159] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87793 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/50R17 LM005DG 98V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87793,opona-bridgestone-225-50r17-lm005dg-98v-xl-runflat.html ) [160] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87793 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/50R17 LM005DG 98V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87793,opona-bridgestone-225-50r17-lm005dg-98v-xl-runflat.html ) [161] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87793 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/50R17 LM005DG 98V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87793,opona-bridgestone-225-50r17-lm005dg-98v-xl-runflat.html ) [162] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87793 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/50R17 LM005DG 98V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87793,opona-bridgestone-225-50r17-lm005dg-98v-xl-runflat.html ) [163] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87793 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/50R17 LM005DG 98V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87793,opona-bridgestone-225-50r17-lm005dg-98v-xl-runflat.html ) [164] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87793 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/50R17 LM005DG 98V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87793,opona-bridgestone-225-50r17-lm005dg-98v-xl-runflat.html ) [165] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109783 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/55R16 LM005DG 99V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109783,opona-bridgestone-225-55r16-lm005dg-99v-xl-runflat.html ) [166] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109783 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/55R16 LM005DG 99V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109783,opona-bridgestone-225-55r16-lm005dg-99v-xl-runflat.html ) [167] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109783 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/55R16 LM005DG 99V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109783,opona-bridgestone-225-55r16-lm005dg-99v-xl-runflat.html ) [168] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109783 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/55R16 LM005DG 99V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109783,opona-bridgestone-225-55r16-lm005dg-99v-xl-runflat.html ) [169] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109783 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/55R16 LM005DG 99V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109783,opona-bridgestone-225-55r16-lm005dg-99v-xl-runflat.html ) [170] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109783 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/55R16 LM005DG 99V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109783,opona-bridgestone-225-55r16-lm005dg-99v-xl-runflat.html ) [171] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109783 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/55R16 LM005DG 99V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109783,opona-bridgestone-225-55r16-lm005dg-99v-xl-runflat.html ) [172] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109783 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/55R16 LM005DG 99V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109783,opona-bridgestone-225-55r16-lm005dg-99v-xl-runflat.html ) [173] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109783 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/55R16 LM005DG 99V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109783,opona-bridgestone-225-55r16-lm005dg-99v-xl-runflat.html ) [174] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109783 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/55R16 LM005DG 99V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109783,opona-bridgestone-225-55r16-lm005dg-99v-xl-runflat.html ) [175] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109783 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/55R16 LM005DG 99V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109783,opona-bridgestone-225-55r16-lm005dg-99v-xl-runflat.html ) [176] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87804 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/55R17 LM005DG 101V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87804,opona-bridgestone-225-55r17-lm005dg-101v-xl-runflat.html ) [177] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87804 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/55R17 LM005DG 101V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87804,opona-bridgestone-225-55r17-lm005dg-101v-xl-runflat.html ) [178] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87804 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/55R17 LM005DG 101V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87804,opona-bridgestone-225-55r17-lm005dg-101v-xl-runflat.html ) [179] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87804 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/55R17 LM005DG 101V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87804,opona-bridgestone-225-55r17-lm005dg-101v-xl-runflat.html ) [180] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87804 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/55R17 LM005DG 101V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87804,opona-bridgestone-225-55r17-lm005dg-101v-xl-runflat.html ) [181] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87804 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/55R17 LM005DG 101V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87804,opona-bridgestone-225-55r17-lm005dg-101v-xl-runflat.html ) [182] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87804 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/55R17 LM005DG 101V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87804,opona-bridgestone-225-55r17-lm005dg-101v-xl-runflat.html ) [183] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87804 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/55R17 LM005DG 101V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87804,opona-bridgestone-225-55r17-lm005dg-101v-xl-runflat.html ) [184] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87804 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/55R17 LM005DG 101V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87804,opona-bridgestone-225-55r17-lm005dg-101v-xl-runflat.html ) [185] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87804 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/55R17 LM005DG 101V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87804,opona-bridgestone-225-55r17-lm005dg-101v-xl-runflat.html ) [186] => Array ( [iProduct] => 87804 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/55R17 LM005DG 101V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 87804,opona-bridgestone-225-55r17-lm005dg-101v-xl-runflat.html ) [187] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109842 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/60R17 LM005DG 103V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109842,opona-bridgestone-225-60r17-lm005dg-103v-xl-runflat.html ) [188] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109842 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/60R17 LM005DG 103V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109842,opona-bridgestone-225-60r17-lm005dg-103v-xl-runflat.html ) [189] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109842 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/60R17 LM005DG 103V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109842,opona-bridgestone-225-60r17-lm005dg-103v-xl-runflat.html ) [190] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109842 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/60R17 LM005DG 103V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109842,opona-bridgestone-225-60r17-lm005dg-103v-xl-runflat.html ) [191] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109842 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/60R17 LM005DG 103V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109842,opona-bridgestone-225-60r17-lm005dg-103v-xl-runflat.html ) [192] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109842 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/60R17 