Aktualne promocje

Opona Toyo 225/55R18 R37 98H XL

Opona Toyo 225/55R18 R37 98H XL [3338600]

producent: Toyo

Na stanie:

Dostępny od ręki

Rok Produkcji (DOT):


Nie starsze niż 24 miesiące

2090.56 zł za komplet 4 szt.

Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 522.64 zł/szt.

Dzisiaj produkt oglądało 1 osób



Przez 30 dni produkt kupiło 0 osób

Producent Toyo dostarcza opony na pierwszy montaż do takich marek jak:

DOSTAWA KURIEREM GRATIS! Zobacz szczegóły dostawy »
Producent Toyo
Typ pojazdu Terenowe 4x4/SUV
Sezon Letnie
Szerokość 225
Profil 55
Średnica 18
Index nośności 98 = 750 kg
Index prędkości H = 210 km/h
Hamowanie na mokrym C
Opór toczenia E (Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: F, G)
Hałas zewnętrzny 69 dB
Kod EPREL 604628
Kraj Produkcji JAPONIA
Opona wzmacniana (XL/RF) Tak
Rok Produkcji (DOT) 2023/2024 - Nie starsze niż 24 miesiące
Kod producenta (SAP)3338600
Kod EAN:4981910724667
Gwarant: Pełna gwarancja producenta
Stan: Fabrycznie nowa
Dystrybucja: Oficjalny dystrybutor w Polsce
producent: Toyo
Opona Toyo 225/55R18 R37 98H XL

225/55 R 18 98H Toyo R37 to wyposażenie fabryczne Mitsubishi Outlandera.

Mitsubishi Outlander to samochód wyrafinowany i wszechstronny. Opony Toyo R37 gwarantują osiągnięcie niezbędnej dynamiki jazdy przy zachowaniu bezpieczeństwa i niezawodności.

Wybór opon był kluczowy, aby uzyskać lepsze prowadzenie niezależnie od stanu nawierzchni, Toyo R37 w pełni spełnia te oczekiwania.

Standardy Unii Europejskiej Toyo 225/55R18 98H 604628
[sYoutubeLink1] => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81TLmwJ5r90 [sYoutubeLink2] => [iMarginType] => 4 [sFileSize] => 483328kB [sFileDate] => 2024-12-16 09:52 [aGuarantee] => Array ( ) [aProducersOem] => Array ( [0] => 312 [1] => 331 [2] => 346 [3] => 359 [4] => 332 [5] => 353 ) [aProducersOemDetails] => Array ( [312] => Array ( [iProducer] => 312 [sName] => AUDI [iPosition] => 0 [sLogoUrl] => c_audi.png [iSubId] => [sMargin] => [sType] => AUTO [sGuarantee] => [sGuaranteeFile] => [iProducersGroup] => [sDescription] => [sYoutubeLink1] => [sYoutubeLink2] => [iMarginType] => [sFileSize] => 483328kB [sFileDate] => 2024-12-16 09:52 [aGuarantee] => Array ( ) [aProducersOem] => Array ( ) [aProducersOemDetails] => Array ( ) ) [331] => Array ( [iProducer] => 331 [sName] => IVECO [iPosition] => 0 [sLogoUrl] => c_iveco.png [iSubId] => [sMargin] => [sType] => AUTO [sGuarantee] => [sGuaranteeFile] => [iProducersGroup] => [sDescription] => [sYoutubeLink1] => [sYoutubeLink2] => [iMarginType] => [sFileSize] => 483328kB [sFileDate] => 2024-12-16 09:52 [aGuarantee] => Array ( ) [aProducersOem] => Array ( ) [aProducersOemDetails] => Array ( ) ) [346] => Array ( [iProducer] => 346 [sName] => MITSUBISHI [iPosition] => 0 [sLogoUrl] => c_mitsubishi.png [iSubId] => [sMargin] => [sType] => AUTO [sGuarantee] => [sGuaranteeFile] => [iProducersGroup] => [sDescription] => [sYoutubeLink1] => [sYoutubeLink2] => [iMarginType] => [sFileSize] => 483328kB [sFileDate] => 2024-12-16 09:52 [aGuarantee] => Array ( ) [aProducersOem] => Array ( ) [aProducersOemDetails] => Array ( ) ) [359] => Array ( [iProducer] => 359 [sName] => SEAT [iPosition] => 0 [sLogoUrl] => c_seat.png [iSubId] => [sMargin] => [sType] => AUTO [sGuarantee] => [sGuaranteeFile] => [iProducersGroup] => [sDescription] => [sYoutubeLink1] => [sYoutubeLink2] => [iMarginType] => [sFileSize] => 483328kB [sFileDate] => 2024-12-16 09:52 [aGuarantee] => Array ( ) [aProducersOem] => Array ( ) [aProducersOemDetails] => Array ( ) ) [332] => Array ( [iProducer] => 332 [sName] => JAGUAR [iPosition] => 1 [sLogoUrl] => c_jaguar.png [iSubId] => [sMargin] => [sType] => AUTO [sGuarantee] => [sGuaranteeFile] => [iProducersGroup] => [sDescription] => [sYoutubeLink1] => [sYoutubeLink2] => [iMarginType] => [sFileSize] => 483328kB [sFileDate] => 2024-12-16 09:52 [aGuarantee] => Array ( ) [aProducersOem] => Array ( ) [aProducersOemDetails] => Array ( ) ) [353] => Array ( [iProducer] => 353 [sName] => PORSCHE [iPosition] => 1 [sLogoUrl] => c_porsche.png [iSubId] => [sMargin] => [sType] => AUTO [sGuarantee] => [sGuaranteeFile] => [iProducersGroup] => [sDescription] => [sYoutubeLink1] => [sYoutubeLink2] => [iMarginType] => [sFileSize] => 483328kB [sFileDate] => 2024-12-16 09:52 [aGuarantee] => Array ( ) [aProducersOem] => Array ( ) [aProducersOemDetails] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [aProducerGroup] => [aTags] => Array ( ) [aPromoted] => Array ( ) [iStock] => 20 [sAvailable] => Dostępny od ręki [aTabs] => Array ( [description] => Array ( [sContent] =>

225/55 R 18 98H Toyo R37 to wyposażenie fabryczne Mitsubishi Outlandera.

Mitsubishi Outlander to samochód wyrafinowany i wszechstronny. Opony Toyo R37 gwarantują osiągnięcie niezbędnej dynamiki jazdy przy zachowaniu bezpieczeństwa i niezawodności.

Wybór opon był kluczowy, aby uzyskać lepsze prowadzenie niezależnie od stanu nawierzchni, Toyo R37 w pełni spełnia te oczekiwania.

[sTitle] => Opis produktu [sTitleLong] => Opona Toyo 225/55R18 R37 98H XL ) [producer] => Array ( [sContent] =>

Japońskie przedsiębiorstwo założone w 1945 roku przez Rikimatsu Tomihisaego. W 1966 roku Toyo Tires stało się pierwszym japońskim producentem opon z własną filią w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Pierwsze opony marki Toyo wyprodukowano w USA w latach 80, kiedy to firma zaczęła produkcję opon na terenie Mount Vernon w stanie Illinois. Dzięki temu klienci uzyskali szybszy dostęp do produktów i został zmniejszony koszt i czas transportu. Dziś amerykańska siedziba firmy w Cypress w stanie Kalifornia nie jest już małym biurem, dystrybucja jest obsługiwana przez magazyny o powierzchni niemal stu tysięcy metrów kwadratowych w Południowej Kalifornii i magazyny w Georgii, Illinois, Pensylwanii oraz Teksasie.

W Stanach Zjednoczonych Toyo było wielokrotnie nagradzane pierwszym miejscem w corocznym badaniu rynku opon przeprowadzanego przez The Tire Review wśród dealerów z Ameryki Północnej jak i również zdobyły pierwsze miejsce w kategorii marka aż siedmiokrotnie od 2000 roku! Żadnej innej marce wcześniej się to nie udało.

Aby sprostać wymaganiom konsumentów, Toyo Tires zostało liderem w dziedzinie wypełniaczy i nowych rozwiązań. Od późnych lat 90. firma była autorem kilku kluczowych zmian w branży. Gdy rynek tuningowanych samochodów kompaktowych eksplodował, Toyo odpowiedziało bardzo wydajnymi oponami o szerokiej feldze i niskim profilu. Szybko modne w samochodach osobowych stały się opony, których wielkość sięgała 18 cali, coś o czym nikt nie słyszał jeszcze rok wcześniej Od lat 90. wielkość felgi nadal rosła. Toyo znów nadało tempo wprowadzając na rynek w 2008 pierwsze na świecie 25- i 26-calowe opony do samochodów osobowych. Niespełna niż rok później wyszły na rynek nasze 30-calowe opony.

W skład Toyo Tires Europe GmbH wchodzą trzy mniejsze firmy sprzedażowe i dystrybutorzy na wszystkich większych rynkach europejskich. Opony pokrywają cały wachlarz rynkowych wymagań: od super wydajnej inspirowanych wyścigami linii Proxes, przez linię Open Country dla samochodów 4x4 i SUV-ów, Enviromental Proxes Ne aż do szerokiej gamy opon do ciężarówek.

Toyo kładzie największy nacisk na innowacje, jakość oraz wydajność.

[sTitle] => O producencie Toyo [sTitleLong] => O producencie Toyo ) [comments] => Array ( [sContent] => [sTitle] => Opinie ) ) [aCategories] => Array ( [66] => 66 ) [aMainCategory] => Array ( [iPage] => 66 [iPageParent] => 0 [sName] => Opony [sNameTitle] => [sDescriptionShort] => [iStatus] => 1 [iPosition] => 1 [iType] => 4 [iProducts] => 1 [sTags] => [iTime] => 1452841608 [iRss] => 0 [iAdmin] => [iAuthorized] => 0 [iLastModified] => 1548406773 [iSubKat] => [sMargin] => [sDisplayTitle] => Opony samochodowe [sMoreLink] => [sConversionLabel] => [iNewCommentsCount] => [sDate] => 2016-01-15 08:06:48 [sLinkName] => opony,66.html [iProductsCount] => 0 [sDescriptionFull] => [sMetaDescription] => [sMetaKeywords] => [sUrl] => [iComments] => [sMetaTopic] => [sMetaAbstract] => [iColumn] => 0 [iBannerTop] => 1 [iBannerBottom] => 1 [aTags] => Array ( ) ) [bTimePromotionActive] => [sDate] => 2022-04-29 07:45:39 [sLinkName] => 138939,opona-toyo-225-55r18-r37-98h-xl.html [sPrice] => 522.64 [sPriceOld] => 733.18 [aCarriersPrices] => Array ( ) [aAttributes] => Array ( [8] => Array ( [sName] => Typ pojazdu [iPosition] => -90 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [9] => Terenowe 4x4/SUV ) ) [7] => Array ( [sName] => Sezon [iPosition] => -89 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [5] => Letnie ) ) [19] => Array ( [sName] => Rozmiar [iPosition] => -80 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [17122] => 225/55R18 ) ) [18] => Array ( [sName] => Model [iPosition] => -79 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [93164] => R37 ) ) [1] => Array ( [sName] => Szerokość [iPosition] => -53 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [23] => 225 ) ) [2] => Array ( [sName] => Profil [iPosition] => -52 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [43] => 55 ) ) [3] => Array ( [sName] => Średnica [iPosition] => -51 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [58] => 18 ) ) [4] => Array ( [sName] => Index nośności [iPosition] => -50 [sDescription] => 750 kg [aValues] => Array ( [101] => 98 ) ) [5] => Array ( [sName] => Index prędkości [iPosition] => -49 [sDescription] => 210 km/h [aValues] => Array ( [217] => H ) ) [16] => Array ( [sName] => Hamowanie na mokrym [iPosition] => -40 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [242] => C ) ) [15] => Array ( [sName] => Opór toczenia [iPosition] => -39 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: F, G [aValues] => Array ( [237] => E ) ) [17] => Array ( [sName] => Hałas zewnętrzny [iPosition] => -38 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [267] => 69 ) ) [6] => Array ( [sName] => Liczba fal [iPosition] => -37 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: 2 fale [aValues] => Array ( [55027] => B ) ) [58] => Array ( [sName] => Kod EPREL [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [64748] => 604628 ) ) [30] => Array ( [sName] => Kraj Produkcji [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [90769] => JAPONIA ) ) [11] => Array ( [sName] => Opona wzmacniana (XL/RF) [iPosition] => 22 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [3] => Tak ) ) [13] => Array ( [sName] => Rok Produkcji (DOT) [iPosition] => 50 [sDescription] => mniej niż 24 miesiące od daty produkcji [aValues] => Array ( [25296] => MIX [43807] => 2015 [43806] => 2016 [25052] => 2017 [33507] => 2018 [43822] => 2019 [43823] => 2020 [45761] => 2021 [69594] => 2022 [83285] => 2023 [93167] => 2024 [93168] => 2025 ) ) ) [aAttributesForTable] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [sName] => Producent [aValues] => Array ( [120] => Toyo ) ) [8] => Array ( [sName] => Typ pojazdu [iPosition] => -90 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [9] => Terenowe 4x4/SUV ) ) [7] => Array ( [sName] => Sezon [iPosition] => -89 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [5] => Letnie ) ) [19] => Array ( [sName] => Rozmiar [iPosition] => -80 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [17122] => 225/55R18 ) ) [18] => Array ( [sName] => Model [iPosition] => -79 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [93164] => R37 ) ) [1] => Array ( [sName] => Szerokość [iPosition] => -53 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [23] => 225 ) ) [2] => Array ( [sName] => Profil [iPosition] => -52 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [43] => 55 ) ) [3] => Array ( [sName] => Średnica [iPosition] => -51 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [58] => 18 ) ) [4] => Array ( [sName] => Index nośności [iPosition] => -50 [sDescription] => 750 kg [aValues] => Array ( [101] => 98 ) ) [5] => Array ( [sName] => Index prędkości [iPosition] => -49 [sDescription] => 210 km/h [aValues] => Array ( [217] => H ) ) [16] => Array ( [sName] => Hamowanie na mokrym [iPosition] => -40 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [242] => C ) ) [15] => Array ( [sName] => Opór toczenia [iPosition] => -39 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: F, G [aValues] => Array ( [237] => E ) ) [17] => Array ( [sName] => Hałas zewnętrzny [iPosition] => -38 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [267] => 69 ) ) [6] => Array ( [sName] => Liczba fal [iPosition] => -37 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: 2 fale [aValues] => Array ( [55027] => B ) ) [58] => Array ( [sName] => Kod EPREL [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [64748] => 604628 ) ) [30] => Array ( [sName] => Kraj Produkcji [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [90769] => JAPONIA ) ) [11] => Array ( [sName] => Opona wzmacniana (XL/RF) [iPosition] => 22 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [3] => Tak ) ) [13] => Array ( [sName] => Rok Produkcji (DOT) [iPosition] => 50 [sDescription] => mniej niż 24 miesiące od daty produkcji [aValues] => Array ( [25296] => MIX ) ) ) [aVariants] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [iProductVariant] => 4134544 [fCatalogPrice] => 503.66 [fPrice] => 503.66 [iVat] => [iStock] => 0 [sShortDescription] => [fPriceOld] => 733.18 [fPriceTimeValue] => [sAvailable] => Zapytaj o dostępność info@oponki24.com.pl [iCanBuy] => 0 [sAttribs] => 13:93167;19:17122;1:23;2:43;3:58;4:101;5:217;11:3;15:237;16:242;17:267;6:55027;7:5;8:9;58:64748;30:90769;18:93164 [iFile] => [sFileName] => [sAllegroPromotionInfo] => [fMinPrice30days] => [aAttributes] => Array ( [13] => 93167 [19] => 17122 [1] => 23 [2] => 43 [3] => 58 [4] => 101 [5] => 217 [11] => 3 [15] => 237 [16] => 242 [17] => 267 [6] => 55027 [7] => 5 [8] => 9 [58] => 64748 [30] => 90769 [18] => 93164 ) [sPrice] => 503.66 [sPriceOld] => 733.18 [sCatalogPrice] => ) [1] => Array ( [iProductVariant] => 6634544 [fCatalogPrice] => 503.66 [fPrice] => 503.66 [iVat] => [iStock] => 0 [sShortDescription] => [fPriceOld] => 733.18 [fPriceTimeValue] => [sAvailable] => Zapytaj o dostępność info@oponki24.com.pl [iCanBuy] => 0 [sAttribs] => 13:93168;19:17122;1:23;2:43;3:58;4:101;5:217;11:3;15:237;16:242;17:267;6:55027;7:5;8:9;58:64748;30:90769;18:93164 [iFile] => [sFileName] => [sAllegroPromotionInfo] => [fMinPrice30days] => [aAttributes] => Array ( [13] => 93168 [19] => 17122 [1] => 23 [2] => 43 [3] => 58 [4] => 101 [5] => 217 [11] => 3 [15] => 237 [16] => 242 [17] => 267 [6] => 55027 [7] => 5 [8] => 9 [58] => 64748 [30] => 90769 [18] => 93164 ) [sPrice] => 503.66 [sPriceOld] => 733.18 [sCatalogPrice] => ) [2] => Array ( [iProductVariant] => 1634544 [fCatalogPrice] => 522.64 [fPrice] => 522.64 [iVat] => [iStock] => 20 [sShortDescription] => [fPriceOld] => 733.18 [fPriceTimeValue] => [sAvailable] => Dostępny od ręki [iCanBuy] => 1 [sAttribs] => 13:25296;19:17122;1:23;2:43;3:58;4:101;5:217;11:3;15:237;16:242;17:267;6:55027;7:5;8:9;58:64748;30:90769;18:93164 [iFile] => [sFileName] => [sAllegroPromotionInfo] => [fMinPrice30days] => 522.64 [aAttributes] => Array ( [13] => 25296 [19] => 17122 [1] => 23 [2] => 43 [3] => 58 [4] => 101 [5] => 217 [11] => 3 [15] => 237 [16] => 242 [17] => 267 [6] => 55027 [7] => 5 [8] => 9 [58] => 64748 [30] => 90769 [18] => 93164 ) [sPrice] => 522.64 [sPriceOld] => 733.18 [sCatalogPrice] => ) ) [sProducer] => Toyo [aPagesTree] => Array ( [aPath] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [iPage] => 66 [sName] => Opony [sLinkName] => opony,66.html ) ) [aCurrent] => Array ( [sName] => Opona Toyo 225/55R18 R37 98H XL [sLinkName] => 138939,opona-toyo-225-55r18-r37-98h-xl.html ) [sMenu] => Oferta ) [aAdditionalInfo] => Array ( ) [sTableContent] =>
Producent Toyo
Typ pojazdu Terenowe 4x4/SUV
Sezon Letnie
Szerokość 225
Profil 55
Średnica 18
Index nośności 98 = 750 kg
Index prędkości H = 210 km/h
Hamowanie na mokrym C
Opór toczenia E (Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: F, G)
Hałas zewnętrzny 69 dB
Kod EPREL 604628
Kraj Produkcji JAPONIA
Opona wzmacniana (XL/RF) Tak
Rok Produkcji (DOT) 2023/2024 - Nie starsze niż 24 miesiące
Kod producenta (SAP)3338600
Kod EAN:4981910724667
Gwarant: Pełna gwarancja producenta
Stan: Fabrycznie nowa
Dystrybucja: Oficjalny dystrybutor w Polsce
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Opona do jazdy wyczynowej samochodami typu SUV zapewniająca precyzyjne kierowanie i doskonałą przyczepność...