LM005DG 103V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109842,opona-bridgestone-225-60r17-lm005dg-103v-xl-runflat.html ) [193] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109842 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/60R17 LM005DG 103V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109842,opona-bridgestone-225-60r17-lm005dg-103v-xl-runflat.html ) [194] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109842 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/60R17 LM005DG 103V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109842,opona-bridgestone-225-60r17-lm005dg-103v-xl-runflat.html ) [195] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109842 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/60R17 LM005DG 103V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109842,opona-bridgestone-225-60r17-lm005dg-103v-xl-runflat.html ) [196] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109842 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/60R17 LM005DG 103V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109842,opona-bridgestone-225-60r17-lm005dg-103v-xl-runflat.html ) [197] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109842 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 225/60R17 LM005DG 103V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109842,opona-bridgestone-225-60r17-lm005dg-103v-xl-runflat.html ) [198] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109773 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/45R17 LM005DG 97V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109773,opona-bridgestone-235-45r17-lm005dg-97v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [199] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109773 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/45R17 LM005DG 97V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109773,opona-bridgestone-235-45r17-lm005dg-97v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [200] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109773 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/45R17 LM005DG 97V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109773,opona-bridgestone-235-45r17-lm005dg-97v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [201] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109773 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/45R17 LM005DG 97V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109773,opona-bridgestone-235-45r17-lm005dg-97v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [202] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109773 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/45R17 LM005DG 97V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109773,opona-bridgestone-235-45r17-lm005dg-97v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [203] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109773 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/45R17 LM005DG 97V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109773,opona-bridgestone-235-45r17-lm005dg-97v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [204] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109773 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/45R17 LM005DG 97V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109773,opona-bridgestone-235-45r17-lm005dg-97v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [205] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109773 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/45R17 LM005DG 97V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109773,opona-bridgestone-235-45r17-lm005dg-97v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [206] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109773 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/45R17 LM005DG 97V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109773,opona-bridgestone-235-45r17-lm005dg-97v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [207] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109773 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/45R17 LM005DG 97V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109773,opona-bridgestone-235-45r17-lm005dg-97v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [208] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109773 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/45R17 LM005DG 97V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109773,opona-bridgestone-235-45r17-lm005dg-97v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [209] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109768 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/45R18 LM005DG 98V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109768,opona-bridgestone-235-45r18-lm005dg-98v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [210] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109768 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/45R18 LM005DG 98V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109768,opona-bridgestone-235-45r18-lm005dg-98v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [211] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109768 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/45R18 LM005DG 98V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109768,opona-bridgestone-235-45r18-lm005dg-98v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [212] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109768 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/45R18 LM005DG 98V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109768,opona-bridgestone-235-45r18-lm005dg-98v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [213] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109768 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/45R18 LM005DG 98V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109768,opona-bridgestone-235-45r18-lm005dg-98v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [214] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109768 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/45R18 LM005DG 98V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109768,opona-bridgestone-235-45r18-lm005dg-98v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [215] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109768 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/45R18 LM005DG 98V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109768,opona-bridgestone-235-45r18-lm005dg-98v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [216] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109768 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/45R18 LM005DG 98V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109768,opona-bridgestone-235-45r18-lm005dg-98v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [217] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109768 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/45R18 LM005DG 98V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109768,opona-bridgestone-235-45r18-lm005dg-98v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [218] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109768 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/45R18 LM005DG 98V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109768,opona-bridgestone-235-45r18-lm005dg-98v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [219] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109768 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/45R18 LM005DG 98V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109768,opona-bridgestone-235-45r18-lm005dg-98v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [220] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109779 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/55R17 LM005DG 103V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109779,opona-bridgestone-235-55r17-lm005dg-103v-xl-runflat.html ) [221] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109779 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/55R17 LM005DG 103V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109779,opona-bridgestone-235-55r17-lm005dg-103v-xl-runflat.html ) [222] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109779 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/55R17 LM005DG 103V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109779,opona-bridgestone-235-55r17-lm005dg-103v-xl-runflat.html ) [223] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109779 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/55R17 LM005DG 103V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109779,opona-bridgestone-235-55r17-lm005dg-103v-xl-runflat.html ) [224] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109779 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/55R17 LM005DG 103V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109779,opona-bridgestone-235-55r17-lm005dg-103v-xl-runflat.html ) [225] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109779 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/55R17 LM005DG 103V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109779,opona-bridgestone-235-55r17-lm005dg-103v-xl-runflat.html ) [226] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109779 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/55R17 LM005DG 103V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109779,opona-bridgestone-235-55r17-lm005dg-103v-xl-runflat.html ) [227] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109779 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/55R17 LM005DG 103V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109779,opona-bridgestone-235-55r17-lm005dg-103v-xl-runflat.html ) [228] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109779 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/55R17 LM005DG 103V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109779,opona-bridgestone-235-55r17-lm005dg-103v-xl-runflat.html ) [229] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109779 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/55R17 LM005DG 103V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109779,opona-bridgestone-235-55r17-lm005dg-103v-xl-runflat.html ) [230] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109779 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 235/55R17 LM005DG 103V XL RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109779,opona-bridgestone-235-55r17-lm005dg-103v-xl-runflat.html ) [231] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109764 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 245/40R18 LM005DG 97V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109764,opona-bridgestone-245-40r18-lm005dg-97v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [232] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109764 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 245/40R18 LM005DG 97V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109764,opona-bridgestone-245-40r18-lm005dg-97v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [233] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109764 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 245/40R18 LM005DG 97V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109764,opona-bridgestone-245-40r18-lm005dg-97v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [234] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109764 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 245/40R18 LM005DG 97V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109764,opona-bridgestone-245-40r18-lm005dg-97v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [235] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109764 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 245/40R18 LM005DG 97V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109764,opona-bridgestone-245-40r18-lm005dg-97v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [236] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109764 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 245/40R18 LM005DG 97V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109764,opona-bridgestone-245-40r18-lm005dg-97v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [237] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109764 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 245/40R18 LM005DG 97V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109764,opona-bridgestone-245-40r18-lm005dg-97v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [238] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109764 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 245/40R18 LM005DG 97V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109764,opona-bridgestone-245-40r18-lm005dg-97v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [239] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109764 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 245/40R18 LM005DG 97V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109764,opona-bridgestone-245-40r18-lm005dg-97v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [240] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109764 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 245/40R18 LM005DG 97V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109764,opona-bridgestone-245-40r18-lm005dg-97v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [241] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109764 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 245/40R18 LM005DG 97V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109764,opona-bridgestone-245-40r18-lm005dg-97v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [242] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109769 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 245/45R18 LM005DG 100V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109769,opona-bridgestone-245-45r18-lm005dg-100v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [243] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109769 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 245/45R18 LM005DG 100V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109769,opona-bridgestone-245-45r18-lm005dg-100v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [244] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109769 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 245/45R18 LM005DG 100V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109769,opona-bridgestone-245-45r18-lm005dg-100v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [245] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109769 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 245/45R18 LM005DG 100V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109769,opona-bridgestone-245-45r18-lm005dg-100v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [246] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109769 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 245/45R18 LM005DG 100V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109769,opona-bridgestone-245-45r18-lm005dg-100v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [247] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109769 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 245/45R18 LM005DG 100V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109769,opona-bridgestone-245-45r18-lm005dg-100v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [248] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109769 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 245/45R18 LM005DG 100V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109769,opona-bridgestone-245-45r18-lm005dg-100v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [249] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109769 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 245/45R18 LM005DG 100V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109769,opona-bridgestone-245-45r18-lm005dg-100v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [250] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109769 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 245/45R18 LM005DG 100V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109769,opona-bridgestone-245-45r18-lm005dg-100v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [251] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109769 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 245/45R18 LM005DG 100V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109769,opona-bridgestone-245-45r18-lm005dg-100v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) [252] => Array ( [iProduct] => 109769 [sName] => Opona Bridgestone 245/45R18 LM005DG 100V XL FR RunFlat [sLinkName] => 109769,opona-bridgestone-245-45r18-lm005dg-100v-xl-fr-runflat.html ) ) ) 1-->