[sSearchWords] => L2255518 L2255518V 2255518 2255518V Lato Letnia [sWeight] => 1 [iStockSendAdminMin] => [iProducer] => 107 [iAdmin] => [iLastVisited] => 1734879239 [iTime] => 1605609150 [fKgo] => [iShowPhone] => [sMeasure] => [iCompare] => 1 [iLastModified] => 1605609150 [fBuyPrice] => 459.94 [fPromoPrice] => [sMargin] => b+5+11+1.5%+10+0.88% [iPriceTimeFrom] => 0 [iPriceTimeTo] => 0 [fPriceTimeValue] => [iPriceTimeMaxCount] => [iPriceTimeCount] => 4 [iCurrencyDependent] => 0 [iFotolia] => 0 [iMinCount] => [iPackageCount] => [i1+50p] => [i2+1] => [iVisibleAll] => 1 [iVisiblePriceAll] => 1 [iCanBuyAll] => 1 [sConversionLabel] => [iMarginIgnore] => 0 [TiStock] => 24 [TiAvailable] => 1 [TiCanBuy] => 1 [TiVariantsCount] => 11 [TiCanBuyOutOfStock] => 0 [sCeneoLink] => [iCeneoTime] => [fCeneoMinMargin] => [iCeneoActive] => [iCeneoBest] => [sAdminInfo] => [fCeneoPrice] => [fCeneoPriceDelivery] => [fAllegroBestPrice] => [fAllegroBestPriceDeliveryCost] => [sAllegroBestUser] => [fAllegroBestPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroBestUserDelivery] => [iAllegroActive] => 0 [iAllegroTime] => [fAllegroOurMin] => [fAllegroOurMinDelivery] => [fAllegroOurPrice] => [fAllegroOurPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroName] => Opona letnia Dunlop SP SPORT MAXX RT 2 SUV 225/55R18 98V FR [sAllegroNameSzablon] => Opona letnia Dunlop SP SPORT MAXX RT 2 SUV 225/55R18 98V FR [iMainCategory] => 66 [iDescPhoto] => 0 [fVolume] => 115088 [fWeightVolume] => 19.18 [iDealavo] => 0 [iProductSatis] => [iPromotedMin] => 5 [prodsName] => Dunlop [prodsLogoUrl] => opony_dunlop.jpg [prodsGroupName] => GoodYear [prodsGroupLogoUrl] => opony_goodyear.jpg [sProducersClass] => Klasa premium [iAvailable] => 1 [iVal45] => [sVal45] => [iVal31] => [sVal31] => [iVal39] => [sVal39] => [iVal40] => [sVal40] => [iVal14] => [sVal14] => [iVal62] => [sVal62] => [iVal16] => 241 [sVal16] => B [iVal17] => 269 [sVal17] => 71 [iVal10] => [sVal10] => [iVal4] => 101 [sVal4] => 98 [iVal5] => 229 [sVal5] => V [iVal60] => 80246 [sVal60] => Lekka [iVal58] => 70957 [sVal58] => 611003 [iVal26] => [sVal26] => [iVal27] => [sVal27] => [iVal28] => [sVal28] => [iVal29] => [sVal29] => [iVal20] => [sVal20] => [iVal51] => [sVal51] => [iVal30] => [sVal30] => [iVal6] => 55027 [sVal6] => B [iVal22] => [sVal22] => [iVal34] => [sVal34] => [iVal18] => 35991 [sVal18] => SP SPORT MAXX RT 2 SUV [iVal12] => 2 [sVal12] => Tak [iVal21] => [sVal21] => [iVal11] => [sVal11] => [iVal15] => 234 [sVal15] => C [iVal49] => [sVal49] => [iVal24] => [sVal24] => [iVal48] => [sVal48] => [iVal47] => [sVal47] => [iVal41] => [sVal41] => [iVal46] => [sVal46] => [iVal2] => 43 [sVal2] => 55 [iVal50] => [sVal50] => [iVal59] => [sVal59] => [iVal53] => [sVal53] => [iVal13] => [sVal13] => [iVal19] => 17122 [sVal19] => 225/55R18 [iVal23] => [sVal23] => [iVal9] => [sVal9] => [iVal7] => 5 [sVal7] => Letnie [iVal38] => [sVal38] => [iVal3] => 58 [sVal3] => 18 [iVal37] => [sVal37] => [iVal33] => [sVal33] => [iVal32] => [sVal32] => [iVal1] => 23 [sVal1] => 225 [iVal56] => [sVal56] => [iVal55] => [sVal55] => [iVal42] => [sVal42] => [iVal52] => [sVal52] => [iVal8] => 9 [sVal8] => Terenowe 4x4/SUV [iVal35] => [sVal35] => [iVal57] => [sVal57] => [iVal36] => [sVal36] => [iVal54] => [sVal54] => [iVal43] => [sVal43] => [iVal61] => [sVal61] => [iVal25] => [sVal25] => [sGuarantee] => 5 lat [iSezon] => 5 [fRatingAvg] => 5.0000 [iCommentsCount] => 2 [fCatalogPrice] => 552.46 [fVatValue] => 0.23 [iCanBuy] => 1 [iVariantCount] => 11 [iVisiblePrice] => 1 [aPromoted] => Array ( [5] => 1 ) [iTests] => [sTestLogo] => [sLinkName] => 110222,opona-dunlop-225-55r18-sp-sport-maxx-rt-2-suv-98v-fr.html [sPrice] => 552.46 [sPriceOld] => 927.42 [aProducer] => Array ( [iProducer] => 107 [sName] => Dunlop [sLogoUrl] => opony_dunlop.jpg ) [aDataImage] => Array ( [iFile] => 323093 [iProduct] => 110222 [sFileName] => dunlop_sp_sport_maxx_rt_2_suv.jpg [sDescription] => [iPhoto] => 1 [iPosition] => 0 [iType] => 7 [iSize] => [sTextSearch] => ) [bInStorage] => [bInCompare] => [aAttributes] => Array ( [8] => Array ( [sName] => Typ pojazdu [iPosition] => -90 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [9] => Terenowe 4x4/SUV ) ) [7] => Array ( [sName] => Sezon [iPosition] => -89 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [5] => Letnie ) ) [19] => Array ( [sName] => Rozmiar [iPosition] => -80 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [17122] => 225/55R18 ) ) [18] => Array ( [sName] => Model [iPosition] => -79 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [35991] => SP SPORT MAXX RT 2 SUV ) ) [1] => Array ( [sName] => Szerokość [iPosition] => -53 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [23] => 225 ) ) [2] => Array ( [sName] => Profil [iPosition] => -52 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [43] => 55 ) ) [3] => Array ( [sName] => Średnica [iPosition] => -51 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [58] => 18 ) ) [4] => Array ( [sName] => Index nośności [iPosition] => -50 [sDescription] => 750 kg [aValues] => Array ( [101] => 98 ) ) [5] => Array ( [sName] => Index prędkości [iPosition] => -49 [sDescription] => 240 km/h [aValues] => Array ( [229] => V ) ) [16] => Array ( [sName] => Hamowanie na mokrym [iPosition] => -40 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [241] => B ) ) [15] => Array ( [sName] => Opór toczenia [iPosition] => -39 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [234] => C ) ) [17] => Array ( [sName] => Hałas zewnętrzny [iPosition] => -38 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [269] => 71 ) ) [6] => Array ( [sName] => Liczba fal [iPosition] => -37 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: 2 fale [aValues] => Array ( [55027] => B ) ) [58] => Array ( [sName] => Kod EPREL [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [70957] => 611003 ) ) [12] => Array ( [sName] => Ochrona rantu (FR) [iPosition] => 21 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [2] => Tak ) ) [13] => Array ( [sName] => Rok Produkcji (DOT) [iPosition] => 50 [sDescription] => mniej niż 24 miesiące od daty produkcji [aValues] => Array ( [25296] => MIX [43806] => 2016 [25052] => 2017 [33507] => 2018 [43822] => 2019 [43823] => 2020 [45761] => 2021 [69594] => 2022 [83285] => 2023 [93167] => 2024 [93168] => 2025 ) ) ) [aTests] => Array ( ) [sProducerClass] => dunlop ) [1] => Array ( [iProduct] => 145235 [iStatus] => 1 [iNotForSale] => 0 [iPosition] => 0 [sName] => Opona Hankook 225/55R18 K135A 98V [sNameCompare] => [fPrice] => 532.13 [iActiveDiscount] => 1 [fPriceOld] => 982.15 [iVat] => 1 [iNewUsed] => [sCatalogNumber] => 1030181 [sProductIndex] => 8808563556765 [sDescriptionShort] => [sSearchWords] => L2255518 L2255518V 2255518 2255518V Lato Letnia [sWeight] => 1 [iStockSendAdminMin] => [iProducer] => 112 [iAdmin] => [iLastVisited] => 1734795899 [iTime] => 1676011171 [fKgo] => [iShowPhone] => [sMeasure] => [iCompare] => 1 [iLastModified] => 1676011171 [fBuyPrice] => 437.50 [fPromoPrice] => [sMargin] => [iPriceTimeFrom] => 0 [iPriceTimeTo] => 0 [fPriceTimeValue] => [iPriceTimeMaxCount] => [iPriceTimeCount] => 0 [iCurrencyDependent] => 0 [iFotolia] => 0 [iMinCount] => [iPackageCount] => [i1+50p] => [i2+1] => [iVisibleAll] => 1 [iVisiblePriceAll] => 1 [iCanBuyAll] => 1 [sConversionLabel] => [iMarginIgnore] => 0 [TiStock] => 28 [TiAvailable] => 1 [TiCanBuy] => 1 [TiVariantsCount] => 8 [TiCanBuyOutOfStock] => 0 [sCeneoLink] => [iCeneoTime] => [fCeneoMinMargin] => [iCeneoActive] => [iCeneoBest] => [sAdminInfo] => [fCeneoPrice] => [fCeneoPriceDelivery] => [fAllegroBestPrice] => [fAllegroBestPriceDeliveryCost] => [sAllegroBestUser] => [fAllegroBestPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroBestUserDelivery] => [iAllegroActive] => 0 [iAllegroTime] => [fAllegroOurMin] => [fAllegroOurMinDelivery] => [fAllegroOurPrice] => [fAllegroOurPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroName] => Opona letnia Hankook K135A 225/55R18 98V [sAllegroNameSzablon] => Opona letnia Hankook K135A 225/55R18 98V [iMainCategory] => 66 [iDescPhoto] => 0 [fVolume] => 115088 [fWeightVolume] => 19.18 [iDealavo] => 0 [iProductSatis] => [iPromotedMin] => 5 [prodsName] => Hankook [prodsLogoUrl] => opony_hankook.jpg [prodsGroupName] => [prodsGroupLogoUrl] => [sProducersClass] => Klasa średnia [iAvailable] => 1 [iVal45] => [sVal45] => [iVal31] => [sVal31] => [iVal39] => [sVal39] => [iVal40] => [sVal40] => [iVal14] => [sVal14] => [iVal62] => [sVal62] => [iVal16] => [sVal16] => [iVal17] => [sVal17] => [iVal10] => [sVal10] => [iVal4] => 101 [sVal4] => 98 [iVal5] => 229 [sVal5] => V [iVal60] => 80246 [sVal60] => Lekka [iVal58] => [sVal58] => [iVal26] => [sVal26] => [iVal27] => [sVal27] => [iVal28] => [sVal28] => [iVal29] => [sVal29] => [iVal20] => [sVal20] => [iVal51] => [sVal51] => [iVal30] => [sVal30] => [iVal6] => [sVal6] => [iVal22] => [sVal22] => [iVal34] => [sVal34] => [iVal18] => 81154 [sVal18] => K135A [iVal12] => [sVal12] => [iVal21] => [sVal21] => [iVal11] => [sVal11] => [iVal15] => [sVal15] => [iVal49] => [sVal49] => [iVal24] => [sVal24] => [iVal48] => [sVal48] => [iVal47] => [sVal47] => [iVal41] => [sVal41] => [iVal46] => [sVal46] => [iVal2] => 43 [sVal2] => 55 [iVal50] => [sVal50] => [iVal59] => [sVal59] => [iVal53] => [sVal53] => [iVal13] => [sVal13] => [iVal19] => 17122 [sVal19] => 225/55R18 [iVal23] => [sVal23] => [iVal9] => [sVal9] => [iVal7] => 5 [sVal7] => Letnie [iVal38] => [sVal38] => [iVal3] => 58 [sVal3] => 18 [iVal37] => [sVal37] => [iVal33] => [sVal33] => [iVal32] => [sVal32] => [iVal1] => 23 [sVal1] => 225 [iVal56] => [sVal56] => [iVal55] => [sVal55] => [iVal42] => [sVal42] => [iVal52] => [sVal52] => [iVal8] => 9 [sVal8] => Terenowe 4x4/SUV [iVal35] => [sVal35] => [iVal57] => [sVal57] => [iVal36] => [sVal36] => [iVal54] => [sVal54] => [iVal43] => [sVal43] => [iVal61] => [sVal61] => [iVal25] => [sVal25] => [sGuarantee] => do głębokości bieżnika 1,6mm [iSezon] => 5 [fRatingAvg] => [iCommentsCount] => [fCatalogPrice] => 532.13 [fVatValue] => 0.23 [iCanBuy] => 1 [iVariantCount] => 8 [iVisiblePrice] => 1 [aPromoted] => Array ( [5] => 1 ) [iTests] => [sTestLogo] => [sLinkName] => 145235,opona-hankook-225-55r18-k135a-98v.html [sPrice] => 532.13 [sPriceOld] => 982.15 [aProducer] => Array ( [iProducer] => 112 [sName] => Hankook [sLogoUrl] => opony_hankook.jpg ) [aDataImage] => Array ( [iFile] => 389205 [iProduct] => 145235 [sFileName] => hankook_k135a.jpg [sDescription] => [iPhoto] => 1 [iPosition] => 0 [iType] => 7 [iSize] => [sTextSearch] => ) [bInStorage] => [bInCompare] => [aAttributes] => Array ( [8] => Array ( [sName] => Typ pojazdu [iPosition] => -90 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [9] => Terenowe 4x4/SUV ) ) [7] => Array ( [sName] => Sezon [iPosition] => -89 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [5] => Letnie ) ) [19] => Array ( [sName] => Rozmiar [iPosition] => -80 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [17122] => 225/55R18 ) ) [18] => Array ( [sName] => Model [iPosition] => -79 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [81154] => K135A ) ) [1] => Array ( [sName] => Szerokość [iPosition] => -53 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [23] => 225 ) ) [2] => Array ( [sName] => Profil [iPosition] => -52 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [43] => 55 ) ) [3] => Array ( [sName] => Średnica [iPosition] => -51 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [58] => 18 ) ) [4] => Array ( [sName] => Index nośności [iPosition] => -50 [sDescription] => 750 kg [aValues] => Array ( [101] => 98 ) ) [5] => Array ( [sName] => Index prędkości [iPosition] => -49 [sDescription] => 240 km/h [aValues] => Array ( [229] => V ) ) [13] => Array ( [sName] => Rok Produkcji (DOT) [iPosition] => 50 [sDescription] => mniej niż 24 miesiące od daty produkcji [aValues] => Array ( [25296] => MIX [43822] => 2019 [43823] => 2020 [45761] => 2021 [69594] => 2022 [83285] => 2023 [93167] => 2024 [93168] => 2025 ) ) ) [aTests] => Array ( ) [sProducerClass] => hankook ) [2] => Array ( [iProduct] => 89799 [iStatus] => 1 [iNotForSale] => 0 [iPosition] => 0 [sName] => Opona Hankook 225/55R18 VENTUS PRIME3 X K125A 98V HY [sNameCompare] => [fPrice] => 496.99 [iActiveDiscount] => 1 [fPriceOld] => 644.78 [iVat] => 1 [iNewUsed] => [sCatalogNumber] => 1023161 [sProductIndex] => 8808563437453 [sDescriptionShort] => [sSearchWords] => L2255518 L2255518V 2255518 2255518V Lato Letnia [sWeight] => 1 [iStockSendAdminMin] => [iProducer] => 112 [iAdmin] => [iLastVisited] => 1734792547 [iTime] => 1579773448 [fKgo] => [iShowPhone] => [sMeasure] => [iCompare] => 1 [iLastModified] => 1579773448 [fBuyPrice] => 423.11 [fPromoPrice] => [sMargin] => b+5+11+1.5%+10+0.88% [iPriceTimeFrom] => 0 [iPriceTimeTo] => 0 [fPriceTimeValue] => [iPriceTimeMaxCount] => [iPriceTimeCount] => 1 [iCurrencyDependent] => 0 [iFotolia] => 0 [iMinCount] => [iPackageCount] => [i1+50p] => [i2+1] => [iVisibleAll] => 1 [iVisiblePriceAll] => 1 [iCanBuyAll] => 1 [sConversionLabel] => [iMarginIgnore] => 0 [TiStock] => 23 [TiAvailable] => 1 [TiCanBuy] => 1 [TiVariantsCount] => 11 [TiCanBuyOutOfStock] => 0 [sCeneoLink] => [iCeneoTime] => [fCeneoMinMargin] => [iCeneoActive] => [iCeneoBest] => [sAdminInfo] => [fCeneoPrice] => [fCeneoPriceDelivery] => [fAllegroBestPrice] => [fAllegroBestPriceDeliveryCost] => [sAllegroBestUser] => [fAllegroBestPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroBestUserDelivery] => [iAllegroActive] => 0 [iAllegroTime] => [fAllegroOurMin] => [fAllegroOurMinDelivery] => [fAllegroOurPrice] => [fAllegroOurPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroName] => Opona letnia Hankook VENTUS PRIME3 X K125A 225/55R18 98V [sAllegroNameSzablon] => Opona letnia Hankook VENTUS PRIME3 X K125A 225/55R18 98V HY [iMainCategory] => 66 [iDescPhoto] => 0 [fVolume] => 115088 [fWeightVolume] => 19.18 [iDealavo] => 0 [iProductSatis] => [iPromotedMin] => 5 [prodsName] => Hankook [prodsLogoUrl] => opony_hankook.jpg [prodsGroupName] => [prodsGroupLogoUrl] => [sProducersClass] => Klasa średnia [iAvailable] => 1 [iVal45] => [sVal45] => [iVal31] => [sVal31] => [iVal39] => [sVal39] => [iVal40] => [sVal40] => [iVal14] => [sVal14] => [iVal62] => [sVal62] => [iVal16] => 241 [sVal16] => B [iVal17] => 269 [sVal17] => 71 [iVal10] => 66148 [sVal10] => HY [iVal4] => 101 [sVal4] => 98 [iVal5] => 229 [sVal5] => V [iVal60] => 80246 [sVal60] => Lekka [iVal58] => [sVal58] => [iVal26] => [sVal26] => [iVal27] => [sVal27] => [iVal28] => [sVal28] => [iVal29] => [sVal29] => [iVal20] => [sVal20] => [iVal51] => [sVal51] => [iVal30] => [sVal30] => [iVal6] => 55027 [sVal6] => B [iVal22] => [sVal22] => [iVal34] => [sVal34] => [iVal18] => 45014 [sVal18] => VENTUS PRIME3 X K125A [iVal12] => [sVal12] => [iVal21] => [sVal21] => [iVal11] => [sVal11] => [iVal15] => 234 [sVal15] => C [iVal49] => [sVal49] => [iVal24] => [sVal24] => [iVal48] => [sVal48] => [iVal47] => [sVal47] => [iVal41] => [sVal41] => [iVal46] => [sVal46] => [iVal2] => 43 [sVal2] => 55 [iVal50] => [sVal50] => [iVal59] => [sVal59] => [iVal53] => [sVal53] => [iVal13] => [sVal13] => [iVal19] => 17122 [sVal19] => 225/55R18 [iVal23] => [sVal23] => [iVal9] => [sVal9] => [iVal7] => 5 [sVal7] => Letnie [iVal38] => [sVal38] => [iVal3] => 58 [sVal3] => 18 [iVal37] => [sVal37] => [iVal33] => [sVal33] => [iVal32] => [sVal32] => [iVal1] => 23 [sVal1] => 225 [iVal56] => [sVal56] => [iVal55] => [sVal55] => [iVal42] => [sVal42] => [iVal52] => [sVal52] => [iVal8] => 9 [sVal8] => Terenowe 4x4/SUV [iVal35] => [sVal35] => [iVal57] => [sVal57] => [iVal36] => [sVal36] => [iVal54] => [sVal54] => [iVal43] => [sVal43] => [iVal61] => [sVal61] => [iVal25] => [sVal25] => [sGuarantee] => do głębokości bieżnika 1,6mm [iSezon] => 5 [fRatingAvg] => [iCommentsCount] => [fCatalogPrice] => 496.99 [fVatValue] => 0.23 [iCanBuy] => 1 [iVariantCount] => 11 [iVisiblePrice] => 1 [aPromoted] => Array ( [5] => 1 ) [iTests] => [sTestLogo] => [sLinkName] => 89799,opona-hankook-225-55r18-ventus-prime3-x-k125a-98v-hy.html [sPrice] => 496.99 [sPriceOld] => 644.78 [aProducer] => Array ( [iProducer] => 112 [sName] => Hankook [sLogoUrl] => opony_hankook.jpg ) [aDataImage] => Array ( [iFile] => 268951 [iProduct] => 89799 [sFileName] => hankook_ventus_prime3_x_k125a.jpg [sDescription] => [iPhoto] => 1 [iPosition] => 0 [iType] => 7 [iSize] => [sTextSearch] => ) [bInStorage] => [bInCompare] => [aAttributes] => Array ( [8] => Array ( [sName] => Typ pojazdu [iPosition] => -90 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [9] => Terenowe 4x4/SUV ) ) [7] => Array ( [sName] => Sezon [iPosition] => -89 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [5] => Letnie ) ) [19] => Array ( [sName] => Rozmiar [iPosition] => -80 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [17122] => 225/55R18 ) ) [18] => Array ( [sName] => Model [iPosition] => -79 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [45014] => VENTUS PRIME3 X K125A ) ) [1] => Array ( [sName] => Szerokość [iPosition] => -53 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [23] => 225 ) ) [2] => Array ( [sName] => Profil [iPosition] => -52 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [43] => 55 ) ) [3] => Array ( [sName] => Średnica [iPosition] => -51 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [58] => 18 ) ) [4] => Array ( [sName] => Index nośności [iPosition] => -50 [sDescription] => 750 kg [aValues] => Array ( [101] => 98 ) ) [5] => Array ( [sName] => Index prędkości [iPosition] => -49 [sDescription] => 240 km/h [aValues] => Array ( [229] => V ) ) [16] => Array ( [sName] => Hamowanie na mokrym [iPosition] => -40 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [241] => B ) ) [15] => Array ( [sName] => Opór toczenia [iPosition] => -39 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [234] => C ) ) [17] => Array ( [sName] => Hałas zewnętrzny [iPosition] => -38 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [269] => 71 ) ) [6] => Array ( [sName] => Liczba fal [iPosition] => -37 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: 2 fale [aValues] => Array ( [55027] => B ) ) [10] => Array ( [sName] => Homologacja [iPosition] => 13 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [66148] => HY ) ) [13] => Array ( [sName] => Rok Produkcji (DOT) [iPosition] => 50 [sDescription] => mniej niż 24 miesiące od daty produkcji [aValues] => Array ( [25296] => MIX [43806] => 2016 [25052] => 2017 [33507] => 2018 [43822] => 2019 [43823] => 2020 [45761] => 2021 [69594] => 2022 [83285] => 2023 [93167] => 2024 [93168] => 2025 ) ) ) [aTests] => Array ( ) [sProducerClass] => hankook ) [3] => Array ( [iProduct] => 141482 [iStatus] => 1 [iNotForSale] => 0 [iPosition] => 0 [sName] => Opona Cooper 225/55R18 DISCOVERER ATT 102H XL [sNameCompare] => [fPrice] => 487.65 [iActiveDiscount] => 1 [fPriceOld] => 955.71 [iVat] => 1 [iNewUsed] => [sCatalogNumber] => 590525 [sProductIndex] => [sDescriptionShort] => [sSearchWords] => L2255518 L2255518H 2255518 2255518H Lato Letnia [sWeight] => 1 [iStockSendAdminMin] => [iProducer] => 174 [iAdmin] => [iLastVisited] => 1734903067 [iTime] => 1663226305 [fKgo] => [iShowPhone] => [sMeasure] => [iCompare] => 1 [iLastModified] => 1663226305 [fBuyPrice] => 424.48 [fPromoPrice] => [sMargin] => [iPriceTimeFrom] => 0 [iPriceTimeTo] => 0 [fPriceTimeValue] => [iPriceTimeMaxCount] => [iPriceTimeCount] => 0 [iCurrencyDependent] => 0 [iFotolia] => 0 [iMinCount] => [iPackageCount] => [i1+50p] => [i2+1] => [iVisibleAll] => 1 [iVisiblePriceAll] => 1 [iCanBuyAll] => 1 [sConversionLabel] => [iMarginIgnore] => 0 [TiStock] => 28 [TiAvailable] => 1 [TiCanBuy] => 1 [TiVariantsCount] => 12 [TiCanBuyOutOfStock] => 0 [sCeneoLink] => [iCeneoTime] => [fCeneoMinMargin] => [iCeneoActive] => [iCeneoBest] => [sAdminInfo] => [fCeneoPrice] => [fCeneoPriceDelivery] => [fAllegroBestPrice] => [fAllegroBestPriceDeliveryCost] => [sAllegroBestUser] => [fAllegroBestPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroBestUserDelivery] => [iAllegroActive] => 0 [iAllegroTime] => [fAllegroOurMin] => [fAllegroOurMinDelivery] => [fAllegroOurPrice] => [fAllegroOurPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroName] => Opona letnia Cooper DISCOVERER ATT 225/55R18 102H XL [sAllegroNameSzablon] => Opona letnia Cooper DISCOVERER ATT 225/55R18 102H XL [iMainCategory] => 66 [iDescPhoto] => 0 [fVolume] => 115088 [fWeightVolume] => 19.18 [iDealavo] => 0 [iProductSatis] => [iPromotedMin] => [prodsName] => Cooper [prodsLogoUrl] => cooper_tires.png [prodsGroupName] => [prodsGroupLogoUrl] => [sProducersClass] => Klasa średnia [iAvailable] => 1 [iVal45] => [sVal45] => [iVal31] => [sVal31] => [iVal39] => [sVal39] => [iVal40] => [sVal40] => [iVal14] => [sVal14] => [iVal62] => [sVal62] => [iVal16] => 242 [sVal16] => C [iVal17] => 270 [sVal17] => 72 [iVal10] => [sVal10] => [iVal4] => 105 [sVal4] => 102 [iVal5] => 217 [sVal5] => H [iVal60] => 80246 [sVal60] => Lekka [iVal58] => [sVal58] => [iVal26] => [sVal26] => [iVal27] => [sVal27] => [iVal28] => [sVal28] => [iVal29] => [sVal29] => [iVal20] => [sVal20] => [iVal51] => [sVal51] => [iVal30] => [sVal30] => [iVal6] => 55027 [sVal6] => B [iVal22] => [sVal22] => [iVal34] => [sVal34] => [iVal18] => 51249 [sVal18] => DISCOVERER ATT [iVal12] => [sVal12] => [iVal21] => [sVal21] => [iVal11] => 3 [sVal11] => Tak [iVal15] => 234 [sVal15] => C [iVal49] => [sVal49] => [iVal24] => [sVal24] => [iVal48] => [sVal48] => [iVal47] => [sVal47] => [iVal41] => [sVal41] => [iVal46] => [sVal46] => [iVal2] => 43 [sVal2] => 55 [iVal50] => [sVal50] => [iVal59] => [sVal59] => [iVal53] => [sVal53] => [iVal13] => [sVal13] => [iVal19] => 17122 [sVal19] => 225/55R18 [iVal23] => [sVal23] => [iVal9] => [sVal9] => [iVal7] => 5 [sVal7] => Letnie [iVal38] => [sVal38] => [iVal3] => 58 [sVal3] => 18 [iVal37] => [sVal37] => [iVal33] => [sVal33] => [iVal32] => [sVal32] => [iVal1] => 23 [sVal1] => 225 [iVal56] => [sVal56] => [iVal55] => [sVal55] => [iVal42] => [sVal42] => [iVal52] => [sVal52] => [iVal8] => 9 [sVal8] => Terenowe 4x4/SUV [iVal35] => [sVal35] => [iVal57] => [sVal57] => [iVal36] => [sVal36] => [iVal54] => [sVal54] => [iVal43] => [sVal43] => [iVal61] => [sVal61] => [iVal25] => [sVal25] => [sGuarantee] => [iSezon] => 5 [fRatingAvg] => [iCommentsCount] => [fCatalogPrice] => 487.65 [fVatValue] => 0.23 [iCanBuy] => 1 [iVariantCount] => 12 [iVisiblePrice] => 1 [aPromoted] => Array ( ) [iTests] => [sTestLogo] => [sLinkName] => 141482,opona-cooper-225-55r18-discoverer-att-102h-xl.html [sPrice] => 487.65 [sPriceOld] => 955.71 [aProducer] => Array ( [iProducer] => 174 [sName] => Cooper [sLogoUrl] => cooper_tires.png ) [aDataImage] => Array ( [iFile] => 380651 [iProduct] => 141482 [sFileName] => cooper_discoverer_att.jpg [sDescription] => [iPhoto] => 1 [iPosition] => 0 [iType] => 7 [iSize] => [sTextSearch] => ) [bInStorage] => [bInCompare] => [aAttributes] => Array ( [8] => Array ( [sName] => Typ pojazdu [iPosition] => -90 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [9] => Terenowe 4x4/SUV ) ) [7] => Array ( [sName] => Sezon [iPosition] => -89 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [5] => Letnie ) ) [19] => Array ( [sName] => Rozmiar [iPosition] => -80 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [17122] => 225/55R18 ) ) [18] => Array ( [sName] => Model [iPosition] => -79 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [51249] => DISCOVERER ATT ) ) [1] => Array ( [sName] => Szerokość [iPosition] => -53 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [23] => 225 ) ) [2] => Array ( [sName] => Profil [iPosition] => -52 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [43] => 55 ) ) [3] => Array ( [sName] => Średnica [iPosition] => -51 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [58] => 18 ) ) [4] => Array ( [sName] => Index nośności [iPosition] => -50 [sDescription] => 850 kg [aValues] => Array ( [105] => 102 ) ) [5] => Array ( [sName] => Index prędkości [iPosition] => -49 [sDescription] => 210 km/h [aValues] => Array ( [217] => H ) ) [16] => Array ( [sName] => Hamowanie na mokrym [iPosition] => -40 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [242] => C ) ) [15] => Array ( [sName] => Opór toczenia [iPosition] => -39 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [234] => C ) ) [17] => Array ( [sName] => Hałas zewnętrzny [iPosition] => -38 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [270] => 72 ) ) [6] => Array ( [sName] => Liczba fal [iPosition] => -37 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: 2 fale [aValues] => Array ( [55027] => B ) ) [11] => Array ( [sName] => Opona wzmacniana (XL/RF) [iPosition] => 22 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [3] => Tak ) ) [13] => Array ( [sName] => Rok Produkcji (DOT) [iPosition] => 50 [sDescription] => mniej niż 24 miesiące od daty produkcji [aValues] => Array ( [25296] => MIX [43807] => 2015 [43806] => 2016 [25052] => 2017 [33507] => 2018 [43822] => 2019 [43823] => 2020 [45761] => 2021 [69594] => 2022 [83285] => 2023 [93167] => 2024 [93168] => 2025 ) ) ) [aTests] => Array ( ) [sProducerClass] => cooper ) [4] => Array ( [iProduct] => 163618 [iStatus] => 1 [iNotForSale] => 0 [iPosition] => 0 [sName] => Opona Toyo 225/55R18 PROXES COMFORT 102W XL [sNameCompare] => [fPrice] => 515.99 [iActiveDiscount] => 1 [fPriceOld] => [iVat] => 1 [iNewUsed] => [sCatalogNumber] => 5102800 [sProductIndex] => 4981910562306 [sDescriptionShort] => [sSearchWords] => L2255518 L2255518W 2255518 2255518W Lato Letnia [sWeight] => 1 [iStockSendAdminMin] => [iProducer] => 120 [iAdmin] => [iLastVisited] => 1734781081 [iTime] => 1727413751 [fKgo] => [iShowPhone] => [sMeasure] => [iCompare] => 1 [iLastModified] => 1727413751 [fBuyPrice] => 438.80 [fPromoPrice] => [sMargin] => [iPriceTimeFrom] => 0 [iPriceTimeTo] => 0 [fPriceTimeValue] => [iPriceTimeMaxCount] => [iPriceTimeCount] => 0 [iCurrencyDependent] => 0 [iFotolia] => 0 [iMinCount] => [iPackageCount] => [i1+50p] => [i2+1] => [iVisibleAll] => 1 [iVisiblePriceAll] => 1 [iCanBuyAll] => 1 [sConversionLabel] => [iMarginIgnore] => 0 [TiStock] => 100 [TiAvailable] => 1 [TiCanBuy] => 1 [TiVariantsCount] => 8 [TiCanBuyOutOfStock] => 0 [sCeneoLink] => [iCeneoTime] => [fCeneoMinMargin] => [iCeneoActive] => [iCeneoBest] => [sAdminInfo] => [fCeneoPrice] => [fCeneoPriceDelivery] => [fAllegroBestPrice] => [fAllegroBestPriceDeliveryCost] => [sAllegroBestUser] => [fAllegroBestPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroBestUserDelivery] => [iAllegroActive] => 0 [iAllegroTime] => [fAllegroOurMin] => [fAllegroOurMinDelivery] => [fAllegroOurPrice] => [fAllegroOurPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroName] => Opona letnia Toyo PROXES COMFORT 225/55R18 102W XL [sAllegroNameSzablon] => Opona letnia Toyo PROXES COMFORT 225/55R18 102W XL [iMainCategory] => 66 [iDescPhoto] => 9215 [fVolume] => 115088 [fWeightVolume] => 19.18 [iDealavo] => 0 [iProductSatis] => [iPromotedMin] => [prodsName] => Toyo [prodsLogoUrl] => toyo_2020.jpg [prodsGroupName] => [prodsGroupLogoUrl] => [sProducersClass] => Klasa średnia [iAvailable] => 1 [iVal45] => [sVal45] => [iVal31] => [sVal31] => [iVal39] => [sVal39] => [iVal40] => [sVal40] => [iVal14] => [sVal14] => [iVal62] => [sVal62] => [iVal16] => 240 [sVal16] => A [iVal17] => 268 [sVal17] => 70 [iVal10] => [sVal10] => [iVal4] => 105 [sVal4] => 102 [iVal5] => 230 [sVal5] => W [iVal60] => 80246 [sVal60] => Lekka [iVal58] => 92522 [sVal58] => 1636940 [iVal26] => [sVal26] => [iVal27] => [sVal27] => [iVal28] => [sVal28] => [iVal29] => [sVal29] => [iVal20] => [sVal20] => [iVal51] => [sVal51] => [iVal30] => 92506 [sVal30] => SERBIA [iVal6] => 55027 [sVal6] => B [iVal22] => [sVal22] => [iVal34] => [sVal34] => [iVal18] => 53384 [sVal18] => PROXES COMFORT [iVal12] => [sVal12] => [iVal21] => [sVal21] => [iVal11] => 3 [sVal11] => Tak [iVal15] => 234 [sVal15] => C [iVal49] => [sVal49] => [iVal24] => [sVal24] => [iVal48] => [sVal48] => [iVal47] => [sVal47] => [iVal41] => [sVal41] => [iVal46] => [sVal46] => [iVal2] => 43 [sVal2] => 55 [iVal50] => [sVal50] => [iVal59] => [sVal59] => [iVal53] => [sVal53] => [iVal13] => [sVal13] => [iVal19] => 17122 [sVal19] => 225/55R18 [iVal23] => [sVal23] => [iVal9] => [sVal9] => [iVal7] => 5 [sVal7] => Letnie [iVal38] => [sVal38] => [iVal3] => 58 [sVal3] => 18 [iVal37] => [sVal37] => [iVal33] => [sVal33] => [iVal32] => [sVal32] => [iVal1] => 23 [sVal1] => 225 [iVal56] => [sVal56] => [iVal55] => [sVal55] => [iVal42] => [sVal42] => [iVal52] => [sVal52] => [iVal8] => 9 [sVal8] => Terenowe 4x4/SUV [iVal35] => [sVal35] => [iVal57] => [sVal57] => [iVal36] => [sVal36] => [iVal54] => [sVal54] => [iVal43] => [sVal43] => [iVal61] => [sVal61] => [iVal25] => [sVal25] => [sGuarantee] => [iSezon] => 5 [fRatingAvg] => [iCommentsCount] => [fCatalogPrice] => 515.99 [fVatValue] => 0.23 [iCanBuy] => 1 [iVariantCount] => 8 [iVisiblePrice] => 1 [aPromoted] => Array ( ) [iTests] => [sTestLogo] => [sLinkName] => 163618,opona-toyo-225-55r18-proxes-comfort-102w-xl.html [sPrice] => 515.99 [sPriceOld] => [aProducer] => Array ( [iProducer] => 120 [sName] => Toyo [sLogoUrl] => toyo_2020.jpg ) [aDataImage] => Array ( [iFile] => 471882 [iProduct] => 163618 [sFileName] => proxes_comfort[1].png [sDescription] => [iPhoto] => 1 [iPosition] => 0 [iType] => 7 [iSize] => [sTextSearch] => ) [bInStorage] => [bInCompare] => [aAttributes] => Array ( [8] => Array ( [sName] => Typ pojazdu [iPosition] => -90 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [9] => Terenowe 4x4/SUV ) ) [7] => Array ( [sName] => Sezon [iPosition] => -89 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [5] => Letnie ) ) [19] => Array ( [sName] => Rozmiar [iPosition] => -80 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [17122] => 225/55R18 ) ) [18] => Array ( [sName] => Model [iPosition] => -79 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [53384] => PROXES COMFORT ) ) [1] => Array ( [sName] => Szerokość [iPosition] => -53 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [23] => 225 ) ) [2] => Array ( [sName] => Profil [iPosition] => -52 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [43] => 55 ) ) [3] => Array ( [sName] => Średnica [iPosition] => -51 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [58] => 18 ) ) [4] => Array ( [sName] => Index nośności [iPosition] => -50 [sDescription] => 850 kg [aValues] => Array ( [105] => 102 ) ) [5] => Array ( [sName] => Index prędkości [iPosition] => -49 [sDescription] => 270 km/h [aValues] => Array ( [230] => W ) ) [16] => Array ( [sName] => Hamowanie na mokrym [iPosition] => -40 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [240] => A ) ) [15] => Array ( [sName] => Opór toczenia [iPosition] => -39 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [234] => C ) ) [17] => Array ( [sName] => Hałas zewnętrzny [iPosition] => -38 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [268] => 70 ) ) [6] => Array ( [sName] => Liczba fal [iPosition] => -37 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: 2 fale [aValues] => Array ( [55027] => B ) ) [58] => Array ( [sName] => Kod EPREL [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [92522] => 1636940 ) ) [30] => Array ( [sName] => Kraj Produkcji [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [92506] => SERBIA ) ) [11] => Array ( [sName] => Opona wzmacniana (XL/RF) [iPosition] => 22 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [3] => Tak ) ) [13] => Array ( [sName] => Rok Produkcji (DOT) [iPosition] => 50 [sDescription] => mniej niż 24 miesiące od daty produkcji [aValues] => Array ( [25296] => MIX [43822] => 2019 [43823] => 2020 [45761] => 2021 [69594] => 2022 [83285] => 2023 [93167] => 2024 [93168] => 2025 ) ) ) [aTests] => Array ( ) [sProducerClass] => toyo ) [5] => Array ( [iProduct] => 119700 [iStatus] => 1 [iNotForSale] => 0 [iPosition] => 0 [sName] => Opona Nexen 225/55R18 N'FERA SPORT SUV 98V [sNameCompare] => [fPrice] => 392.34 [iActiveDiscount] => 1 [fPriceOld] => 12298.77 [iVat] => 1 [iNewUsed] => [sCatalogNumber] => 17995 [sProductIndex] => [sDescriptionShort] => [sSearchWords] => L2255518 L2255518V 2255518 2255518V Lato Letnia [sWeight] => 1 [iStockSendAdminMin] => [iProducer] => 138 [iAdmin] => [iLastVisited] => 1734887857 [iTime] => 1616592357 [fKgo] => [iShowPhone] => [sMeasure] => [iCompare] => 1 [iLastModified] => 1616592357 [fBuyPrice] => 337.35 [fPromoPrice] => [sMargin] => b+5+11+1.5%+10+0.88% [iPriceTimeFrom] => 0 [iPriceTimeTo] => 0 [fPriceTimeValue] => [iPriceTimeMaxCount] => [iPriceTimeCount] => 2 [iCurrencyDependent] => 0 [iFotolia] => 0 [iMinCount] => [iPackageCount] => [i1+50p] => [i2+1] => [iVisibleAll] => 1 [iVisiblePriceAll] => 1 [iCanBuyAll] => 1 [sConversionLabel] => [iMarginIgnore] => 0 [TiStock] => 96 [TiAvailable] => 1 [TiCanBuy] => 1 [TiVariantsCount] => 11 [TiCanBuyOutOfStock] => 0 [sCeneoLink] => [iCeneoTime] => [fCeneoMinMargin] => [iCeneoActive] => [iCeneoBest] => [sAdminInfo] => [fCeneoPrice] => [fCeneoPriceDelivery] => [fAllegroBestPrice] => [fAllegroBestPriceDeliveryCost] => [sAllegroBestUser] => [fAllegroBestPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroBestUserDelivery] => [iAllegroActive] => 0 [iAllegroTime] => [fAllegroOurMin] => [fAllegroOurMinDelivery] => [fAllegroOurPrice] => [fAllegroOurPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroName] => Opona letnia Nexen N'FERA SPORT SUV 225/55R18 98V [sAllegroNameSzablon] => Opona letnia Nexen N'FERA SPORT SUV 225/55R18 98V [iMainCategory] => 66 [iDescPhoto] => 0 [fVolume] => 115088 [fWeightVolume] => 19.18 [iDealavo] => 0 [iProductSatis] => [iPromotedMin] => [prodsName] => Nexen [prodsLogoUrl] => opony_nexen.png [prodsGroupName] => [prodsGroupLogoUrl] => [sProducersClass] => Klasa ekonomiczna [iAvailable] => 1 [iVal45] => [sVal45] => [iVal31] => [sVal31] => [iVal39] => [sVal39] => [iVal40] => [sVal40] => [iVal14] => [sVal14] => [iVal62] => [sVal62] => [iVal16] => 240 [sVal16] => A [iVal17] => 269 [sVal17] => 71 [iVal10] => [sVal10] => [iVal4] => 101 [sVal4] => 98 [iVal5] => 229 [sVal5] => V [iVal60] => 80246 [sVal60] => Lekka [iVal58] => [sVal58] => [iVal26] => [sVal26] => [iVal27] => [sVal27] => [iVal28] => [sVal28] => [iVal29] => [sVal29] => [iVal20] => [sVal20] => [iVal51] => [sVal51] => [iVal30] => [sVal30] => [iVal6] => 55027 [sVal6] => B [iVal22] => [sVal22] => [iVal34] => [sVal34] => [iVal18] => 53304 [sVal18] => N'Fera Sport SUV [iVal12] => [sVal12] => [iVal21] => [sVal21] => [iVal11] => [sVal11] => [iVal15] => 235 [sVal15] => D [iVal49] => [sVal49] => [iVal24] => [sVal24] => [iVal48] => [sVal48] => [iVal47] => [sVal47] => [iVal41] => [sVal41] => [iVal46] => [sVal46] => [iVal2] => 43 [sVal2] => 55 [iVal50] => [sVal50] => [iVal59] => [sVal59] => [iVal53] => [sVal53] => [iVal13] => [sVal13] => [iVal19] => 17122 [sVal19] => 225/55R18 [iVal23] => [sVal23] => [iVal9] => [sVal9] => [iVal7] => 5 [sVal7] => Letnie [iVal38] => [sVal38] => [iVal3] => 58 [sVal3] => 18 [iVal37] => [sVal37] => [iVal33] => [sVal33] => [iVal32] => [sVal32] => [iVal1] => 23 [sVal1] => 225 [iVal56] => [sVal56] => [iVal55] => [sVal55] => [iVal42] => [sVal42] => [iVal52] => [sVal52] => [iVal8] => 9 [sVal8] => Terenowe 4x4/SUV [iVal35] => [sVal35] => [iVal57] => [sVal57] => [iVal36] => [sVal36] => [iVal54] => [sVal54] => [iVal43] => [sVal43] => [iVal61] => [sVal61] => [iVal25] => [sVal25] => [sGuarantee] => [iSezon] => 5 [fRatingAvg] => [iCommentsCount] => [fCatalogPrice] => 392.34 [fVatValue] => 0.23 [iCanBuy] => 1 [iVariantCount] => 11 [iVisiblePrice] => 1 [aPromoted] => Array ( ) [iTests] => [sTestLogo] => [sLinkName] => 119700,opona-nexen-225-55r18-n-fera-sport-suv-98v.html [sPrice] => 392.34 [sPriceOld] => 12298.77 [aProducer] => Array ( [iProducer] => 138 [sName] => Nexen [sLogoUrl] => opony_nexen.png ) [aDataImage] => Array ( [iFile] => 375670 [iProduct] => 119700 [sFileName] => nexen_n_fera_sport_suv.jpg [sDescription] => [iPhoto] => 1 [iPosition] => 0 [iType] => 7 [iSize] => [sTextSearch] => ) [bInStorage] => [bInCompare] => [aAttributes] => Array ( [8] => Array ( [sName] => Typ pojazdu [iPosition] => -90 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [9] => Terenowe 4x4/SUV ) ) [7] => Array ( [sName] => Sezon [iPosition] => -89 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [5] => Letnie ) ) [19] => Array ( [sName] => Rozmiar [iPosition] => -80 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [17122] => 225/55R18 ) ) [18] => Array ( [sName] => Model [iPosition] => -79 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [53304] => N'Fera Sport SUV ) ) [1] => Array ( [sName] => Szerokość [iPosition] => -53 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [23] => 225 ) ) [2] => Array ( [sName] => Profil [iPosition] => -52 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [43] => 55 ) ) [3] => Array ( [sName] => Średnica [iPosition] => -51 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [58] => 18 ) ) [4] => Array ( [sName] => Index nośności [iPosition] => -50 [sDescription] => 750 kg [aValues] => Array ( [101] => 98 ) ) [5] => Array ( [sName] => Index prędkości [iPosition] => -49 [sDescription] => 240 km/h [aValues] => Array ( [229] => V ) ) [16] => Array ( [sName] => Hamowanie na mokrym [iPosition] => -40 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [240] => A ) ) [15] => Array ( [sName] => Opór toczenia [iPosition] => -39 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: D, E [aValues] => Array ( [235] => D ) ) [17] => Array ( [sName] => Hałas zewnętrzny [iPosition] => -38 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [269] => 71 ) ) [6] => Array ( [sName] => Liczba fal [iPosition] => -37 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: 2 fale [aValues] => Array ( [55027] => B ) ) [13] => Array ( [sName] => Rok Produkcji (DOT) [iPosition] => 50 [sDescription] => mniej niż 24 miesiące od daty produkcji [aValues] => Array ( [25296] => MIX [43806] => 2016 [25052] => 2017 [33507] => 2018 [43822] => 2019 [43823] => 2020 [45761] => 2021 [69594] => 2022 [83285] => 2023 [93167] => 2024 [93168] => 2025 ) ) ) [aTests] => Array ( ) [sProducerClass] => nexen ) [6] => Array ( [iProduct] => 89520 [iStatus] => 1 [iNotForSale] => 0 [iPosition] => 0 [sName] => Opona BFGoodrich 225/55R18 ADVANTAGE SUV 98V [sNameCompare] => [fPrice] => 450.66 [iActiveDiscount] => 1 [fPriceOld] => 746.00 [iVat] => 1 [iNewUsed] => [sCatalogNumber] => 691128 [sProductIndex] => 3528706911286 [sDescriptionShort] => [sSearchWords] => L2255518 L2255518V 2255518 2255518V Lato Letnia [sWeight] => 1 [iStockSendAdminMin] => [iProducer] => 104 [iAdmin] => [iLastVisited] => 1734887510 [iTime] => 1579681198 [fKgo] => [iShowPhone] => [sMeasure] => [iCompare] => 1 [iLastModified] => 1579681198 [fBuyPrice] => 394.63 [fPromoPrice] => [sMargin] => b+5+11+1.5%+10+0.88% [iPriceTimeFrom] => 0 [iPriceTimeTo] => 0 [fPriceTimeValue] => [iPriceTimeMaxCount] => [iPriceTimeCount] => 0 [iCurrencyDependent] => 0 [iFotolia] => 0 [iMinCount] => [iPackageCount] => [i1+50p] => [i2+1] => [iVisibleAll] => 1 [iVisiblePriceAll] => 1 [iCanBuyAll] => 1 [sConversionLabel] => [iMarginIgnore] => 0 [TiStock] => 38 [TiAvailable] => 1 [TiCanBuy] => 1 [TiVariantsCount] => 11 [TiCanBuyOutOfStock] => 0 [sCeneoLink] => [iCeneoTime] => [fCeneoMinMargin] => [iCeneoActive] => [iCeneoBest] => [sAdminInfo] => [fCeneoPrice] => [fCeneoPriceDelivery] => [fAllegroBestPrice] => [fAllegroBestPriceDeliveryCost] => [sAllegroBestUser] => [fAllegroBestPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroBestUserDelivery] => [iAllegroActive] => 0 [iAllegroTime] => [fAllegroOurMin] => [fAllegroOurMinDelivery] => [fAllegroOurPrice] => [fAllegroOurPriceDelivery] => [sAllegroName] => Opona letnia BFGoodrich ADVANTAGE SUV 225/55R18 98V [sAllegroNameSzablon] => Opona letnia BFGoodrich ADVANTAGE SUV 225/55R18 98V [iMainCategory] => 66 [iDescPhoto] => 8360 [fVolume] => 115088 [fWeightVolume] => 19.18 [iDealavo] => 0 [iProductSatis] => [iPromotedMin] => [prodsName] => BFGoodrich [prodsLogoUrl] => opony_bfgoodrich.jpg [prodsGroupName] => Michelin [prodsGroupLogoUrl] => opony_michelin[1].jpg [sProducersClass] => Klasa średnia [iAvailable] => 1 [iVal45] => [sVal45] => [iVal31] => [sVal31] => [iVal39] => [sVal39] => [iVal40] => [sVal40] => [iVal14] => [sVal14] => [iVal62] => [sVal62] => [iVal16] => 240 [sVal16] => A [iVal17] => 268 [sVal17] => 70 [iVal10] => [sVal10] => [iVal4] => 101 [sVal4] => 98 [iVal5] => 229 [sVal5] => V [iVal60] => 80246 [sVal60] => Lekka [iVal58] => 64256 [sVal58] => 411669 [iVal26] => [sVal26] => [iVal27] => [sVal27] => [iVal28] => [sVal28] => [iVal29] => [sVal29] => [iVal20] => [sVal20] => [iVal51] => [sVal51] => [iVal30] => [sVal30] => [iVal6] => 55027 [sVal6] => B [iVal22] => [sVal22] => [iVal34] => [sVal34] => [iVal18] => 45802 [sVal18] => ADVANTAGE SUV [iVal12] => [sVal12] => [iVal21] => [sVal21] => [iVal11] => [sVal11] => [iVal15] => 234 [sVal15] => C [iVal49] => [sVal49] => [iVal24] => [sVal24] => [iVal48] => [sVal48] => [iVal47] => [sVal47] => [iVal41] => [sVal41] => [iVal46] => [sVal46] => [iVal2] => 43 [sVal2] => 55 [iVal50] => [sVal50] => [iVal59] => [sVal59] => [iVal53] => [sVal53] => [iVal13] => [sVal13] => [iVal19] => 17122 [sVal19] => 225/55R18 [iVal23] => [sVal23] => [iVal9] => [sVal9] => [iVal7] => 5 [sVal7] => Letnie [iVal38] => [sVal38] => [iVal3] => 58 [sVal3] => 18 [iVal37] => [sVal37] => [iVal33] => [sVal33] => [iVal32] => [sVal32] => [iVal1] => 23 [sVal1] => 225 [iVal56] => [sVal56] => [iVal55] => [sVal55] => [iVal42] => [sVal42] => [iVal52] => [sVal52] => [iVal8] => 9 [sVal8] => Terenowe 4x4/SUV [iVal35] => [sVal35] => [iVal57] => [sVal57] => [iVal36] => [sVal36] => [iVal54] => [sVal54] => [iVal43] => [sVal43] => [iVal61] => [sVal61] => [iVal25] => [sVal25] => [sGuarantee] => 10 lat [iSezon] => 5 [fRatingAvg] => [iCommentsCount] => [fCatalogPrice] => 450.66 [fVatValue] => 0.23 [iCanBuy] => 1 [iVariantCount] => 11 [iVisiblePrice] => 1 [aPromoted] => Array ( ) [iTests] => [sTestLogo] => [sLinkName] => 89520,opona-bfgoodrich-225-55r18-advantage-suv-98v.html [sPrice] => 450.66 [sPriceOld] => 746.00 [aProducer] => Array ( [iProducer] => 104 [sName] => BFGoodrich [sLogoUrl] => opony_bfgoodrich.jpg ) [aDataImage] => Array ( [iFile] => 467571 [iProduct] => 89520 [sFileName] => bfgoodrich_advantage_suv.png [sDescription] => [iPhoto] => 1 [iPosition] => 0 [iType] => 7 [iSize] => [sTextSearch] => ) [bInStorage] => [bInCompare] => [aAttributes] => Array ( [8] => Array ( [sName] => Typ pojazdu [iPosition] => -90 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [9] => Terenowe 4x4/SUV ) ) [7] => Array ( [sName] => Sezon [iPosition] => -89 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [5] => Letnie ) ) [19] => Array ( [sName] => Rozmiar [iPosition] => -80 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [17122] => 225/55R18 ) ) [18] => Array ( [sName] => Model [iPosition] => -79 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [45802] => ADVANTAGE SUV ) ) [1] => Array ( [sName] => Szerokość [iPosition] => -53 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [23] => 225 ) ) [2] => Array ( [sName] => Profil [iPosition] => -52 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [43] => 55 ) ) [3] => Array ( [sName] => Średnica [iPosition] => -51 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [58] => 18 ) ) [4] => Array ( [sName] => Index nośności [iPosition] => -50 [sDescription] => 750 kg [aValues] => Array ( [101] => 98 ) ) [5] => Array ( [sName] => Index prędkości [iPosition] => -49 [sDescription] => 240 km/h [aValues] => Array ( [229] => V ) ) [16] => Array ( [sName] => Hamowanie na mokrym [iPosition] => -40 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [240] => A ) ) [15] => Array ( [sName] => Opór toczenia [iPosition] => -39 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [234] => C ) ) [17] => Array ( [sName] => Hałas zewnętrzny [iPosition] => -38 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [268] => 70 ) ) [6] => Array ( [sName] => Liczba fal [iPosition] => -37 [sDescription] => Wcześniejsze oznaczenie: 2 fale [aValues] => Array ( [55027] => B ) ) [58] => Array ( [sName] => Kod EPREL [iPosition] => 0 [sDescription] => [aValues] => Array ( [64256] => 411669 ) ) [13] => Array ( [sName] => Rok Produkcji (DOT) [iPosition] => 50 [sDescription] => mniej niż 24 miesiące od daty produkcji [aValues] => Array ( [25296] => MIX [43806] => 2016 [25052] => 2017 [33507] => 2018 [43822] => 2019 [43823] => 2020 [45761] => 2021 [69594] => 2022 [83285] => 2023 [93167] => 2024 [93168] => 2025 ) ) ) [aTests] => Array ( ) [sProducerClass] => bfgoodrich ) ) [sLinkNamePages] => [sLinkName] => ? [iList] => 8 [sTitle] => Produkty podobne do Opona Toyo 225/55R18 R37 98H XL [sProductsShow] => BOXES [iWidthType] => 100 ) ) [aTheSameProducts] => Array ( ) ) 1-->