Produkty podobne do Opona Bridgestone 225/40R18 LM005DG 92V XL FR RunFlat

  • Klasa średnia
  • Gwarancja 5 lat

WinterExpert ikona sezonu

225/40R18 92 V XL paliwo D | deszcz B | poziom hałasu B 72dB

  • Klasa premium
  • Gwarancja 10 lat

PILOT ALPIN 5 ikona sezonu

225/40R18 92 V XL paliwo D | deszcz B | poziom hałasu B 70dB

  • Klasa średnia
  • Gwarancja do głębokości bieżnika 1,6mm

W330 ikona sezonu

225/40R18 92 V XL paliwo D | deszcz B | poziom hałasu B 72dB

  • Klasa premium
  • Gwarancja 5 lat
testowe logo testowe logo

WR Snowproof ikona sezonu

225/40R18 92 V XL paliwo C | deszcz B | poziom hałasu B 70dB

  • Klasa premium
  • Gwarancja 5 lat od daty sprzedaży lub do momentu osiągnięcia granicznego zużycia czoła bieżnika, w zależności co wystąpi wcześniej
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WinterContact TS 870 P ikona sezonu

225/40R18 92 V XL paliwo C | deszcz B | poziom hałasu B 71dB

  • Klasa średnia

OBSERVE S944 ikona sezonu

225/40R18 92 W XL paliwo D | deszcz B | poziom hałasu B 71dB

  • Klasa premium
  • Homologacja AO
  • Gwarancja 5 lat

SOTTO ZERO 3 ikona sezonu

225/40R18 92 V XL paliwo C | deszcz B | poziom hałasu B 70dB

  • Klasa premium
  • Gwarancja 4 lata

BLIZZAK 6 ikona sezonu

225/40R18 92 V XL paliwo C | deszcz B | poziom hałasu B 70dB Enliten

O producencie Bridgestone

Bridgestone na pierwszy montaż dostarcza opony takim koncernom jak: Bmw, Toyota, Audi, Citroen, Honda, Lexus, Mazda, Opel, Porsche, Ferrari, Renault, Audi, Seat, Maserati, Mercedes, Skoda, Suzuki, Volkswagen, Volvo, Lamborghini. 

Bridgestone jest jedną z marek klasy premium. Jest to jeden z największy producentów wyrobów gumowych i opon na świecie. Firma została założona w 1931 roku przez Shojiro Ishibashiego w Japonii w mieście Kurume.

Opony Bridgestone są często zwycięzcą w testach porównawczych, przeprowadzanych przez automobilkluby, czyli organizacje związane z bezpieczeństwem ruchu drogowego. Opony zbierają także bardzo dobre opinie wśród użytkowników.

Firma Bridgestone posiada w swoim portfolio kilka marek ogumienia, co pozwala lepiej dostosować ofertę do różnych potrzeb użytkowników dróg oraz do zasobności ich budżetu. 

Producenci wchodzący w skład Grupy Bridgestone: Bridgestone, Dayton, Firestone, Saetta, Seiberling. 

Koncern Bridgestone co roku przeznacza wiele milionów dolarów na działalność własnych centrów badawczo-rozwojowych. Obecnie priorytetem inżynierów i techników firmy Bridgestone są zaawansowane badania nad recyklingiem ogumienia. Celem jest osiągnięcie maksymalnego poziomu przetwarzania opon, co pomoże w osiągnięciu tzw. gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym – czyli takiej, gdzie wszystkie surowce używane do produkcji są ponownie wykorzystywane po zużyciu opony.

Bridgestone opracowuje także prototypy opon z ekologicznych materiałów. Jest również jednym z pierwszych producentów, który zainwestował w cyfryzację działalności produkcyjnej (poprzez wykorzystanie pełnej automatyki i łączności pomiędzy maszynami), której celem jest stworzenie inteligentnych i przyjaznych środowisku fabryk przyszłości.


Warunki gwarancji

Gwarancja: 4 lata
Karta gwarancyjna:Bridgestone - gwarancja_dla_opon_z_gr_bridgestone.pdf [2020-02-20 08:15, 483328kB]
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Zaufanie klientów, które zdobywamy przez lata, to siła naszej marki. Liczne nagrody i wyróżnienia, autoryzacje największych koncernów oponiarskich na świecie, czynią nas partnerem godnym zaufania.


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Klientów poleca nasz sklep

Świetnie działający konfigurator doboru opon. W kilku krokach znalazłem opony do samochodu, który ma różne szerokości opon na osiach.


Paweł Sapiecha

Opony są fabrycznie nowe i pełnowartościowe. Opony z pełną gwarancją producenta, co nie każdy sklep proponuje. Polecam tego sprzedawcę, dział obsługi Klienta z pewnością doradzi każdemu Klientowi najlepszy wybór.



Bardzo fajna strona. Prosta w obsłudze wyszukiwarka opon. Wszystko czytelne. Opony tańsze jak u konkurencji. Opony dostałem na 2 dzień. Obsługa Klienta TOP. Polecam każdemu.


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