Produkty podobne do Opona Toyo 225/55R18 R37 98H XL

  • Klasa premium
  • Gwarancja 5 lat

SP SPORT MAXX RT 2 SUV ikona sezonu

225/55R18 98 V paliwo C | deszcz B | poziom hałasu B 71dB

  • Klasa średnia
  • Gwarancja do głębokości bieżnika 1,6mm

K135A ikona sezonu

225/55R18 98 V paliwo | deszcz | poziom hałasu dB

  • Klasa średnia
  • Homologacja HY
  • Gwarancja do głębokości bieżnika 1,6mm

VENTUS PRIME3 X K125A ikona sezonu

225/55R18 98 V paliwo C | deszcz B | poziom hałasu B 71dB

  • Klasa średnia

DISCOVERER ATT ikona sezonu

225/55R18 102 H XL paliwo C | deszcz C | poziom hałasu B 72dB

  • Klasa średnia

PROXES COMFORT ikona sezonu

225/55R18 102 W XL paliwo C | deszcz A | poziom hałasu B 70dB

  • Klasa ekonomiczna

N'Fera Sport SUV ikona sezonu

225/55R18 98 V paliwo D | deszcz A | poziom hałasu B 71dB

  • Klasa średnia
  • Gwarancja 10 lat

ADVANTAGE SUV ikona sezonu

225/55R18 98 V paliwo C | deszcz A | poziom hałasu B 70dB

O producencie Toyo

Japońskie przedsiębiorstwo założone w 1945 roku przez Rikimatsu Tomihisaego. W 1966 roku Toyo Tires stało się pierwszym japońskim producentem opon z własną filią w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Pierwsze opony marki Toyo wyprodukowano w USA w latach 80, kiedy to firma zaczęła produkcję opon na terenie Mount Vernon w stanie Illinois. Dzięki temu klienci uzyskali szybszy dostęp do produktów i został zmniejszony koszt i czas transportu. Dziś amerykańska siedziba firmy w Cypress w stanie Kalifornia nie jest już małym biurem, dystrybucja jest obsługiwana przez magazyny o powierzchni niemal stu tysięcy metrów kwadratowych w Południowej Kalifornii i magazyny w Georgii, Illinois, Pensylwanii oraz Teksasie.

W Stanach Zjednoczonych Toyo było wielokrotnie nagradzane pierwszym miejscem w corocznym badaniu rynku opon przeprowadzanego przez The Tire Review wśród dealerów z Ameryki Północnej jak i również zdobyły pierwsze miejsce w kategorii marka aż siedmiokrotnie od 2000 roku! Żadnej innej marce wcześniej się to nie udało.

Aby sprostać wymaganiom konsumentów, Toyo Tires zostało liderem w dziedzinie wypełniaczy i nowych rozwiązań. Od późnych lat 90. firma była autorem kilku kluczowych zmian w branży. Gdy rynek tuningowanych samochodów kompaktowych eksplodował, Toyo odpowiedziało bardzo wydajnymi oponami o szerokiej feldze i niskim profilu. Szybko modne w samochodach osobowych stały się opony, których wielkość sięgała 18 cali, coś o czym nikt nie słyszał jeszcze rok wcześniej Od lat 90. wielkość felgi nadal rosła. Toyo znów nadało tempo wprowadzając na rynek w 2008 pierwsze na świecie 25- i 26-calowe opony do samochodów osobowych. Niespełna niż rok później wyszły na rynek nasze 30-calowe opony.

W skład Toyo Tires Europe GmbH wchodzą trzy mniejsze firmy sprzedażowe i dystrybutorzy na wszystkich większych rynkach europejskich. Opony pokrywają cały wachlarz rynkowych wymagań: od super wydajnej inspirowanych wyścigami linii Proxes, przez linię Open Country dla samochodów 4x4 i SUV-ów, Enviromental Proxes Ne aż do szerokiej gamy opon do ciężarówek.

Toyo kładzie największy nacisk na innowacje, jakość oraz wydajność.

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Opinie naszych Klientów

Zaufanie klientów, które zdobywamy przez lata, to siła naszej marki. Liczne nagrody i wyróżnienia, autoryzacje największych koncernów oponiarskich na świecie, czynią nas partnerem godnym zaufania.


Ocena na podstawie 1735 opinii


Klientów poleca nasz sklep

Niezwykle pomocna obsługa Klienta. Doradzili, dopasowali, wybrali najlepsze opony w moim budżecie. Polecam tego sprzedawcę, na pewno będę do nich wracał.



Świetnie działający konfigurator doboru opon. W kilku krokach znalazłem opony do samochodu, który ma różne szerokości opon na osiach.


Paweł Sapiecha

Bardzo fajna strona. Prosta w obsłudze wyszukiwarka opon. Wszystko czytelne. Opony tańsze jak u konkurencji. Opony dostałem na 2 dzień. Obsługa Klienta TOP. Polecam każdemu.


Ania Kolasińska

Bądź na bieżąco, zapisz się na newsletter a otrzymasz kupon rabatowy na wybrany komplet opon/felg o wartości 3%!

Opony i Alufelgi

SATIS Sp. z o.o.

Antoniny Grygowej 27
20-260 Lublin

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